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... Henrique Leonel Gomes

Thematic Line Coordinator

Henrique Gomes

Academic position: Associate Professor
Joining date: 31-03-2012
Roles in IT: Thematic Line Coordinator
Senior Researcher
Thematic Line: Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies
Group: Organic Electronics - Co

Email: Send Email
Address: University of Coimbra
Faculty of Sciences and Technology
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pólo II - Universidade de Coimbra • 3030-290 Coimbra • Portugal
Tel. | Phone: +351 239 796 280 (Ext. 42 1359)

Tel: 96 8285550

Alternative Personal Web Page


Henrique Leonel Gomes is Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Coimbra University, Coimbra, Portugal. He heads the Organic Electronics and Bioelectronics research group.
He was awarded BSc in Physics from the Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal and a PhD in Electronic Engineering in 1994 from the University of Wales, Bangor.
His research interests have been directed towards the electrical characterisation of electronic devices such as field effect transistors, diodes and capacitor structures. He has a recognized experience in small signal impedance measurement techniques. In the field of organic electronics, key contributions include (i) studies of gate bias stress in organic transistors, (ii) systematic investigation of polymer Schottky diodes and understanding their ac small signal response through equivalent circuit modelling, (iii) studies of resistive switching on polymer-based memory devices (plastic-RRAMs). Since 2000, his research activities have expanded to encompass the interaction between electronic devices and living cells to develop biosensors and biomedical devices.
Henrique Gomes established at the Coimbra University a renowned infrastructure that provides a broad range of electrical measuring techniques to evaluate device performance, electrical stability, electrical noise and device reliability. His research laboratory has established a number of active collaborations with academia and with European companies, namely with Philips Research labs at Eindhoven, (NL) where together with Prof. Dago de Leeuw he published numerous papers on the characterization of organic field effect transistors (OFETs), organic light emitting diode (OLEDs), and resistive switching memory devices.
His most relevant and highly cited work was the study of the operational stability of organic thin film transistors.
Henrique Gomes has been involved in several European projects of the FP7 and H2020 programes in the areas of printed and flexible organic electronics and bioelectronics.
Currently his research group is comprised of 3 PhD students. Their research topics are related with the development and characterization of implantable devices to record and stimulate bioelectrical signals from living cells and tissues.

Scientific Achievements

  • Agregação, Universidade do Algarve, 01-01-2012
  • PhD, University of Bangor, 31-03-1994
  • Universidade de Coimbra, 01-09-2020, Associado com agregação
  • Electrical Characterization
  • Organic Electronics
  • Resistive memories
  • Biosensors and Bioelectronics
As Supervisor
  • H.L. Gomes, Organic Field Effect Transistors, Chapter in, Organic and Printed Electronics: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC, CRC Press, New York, 2016
  • H.L. Gomes, H.L. Gomes, Chapter 3-Molecular, Polymer and hybrid organic memory devices (OMDs)”, Chapter in, Advances in Non-volatile Memory and Storage Technology, Y. Nishi,, Woodhead Publishing, 2014
  • H.L. Gomes, Inkjet-printed devices and circuits for ultra-low frequency applications, Brasilian MRS Meeting XXII B-MRS Meeting, Santos (São Paulo), Brazil, September, 2024 | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, Design of sensing devices using electrical double-layers and impedance spectroscopy, The 12th Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and its Applications BDS, Lisboa, Portugal, September, 2024,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, Ultra-low noise organic based devices to record bioelectrical signals in non-excitable cell populations: Applications in anticancer drug screening platforms, Innovations in Large Area Electronics Conference InnoLAE, Cambridge, United Kingdom, February, 2023 | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, Neuromorphic devices based on organic/inorganic nanocomposites, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Workshop on Neuromorphic Organic Devices, Creta, Greece, October, 2022,
    | Abstract
    | Full text (PDF 3 MBs) | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, High anisotropic self-assembled multilayered films for field effect transistor applications, Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits held in Europe WOCSDICE, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, July, 2022 | Full text (PDF 3 MBs) | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, M. Maradiyab, R. Félix, D. Power, N. E. Santos, F. Oliveira, M. Liehr, S. Braga, J. C. Mendes, Polycrystalline diamond thin films for in vitro electrophysiological sensing devices, European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) - Fall Meeting EMRS Fall, Warsaw, Poland, September, 2021,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, M. C. R. Medeiros, Electro-Optical Techniques to Measure Traps in Organic-Based Devices: Why the Methods Originally Developed for Silicon-Based Devices Must be Modified, Electrochemical Society ECS Meeting Abstracts Electrochemical Society ECS ECS, Chicago, United States, Vol. MA2021-01 1045, pp. -, May, 2021,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • J. A. Reis, M. C. R. Medeiros, H.L. Gomes, Nano and micro-structured electrophysiological sensing electrodes: The effects of the geometry on signal quality, IEEE IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology IEEE Nano, Cork, Ireland, July, 2018 | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, Ultrasensitive bioelectronic devices based on conducting polymers for electrophysiology studies, PRAGUE MEETING ON MACROMOLECULES PMM, Prague, Czech Republic, September, 2017,
    | Abstract
    | Full text (PDF 6 MBs) | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, Ultrasensitive bioelectronic devices based on conducting polymers for electrophysiology studies, PRAGUE MEETING ON MACROMOLECULES PMM, Prague, Czech Republic, September, 2017,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, S. Asgarifar, Characterization of Electrochemically Gated Graphene Field-Effect Transistor for Bioelectronic Applications, ECS Meeting Abstracts Electrochemical Society ECS, Washington, United States, June, 2017,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, P. Inácio, S. Asgarifar, M. C. R. Medeiros, Extracellular signal recordings using conducting polymer based electrodes: Driving down the detection limits to nanovolt range, European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) - Spring Meeting - E-MRS, Strasbourg, France, May, 2017,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, Extracellular electrical recordings using poly (L-lactic) acid coated electrodes, Conf. da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais - Materiais, Aveiro, Portugal, April, 2017,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • M. C. R. Medeiros, H.L. Gomes, et. al., Performance assessment of polymer based electrodes for in vitro electrophysiological sensing: the role of the electrode impedance, SPIE, San Diego, United States, Vol. 9944, pp. 1 - 8, September, 2016,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, Whole organic electronic synapses for dopamine detection, SPIE - Organic Optoelectronics and Photonics III, San Diego, United States, Vol. 9944, pp. 9944-P1 - 9944-P7, September, 2016,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, S. Asgarifar, Electrochemically Gated Graphene Field-Effect Transistor for Extracellular Cell Signal Recording, Doctoral Conf. on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems - DOCEIS, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 470, pp. 558 - 564, April, 2016,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • B. F. Bory, R.F Rocha, H.L. Gomes, D.D.M. de Leeuw, S.C.J. Meskers, Charge trapping at the polymer-metal oxide interface as a first step in the electroforming of organic-inorganic memory diodes, SPIE, San Diego, United States, Vol. 9569, pp. NA - NA, September, 2015,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • M. C. R. Medeiros, L. Alcácer, H.L. Gomes, Ink-jet printed polymer electrodes to record extracellular calcium waves produced by neuronal cell populations in vitro, European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) - Spring Meeting - E-MRS, Lille, France, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 15, May, 2015 | BibTex
  • M. C. R. Medeiros, H.L. Gomes, et. al., Semiconducting polymer micro-electrodes and electrical noise based techniques as a tool to probe living cells in vitro, Materials Research Society Symp., Boston, United States, Vol., pp. 1 - 1, December, 2014 | BibTex
  • M. C. R. Medeiros, I Tszydel, T Marszalek, et. al., H.L. Gomes, High operational stability of n-type organic transistors based on Naphthalene Bisimide, Materials Research Society Symp., San Francisco, United States, Vol. J.10, pp. - - -, April, 2012 | BibTex
  • H.L. Gomes, S. Conti, C. Martinez Domingo Martinez-Domingo, E. Garcia, L. Terés, F. Morera, Flexible and lightweight diode and its process of manufacturing, PCT/EP2021/055927, PCT, 23-03-2020,
    | Abstract
  • H.L. Gomes, C. Martinez Domingo Martinez-Domingo, S. Conti, L. Terés, F. Morera, E. Garcia, Flexible and lightweight diode and its process of manufacturing, EP20382214, EPO, Pending, 23-03-2020,
    | Abstract

Currently running projects1

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
ConChiMol New Structurally Contorted and Chiral Molecules for Optoeletronic Applications FCT 01-03-2023 28-02-2026

Closed Projects8

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
AstroneuroCircuit Bioelectronic devices to measure astrocyte-neuron communication FCT 01-02-2023 01-07-2024
BioPlus Development of diamond-optical fiber biosensors for detection of IgE IT 01-06-2020 31-12-2023
Bistable The metal oxide organic diode as a generic microelectronic device for light emitting diodes and non-volatile memories (Bistable) Dutch Polymer Institute 01-07-2010 30-01-2013
FlexNet Network of excellence for building up Knowledge for better System Integration for Flexible Organic and Large Area Electronics (FOLAE) and its exploitation. EC/FP7 01-01-2009 01-12-2012
ICS Intelligent Cell Surfaces (ICS) FCT 01-06-2011 01-06-2014
I-One Implantable Organic Nano-Electronics EU/FP4 01-09-2011 01-08-2014
TDK4PE Technology & Design Kit for Printed Electronics (TDK4PE) EC/FP7 01-10-2012 01-09-2014
  • M. C. R. Medeiros, H.L. Gomes, L. Alcácer, Elsevier/Sensing & Bio-Sensing Research Award 2015, For research entitled ‘Ink-jet printed polymer electrodes to record extracellular calcium waves produced by neural cell populations in vitro’ presented on 13th May at the E-MRS symposium Materials and Biosensor Systems for in-vitro diagnostic applications, 01-05-2016
  • H.L. Gomes, Electrical techniques to study traps in electronic devices, Germany, Mainz, 11-2013
  • Associate Editor, Micromachines, 18-12-2017 - 31-07-2018