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Technology developed at IT received the Pedagogical Innovation Award 2016 of the UP

by IT on 12-02-2017
Miguel Coimbra (IT) and Gerardo Oliveira (Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto) were distinguished in the Pedagogical Innovation Awards 2016 of the University of Porto for their project “Ensino Interactivo e avaliação da auscultação cardiopolmunar através de pacientes virtuais”.

In this project, medical students of the FMUP used the IS4Learning, an auscultation simulator that allows training cardiopulmonary auscultation skills by using an electronic stethoscope and a tablet.

The IS4learning was licenced to the FMUP by IS4Health, a start-up co-founded by Daniel Pereira (IT and CINTESIS), Miguel Coimbra and Pedro Gomes (both from IT), and Ricardo Correia (CINTESIS), that licences technology developed at IT.