Catarina Belchior, a Ph.D. Student of Electrical Engineering at the University of Aveiro and a junior researcher from IT-Aveiro, supervised by Luís Cótimos Nunes and Pedro Cabral, was awarded 1st place in the Student Paper Competition at the 2022 International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Circuits (INMMiC).
The winning paper, entitled “Output Impedance Profile Selection in Sequential LMBAs using an Automatic Method” proposes a methodology that enables the automation of the optimum impedance profiles’ selection in a power amplifier. For wideband operation, the impedance selection is quite challenging requiring a careful analysis that is dependent on the designer’s experience. The presented work intends to solve that issue, minimizing human intervention and its inherent limitations.
Three prize winners have been selected by a weighted sum of the paper review score, the presentation score from a judge panel, and an audience poll based on a 1 minute video where they had to explain their research in non-specialist terms.
The conference was held in Cardiff (UK) on April 7-8, 2022. The winners of the competition were awarded a certificate and a cash prize.
On the photo: From the left, Ph.D. Student Catarina Belchior (1st place); Professor Paul J. Tasker, conference chair from Cardiff University; Ph.D. Student Eva Cattogio (2nd place); Ph.D. Student Ehsan Azad (3rd place).