The Master's dissertation entitled "Dual Band Beam Scanning Antenna for the Satellite Ka-Band Based on Rotary Transmit Arrays, from João Leandro Câmara Serra, supervised by Carlos Fernandes, Sérgio Matos and João Felício, won the 2021 Best Thesis Award in the area of Telecommunications, from the Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications and the Consorcium of Engeneering Schools (APD-CEE).
The disseration proposes an innovative low profile, very low-cost beam scanning ka-band antenna for the user terminal of mobile satellite internet systems, at 30 GHz.
The Best Thesis Award 2021, intends to distinguish the best master's theses in the fields of information technology, telecommunications and multimedia. It is part of a partnership between the Consortium of Engineering Schools, which includes Instituto Superior Técnico, and the Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications (APDC).