A platform to connect vehicles to everything
by IT on 31-03-2020
Veniam has developed a V2X data platform that wants to help improve people's quality of life by providing safer mobility. In the future, vehicles must be able to easily communicate with each other as well with their surrounding environment. This exchanging of data is known as vehicle-to-everything communication, or V2X.
The startup is building the internet of moving things, where all vehicles are connected with each other and the internet. Veniam's software combines architectures for multiple smart grids with low latency, ensuring that the vehicle stays connected. The platform can be extended to various technologies, such as robots, sensors, drones, and other moving machines that need to communicate with each other and with the cloud.
Founded in 2012, the startup origin dates back to a wide range of research projects that were developed at IT in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, together with the University of Aveiro, the MIT and Carneggie Mellon. João Barros, together with Susana Sargento (IT/UA), developed the idea in Portugal, later joining Robin Chase and Roy Russell, from the carsharing company Zipcar, to create Veniam. The company is currently present in Europe, Asia and the USA, with its headquarter located in Silicon Valley.