Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications
... Artur Fernando Delgado Lopes Ribeiro

Senior Researcher

Artur Ribeiro

Academic position: Associate Professor
Joining date: 01-01-1999
Roles in IT: Senior Researcher
Thematic Line: Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies
Group: Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx

Email: Send Email
Address: IT – Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico - Torre Norte - Piso 10
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049 - 001 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 841 84 54
Fax: +351 21 841 84 72

Scientific Achievements

  • Agregação, Instituto Superior Técnico, 12-02-2001
  • Instrumentation and Measurement, Eddy Current Non-destructive Testing, Optoelectronic Devices
  • Statistics, , Master in Technology Transfer, Technical University of Moldova, Chishinau
As Supervisor
As Co-supervisor
As Supervisor
As Co-supervisor
  • C. S Angani, H. Ramos, A. L. Ribeiro, Detection of Thickness Change in Stainless Steel Using New Transient Eddy Currents, Chapter in, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XIX), N. Yusa, T. Uchimoto, H. Kikuchi, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016
  • H. Ramos, A. L. Ribeiro, D. Pasadas, T. Rocha, Regularization of the Inversion Process in Edddy Current Characterization of Superficial Defects, Chapter in, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XIX), N. Yusa, T. Uchimoto, H. Kikuchi, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016
Early Access
  • O. Postolache, A. L. Ribeiro, H. Ramos, Transdutor indutivo para ensaios não-destrutivos em materiais condutores com capacidade de geração de campos magnéticos de excitação uniforme e de deteção do campo magnético induzido utilizando magnetorresistências de tipo gigante, PT10818, National, Granted, 20-11-2009, Portugal

Currently running projects1

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
RIF Robô para Inspeção de Fornos de UGH Petrobras 01-01-2023 31-12-2025

Closed Projects12

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
CHARF Non-invasive RF 4D Thorax Hemodynamic Characterization FCT/PTDC 01-07-2016 01-08-2019
CLASSE Detection, Classification and Estimation of Defects in Metallic Plates Subject to Manual Inspection IT/LA 01-12-2008 01-12-2010
CRACK Flaw Imaging in Metals by Contactless Conductivity FCT/PTDC 01-10-2007 01-04-2011
DICSAP/WCA Design, Implementation and Characterization of Stand-Alone Prototypes for Water Conductivity Assessment IT/LA 01-05-2005 01-05-2008
EvalTubes Remaining Life Evaluation of Catalytic Furnace Tubes FCT 01-05-2014 01-04-2016
I2ACAS In-service Inspection for Advanced Composite Aerospace Structures FCT/COMPETE/FEDER 01-10-2018 30-09-2022
KeMANDE Kernel Method Applied to Non Destructive Evaluation IT/LA 01-06-2011 01-06-2013
LUSO Acção Luso Espanhola - Sismógrafos do Fundo Marinho. Optimização das Técnicas de Desenho dos Instrumentos de Medida: Aquisição, Registo e Tratamento de Dados CRUP
OMeGA Optical Measurement of Guided Acoustic Waves in Solid Media IT/LA 01-05-2011 01-12-2013
RELIM Reliable Methods to Inspect CFP Composites 01-07-2016 01-06-2018
TIM Magnetic Induction Tomography - Development of the instrumentation and measuring methods for biomedical applications. FCT/POSC 01-06-2005 01-06-2008
  • M. Barzegar, D. Pasadas, A. L. Ribeiro, H. Ramos, Student Best Paper Award – Winner (1st Place), The paper was presented at IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) 2023 with the title of "Pulse-Echo and Pitch-Catch: Ultrasonic C-Scan of Adhesively Bonded Single Lap-joints", 01-05-2023
  • B. Feng, A. L. Ribeiro, H. Ramos, Third-prize of FENDT 2018 Student Best Paper Competition, We won the Third-prize of FENDT 2018 Student Best Paper Competition with the paper entitled "Lamb Wave Characterization of Crack Depth in Aluminum Plates using Artificial Neural Networks", 01-07-2018
  • METROAEROSPACE, Technical Programme Committee, 2014
  • IEEE AFRICON Conf. in Africa, Technical Programme Committee, 2009
  • AFRICON 2007, Technical Programme Committee, 2007
  • Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
    2017, 1 review(s); 2014, 1 review(s);
  • IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
    2017, 1 review(s); 2016, 1 review(s); 2015, 1 review(s);
  • IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
    2017, 2 review(s); 2016, 2 review(s);
  • IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
    2015, 1 review(s);
  • Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
    2017, 1 review(s); 2015, 2 review(s);
  • Journal of Testing and Evaluation
    2016, 1 review(s);
  • NDT and E International
    2017, 1 review(s); 2016, 1 review(s);
  • Sensors
    2017, 1 review(s); 2016, 2 review(s);