Academic position: | Researcher |
Joining date: | 01-08-2013 |
Roles in IT: | Researcher |
Thematic Line: | Wireless Technologies |
Group: | Antennas and Propagation – Lr |
Acronym | Name | Funding Agency | Start date | Ending date |
TERRAMETA | Terahertz Reconfigurable Metasurfaces for ultra-high rate wireless communications | EU/Horizon Europe | 01-01-2023 | 01-01-2026 |
Acronym | Name | Funding Agency | Start date | Ending date |
e-Beaming | Electronically Reconfigurable FSS-inspired Transmitarray for Two Dimensional Beamsteering | IT/LA | 01-02-2017 | 01-12-2018 |
RADAVANT | RADAVANT RAdar para Detection and Avoidance em Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados | Radar for Detection and Avoidance in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | FEDER/PO CENTRO/SI-IDT, FEDER | 03-09-2018 | 31-08-2020 |
SST 2020 | Space Surveillance and Tracking 2020 | EU/H2020, Ministério da Defesa | 26-05-2020 | 30-06-2023 |
WSN_EM | Wireless Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring | FCT | 01-09-2018 | 31-08-2022 |