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ScientISST at FIC.A: International Festival of Science 2022 with the demo “Democratize Biosignal Acquisition”

by IT on 10-10-2022
Demo ScientISST FICA - International Festival of Science 2022 Biosignals Bioengineering Pattern Recognition and Automatic Learning

The ScientISST group of IT, coordinated by Hugo Silva, will be presenting the demo “Democratize Biosignal Acquisition” on 14th October 2022 at FIC.A - International Festival of Science 2022 (FICA – Festival Internacional de Ciência).

Biosignals have had a transformative role in multiple aspects of society, which go beyond the domains of health sciences with which they were traditionally associated. While biomedical engineering is a classic discipline where the topic is widely addressed, today physiological data is a subject of interest to students, researchers, and hobbyists in areas ranging from arts, programming, and engineering, among others. Regardless of the context, in this demo, ScientISST group from IT-IST will explore tools, including low-cost hardware and software, designed to allow anyone to develop their projects and applications involving biosignals. The hardware consists of a modular biosignal acquisition system with wireless communication that can be used to acquire data in real time, interface with other devices (eg, the computer), or perform rapid prototyping of end-user applications. The software includes a set of programming APIs and modules for biosignal processing.

The “Democratize Biosignal Acquisition” demo will be complemented by a lecture given by Hugo Silva, on the same day, starting at 10 am, with the theme “The Creative Destruction of Medicine”:

In the US alone, there are nearly twice as many heart attacks reported annually as house fires. However, a typical home has multiple fire detectors and virtually no way to detect cardiovascular problems. While wearable systems (commonly known as wearable) have contributed to widespread and make health status monitoring an integral part of people's daily lives, biomedical instrumentation can take health monitoring a step further. By incorporating biomedical sensors in the environment surrounding the subject, in a more integrated way, the assessment of their health status can become much more ubiquitous. While this approach does not "replace" traditional methods, it can act as an adjunct to conventional medical care. In this talk, we will briefly introduce recent advances in the field of health and quality of life monitoring, describing some of the ways in which sensors can be incorporated into our daily lives, presenting practical examples of conceptual tools and facilities that illustrate how habitable spaces of the future can become an "invisible doctor".

FICA takes place from October 10th to 16th at TagusPARk IST, in Oeiras.


Watch the teaser prepared with the team! 

Further information on the page of the event: