Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

STEAM-City project featured on “UAU – Ciência Sem Limites”

by IT on 14-12-2021
Project Smart Cities Wireless technologies STEAM-City Aveiro

STEAM-City Aveiro project was the theme of Ep 3: Smart Cities of “UAU – Ciência Sem Limites”, on RTP3.

STEAM-City Aveiro is a European project for the construction of a multi-technology communication infrastructure in Aveiro to support innovative services in the areas of mobility, environment, and energy.

The project is local coordinated by Susana Sargento (IT-UA), together with the team Nuno Borges de Carvalho (IT-UA), Arnaldo Oliveira (IT-UA), Miguel Luís (IT-ISEL), Carlos Senna (IT-UA) and Pedro Rito (IT-UA).

“UAU – Ciência Sem Limites” is a science and technology magazine produced by the University of Aveiro, in partnership with RTP3, to make known the research of the University of Aveiro in areas that touch the Sustainable Development Goals and the great challenges of our time.

Watch it on channel Youtube of University of Aveiro (video credits).

Also, soon be available on RTP Play:

More on this project: