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Mário Silveirinha´s work on the APS journals Editors´ spotlight for the third time

by IT on 05-02-2017
Mário Silveirinha, from IT, and his research team had three papers featured as Editors´ Suggestions on the Physical Review B of the American Physical Society – APS journals.

As stated on the PRB announcement, the Editors´ Suggestions lists “a small number of papers published in Physical Review B that the editors and referees find of particular interest, importance, or clarity”.

After the papers “Single-Beam Optical Conveyor Belt for Chiral Particles” and “Wave instabilities and unidirectional light flow in a cavity with rotating walls” that appeared on the Editors´ Suggestions in July and September of the last year, a third paper entitled “P.T.D symmetry-protected scattering anomaly in optics” has just been highlighted on the January 2017 edition of the PRB. As Mário Silveirinha told us “It is rewarding to see that our works raise interest and enthusiasm in fellow colleagues”.

Physical Review B is one of the largest and most comprehensive international journals in condensed matter and materials physics