“QuantSecure - Authentication with non-clonable quantum photonic identifiers” was one of the three awarded (3rd place) ideas, within the scope of the 4th edition of the IN3+ Award, the biggest award for supporting and promoting research and innovation in Portugal.
Authentication with non-clonable quantum photonic identifiers aims to solve the problem of limited security existing in the procedures used to authenticate devices, objects, or users, combining high-performance security elements, such as non-clonable physical functions – PUFs, with solutions innovative solutions based on the quantum properties of light.
The authors of the idea are Paulo Mateus (IT – IST), Emmanuel Zambrini Cruzeiro (IT – IST), and Paulo André (IT – IST), from IT Quantum Technologies group, and Rute Ferreira (University of Aveiro).
IN3+ is an INCM initiative, Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, in partnership with ANI, the Agência Nacional de Inovação, and with the high patronage of the President of the Portuguese Republic.