Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

NEWS@IT - Latest issue

by IT on 18-03-2024
NEWS@IT ISSUE 112 International Women's Day

Our latest NEWS@IT ISSUE 112 has been released! Be sure to explore your email inbox for a glimpse. 


In this edition, we highlight:

  • Editorial by José Carlos Pedro
  • On the 8th of March, we caught up with Helena Maria Geirinhas
  • Susana Sargento among 50 top Portuguese women in the “startup” ecosystem
  • Nélson Muga talked to "90 Segundos de Ciência" about QuantaGenomics project
  • Instituto de Telecomunicações features on Perspectiva Actual Special Issue dedicated to the Research in Portugal
  • QuantSecure idea won 3rd place in the 4th edition of IN3+ Award
  • PROJECT SNAPSHOT | EVASION - EVent Aware Sensor CompresSION
  • PhDsHostedbyIT | Catching up with... Nuno Rodrigues
  • PhDsHostedbyIT | Catching up with... Esther Mora
  • WAYN | Catching up with... João Santinha

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