Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications
... Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos

Senior Researcher

Helena Ramos

Academic position: Full Professor
Joining date: 01-03-1998
Roles in IT: Senior Researcher
Board of Directors
Thematic Line: Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies
Group: Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx

Email: Send Email
Address: IT – Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico - Torre Norte - Piso 10
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049 - 001 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 841 84 54
Fax: +351 21 841 84 72

Scientific Achievements

  • Agregação, Instituto Superior Técnico, 05-05-2006
  • PhD, Instituto Superior Técnico, 12-01-1995
  • MSc, Instituto Superior Técnico, 25-09-1987
  • Licenciatura, Instituto Superior Técnico, 30-09-1980
  • Estonian Research Council, 01-01-2016, expert
  • IEEE Standards Association, 01-01-2016, Member
  • IEEE workgroup for the establishment of ISO/IEC/IEEE p21451-001 Standardard, 01-01-2013,
  • Slovak Research and Development Agency, 01-01-2013, evaluator
  • IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 01-01-2005, Senior Member
  • Sociedade Portuguesa de Metrologia, 09-12-2002, member
  • Instituto Superior Técnico, 12-01-1995, Professora Auxiliar
  • Orbem dos Engenheiros, 01-01-1982, member
  • IMEKO, , Member of the Board
  • Eddy Current Testing
  • Non destructive Evaluation
  • Instrumentation and Measurement
  • Sensors and Actuators
  • Electromagnetic Field
  • IEEE 1451 and IEEE 1588 Standards
As Supervisor
As Co-supervisor
As Supervisor
As Co-supervisor
  • C. S Angani, H. Ramos, A. L. Ribeiro, Detection of Thickness Change in Stainless Steel Using New Transient Eddy Currents, Chapter in, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XIX), N. Yusa, T. Uchimoto, H. Kikuchi, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016
  • H. Ramos, A. L. Ribeiro, D. Pasadas, T. Rocha, Regularization of the Inversion Process in Edddy Current Characterization of Superficial Defects, Chapter in, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XIX), N. Yusa, T. Uchimoto, H. Kikuchi, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016
  • P.M. Girão, A. Serra, H. Ramos, Volt-Ampere Meters, Chapter in, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John G. Webster, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999
  • P.M. Girão, A. Serra, H. Ramos, Electric Distortion Measurement, Chapter in, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John G. Webster, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999
  • P.M. Girão, A. Serra, H. Ramos, Logic Analyzers, Chapter in, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John G. Webster, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999
Early Access

Currently running projects2

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
RIF Robô para Inspeção de Fornos de UGH Petrobras 01-01-2023 31-12-2025
Roller Predict RollerPredict – New Paradigm for Tube Bending FEDER 01-10-2024 30-09-2027

Closed Projects20

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
AQA Global Monitoring Based on Smart Sensors for Environment Quality FCT/PNAT 01-03-2001 28-02-2005
CHARF Non-invasive RF 4D Thorax Hemodynamic Characterization FCT/PTDC 01-07-2016 01-08-2019
CLASSE Detection, Classification and Estimation of Defects in Metallic Plates Subject to Manual Inspection IT/LA 01-12-2008 01-12-2010
CRACK Flaw Imaging in Metals by Contactless Conductivity FCT/PTDC 01-10-2007 01-04-2011
DICSAP/WCA Design, Implementation and Characterization of Stand-Alone Prototypes for Water Conductivity Assessment IT/LA 01-05-2005 01-05-2008
EUPAS EUropean Project for ADC-based devices Standardization IT/LA 01-01-1998 01-01-2008
EvalTubes Remaining Life Evaluation of Catalytic Furnace Tubes FCT 01-05-2014 01-04-2016
I2ACAS In-service Inspection for Advanced Composite Aerospace Structures FCT/COMPETE/FEDER 01-10-2018 30-09-2022
INTIMAS Interoperability in Enviromental and Marine Sensor Networks Ministério da Ciência e Inovação Espanhol 01-01-2009 01-12-2011
INTMARSIS Interoperability and implementation of autonomous marine platforms for seismic monitoring Ministério da Ciência e Inovação Espanhol 01-09-2014 01-08-2017
KeMANDE Kernel Method Applied to Non Destructive Evaluation IT/LA 01-06-2011 01-06-2013
LUSO Acção Luso Espanhola - Sismógrafos do Fundo Marinho. Optimização das Técnicas de Desenho dos Instrumentos de Medida: Aquisição, Registo e Tratamento de Dados CRUP
Luso-Espanhola Sismógrafos do Fundo Marinho. Optimização das Técnicas de Desenho dos Instrumentos de Medida: Aquisição, Registo e Tratamento de Dados CRUP 01-01-2007 01-12-2008
NMMADC New measurements methods in Analog to Digital Converters testing FCT/POCTI 01-10-2000 30-09-2003
NORIT Incidence of Norway lobster emergence activity rythms on its populations assessment Ministério da Educação e Ciencia Espanhol 01-12-2005 01-12-2008
OMeGA Optical Measurement of Guided Acoustic Waves in Solid Media IT/LA 01-05-2011 01-12-2013
RELIM Reliable Methods to Inspect CFP Composites 01-07-2016 01-06-2018
TIM Magnetic Induction Tomography - Development of the instrumentation and measuring methods for biomedical applications. FCT/POSC 01-06-2005 01-06-2008
UEMC-IM Update and Extension of the Measuring Capabilities of the Instrumentation and Measurement Group of the Institute of Telecommunications - Lisbon FCT/REEQ 01-06-2002 31-12-2006
  • M. Barzegar, D. Pasadas, A. L. Ribeiro, H. Ramos, Student Best Paper Award – Winner (1st Place), The paper was presented at IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) 2023 with the title of "Pulse-Echo and Pitch-Catch: Ultrasonic C-Scan of Adhesively Bonded Single Lap-joints", 01-05-2023
  • H. Ramos, Outstanding English Paper Award, • Outstanding English Paper award, in the conference IEEE & FENDT, IEEE Far East Nondestructive Testing, Xiamen, China., 01-07-2018
  • B. Feng, A. L. Ribeiro, H. Ramos, Third-prize of FENDT 2018 Student Best Paper Competition, We won the Third-prize of FENDT 2018 Student Best Paper Competition with the paper entitled "Lamb Wave Characterization of Crack Depth in Aluminum Plates using Artificial Neural Networks", 01-07-2018
  • H. Ramos, Best Poster 23rd EPVSE, Best Poster award in the 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Germany, 01-05-2016
  • H. Ramos, IEEE 2014 Outstanding reviewer, Recognition as IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Best Paper Reviewer, 01-12-2014
  • H. Ramos, IEEE Outstanding Reviewers of 2013, IEEE Outstanding Reviewers of 2013 awarded by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 01-12-2013
  • H. Ramos, Acta IMEKO, Member of Editorial Board, 01-05-2014
  • H. Ramos, Member of the WG for the IEEE P21451-001 Standard, Member of Technical Committee, IEEE P21451-001, 01-01-2014
  • H. Ramos, TC-10 IMEKO, Member of Technical Committee, TC-10 IMEKO, 01-01-2014
  • H. Ramos, Medida Automática da Deformação de uma Barra Sujeita a Esforços Periódicos, MSc Thesis Jury, Bruno Tiago Domingues Martins, 01-11-2009
  • H. Ramos, Sensor de condutividade com transmissão sem fios, MSc Thesis Jury, Sérgio Manuel Cordeiro Ramalho, 01-10-2009
  • H. Ramos, Aplicação de Rede de Sensores à Análise de Tremores Vulcânicos”, MSc Thesis Jury, Gonçalo Madeira Teixeira, 01-11-2008
  • H. Ramos, Instrumento Digital de Análise de Sinal, Hugo Ricardo Mendes da Silva, 01-11-2008
  • H. Ramos, Utilização do Protocolo CAN em Sistemas de Instrumentação Industrial, MSc Thesis Jury, Mário Jorge Saldanha Couto Alves, 01-11-2008
  • H. Ramos, Sistema Automático de Medida da Posição Angular de uma Plataforma Sujeita a Movimentos de Rotação Segundo Dois Eixos, MSc Thesis Jury, Júlio Paulo da Graça Santos, 01-07-2008
  • H. Ramos, Estudo da Eficiência Luminosa e Energética do Sistema de Iluminação Pública da Cidade do Porto, MSc Thesis Jury, Catarina Branco Leite da Silva, 01-05-2008
  • H. Ramos, Automatização de um Acelerador de Partículas, MSc Thesis Jury, José Gabriel da Silva Lopes, 01-07-2007
  • H. Ramos, Reformulação dos Métodos de Cálculo Luminotécnico de Modo a Adaptá-los à Nova Técnica de Iluminação Baseada em LEDs de Potência, MSc Thesis Jury, Susana Maria Veloso Gomes Amado, 10-12-2006
  • H. Ramos, P. M. Ramos, RCM Martins, Automated Remote Electronic Instrumentation: Virtual Instrumentation, Training Course, ATHENS IST1, 24-11-2006
  • H. Ramos, 6th Summer School “ADC & DAC Metrology”, Seminars, 07-07-2006
  • H. Ramos, RCM Martins, P. M. Ramos, Automated Remote Electronic Instrumentation: Virtual Instrumentation, Training Course, ATHENS IST1, 25-03-2006
  • H. Ramos, Analog-to-Digital Converters, Tutorial, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Técnica ''Gh. Asachi'' de Iasi, Roménia, 03-12-2005
  • H. Ramos, Modelização de Processos de Calibração Industrial de Temperatura, MSc Thesis Jury, Henrique Sanches Manso, 01-12-2005
  • H. Ramos, Software Environments for the Implementation of Virtual Instruments, Tutorial, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Técnica ''Gh. Asachi'' de Iasi, Roménia, 17-01-2005
  • H. Ramos, P. M. Ramos, Curso Básico de Instrumentação e Controlo de Dispositivos através de Interfaces Série e Paralelo, Training Course, Direcção Geral de Jogos, 09-11-2004
  • H. Ramos, Implementação e Caracterização Metrológica de um Sistema de Medida para Monitorização da Qualidade da Água, MSc Thesis Jury, Luís Miguel da Silva Gurriana, 01-10-2004
  • H. Ramos, Sistema de Medida com Controlo de Temperatura para Caracterização e Ensaio de Sensores Electroquímicos, MSc Thesis Jury, Francisco Maria da Câmara de Assunção, 02-04-2004
  • H. Ramos, Integração de Accionamentos Electromecânicos num Sistema de Automação do Laboratório de Ensaios Hidráulicos do LNEC, MSc Thesis Jury, Armando José Leitão Cordeiro, 01-04-2004
  • H. Ramos, Aproximação Estocástica à Medida e Compensação de Não Linearidades sem Memória, PhD Thesis Jury, Mestre Raul Daniel Lavado Carneiro Martins, 01-03-2004
  • H. Ramos, A Análise de Assinatura no Controlo da Qualidade de Processos (O Corte De Rochas Ornamentais, MSc Thesis Jury, João Miguel Vieira Caeiro Dias Antunes, 02-11-2003
  • H. Ramos, Metodologia de Validação do Modelo de Widrow, MSc Thesis Jury, José Fernando Morais Lopes Mariano, 01-11-2003
  • H. Ramos, Projecto e Implementação de um Sistema de Sensores Inteligentes Baseado na Norma IEEE 1451, MSc Thesis Jury, Vítor Manuel Rodrigues Viegas, 01-07-2003
  • H. Ramos, Caracterização Estática e Dinâmica de Conversores Analógico/Digitais pelo Método do Histograma, PhD Thesis Jury, Mestre Francisco André Corrêa Alegria, 01-06-2003
  • H. Ramos, Sistema Automático de Medida de Impedâncias, PhD Thesis Jury, Manuel José Freire Fonseca da Silva, 02-01-2003
  • O. Postolache, P.M. Girão, J. L. Pereira, H. Ramos, Monitorizaçao Global para Avaliaçao da Qualidade de Ambiente com Sensores Inteligentes, Invited Talks, JEACI 2002, Setubal, 16-05-2002
  • H. Ramos, Introduction to LabVIEW, Training Course, Fac. de Engenharia Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Moçambique, 05-11-2001
  • H. Ramos, Automatização dos ensaios de carga vertical em estacas de fundações, MSc Thesis Jury, Carlos Manuel de Almeida Santos, 01-10-2001
  • H. Ramos, Sistema Telemétrico para Monitorização da Qualidade da Água, MSc Thesis Jury, Paulo Jorge Maia dos Santos, 01-07-2000
  • H. Ramos, Displacement and Vibration Measuring Systems, Invited Talks, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Técnica "Gh. Asachi" de Iasi, Roménia, 01-11-1999
  • H. Ramos, Técnicas para Aumento do Desempenho em Sistemas de Digitalização de Sinais, PhD Thesis Jury, Mestre José Miguel Dias Pereira, 01-11-1999
  • H. Ramos, Les Characteristiques des Noyaux Magnétiques de Ferrite des Bobines Lineaires en Regime Permanent Periodique Non Sinusoidal, Invited Talks, Professor Balan Traian, da Universitatae Tehnica “Gh. Asachi” de Iasi, Roménia, 26-05-1999
  • H. Ramos, Capteurs à Fil Chaud et Capteurs Extensiometriques de la Temperature, Seminars, Professor Dr. Ing. Mihai Cretu, Dean da Faculdade de Electrotecnia da Universitatae Tehnica “Gh. Asachi” de Iasi, Roménia, 18-03-1999
  • P.M. Girão, H. Ramos, EMC - EC Directices, Standards and Tests, Seminars, SOCRATES Iasi, 15-01-1999
  • P.M. Girão, H. Ramos, Quality, Seminars, SOCRATES Iasi, 15-01-1999
  • P.M. Girão, A. Serra, H. Ramos, et. al., Instrumentação e Equipamento de Medida, Training Course, Metropolitano de Lisboa, 15-04-1996
  • H. Ramos, Why Do I Save Lives?, United Kingdom, Newcastle, 01-2018
  • H. Ramos, How do we save lifes?, Germany, Ilmenau, 01-2017
  • H. Ramos, Nondestructive Testing at IT, United States, MSU, East Lansing, 01-2016
  • H. Ramos, Data Mining, Moldova, Chisinau, 10-2014
  • H. Ramos, IEEE 1451 Standard, Spain, Vilanova i la Geltru, 07-2014
  • H. Ramos, Sensors & Transducers-measuring water quality parameters, Spain, Vilanova i la Geltru, 07-2014
  • H. Ramos, Overview of DAQ Systems Architectures and Interfaces, Czech Republic, Prague, 07-2011
  • H. Ramos, Automatic Measurements Systems, Sweden, Gavle, 07-2010
  • H. Ramos, Smart Sensors and IEEE 1451 Standard, Czech Republic, Prague, 03-2010
  • H. Ramos, Measurement Buses, Sweden, Gavle, 06-2009
  • H. Ramos, Distributed Measurements Systems, Sweden, Gavle, 06-2008
  • H. Ramos, RCM Martins, P. M. Ramos, Automated Remote Electronic Instrumentation: Virtual Instrumentation, Portugal, Lisboa, 11-2007
  • H. Ramos, Development of a IEEE 1451 Standard Compliant Smart Transducer Network with Time Synchronization Protocol, Czech Republic, Praga, 06-2007
  • H. Ramos, RCM Martins, P. M. Ramos, Automated Remote Electronic Instrumentation: Virtual Instrumentation, Portugal, Lisboa, 11-2006
  • H. Ramos, ADC & DAC Metrology, Italy, Benevento, 07-2006
  • H. Ramos, RCM Martins, P. M. Ramos, Automated Remote Electronic Instrumentation: Virtual Instrumentation, Portugal, Lisboa, 03-2006
  • H. Ramos, P. M. Ramos, Curso Básico de Instrumentação e Controlo de Dispositivos através de Interfaces Série e Paralelo, Portugal, Lisboa, 01-2005
  • H. Ramos, LabVIEW, Mozambique, Maputo, 11-2001
  • H. Ramos, Displacement and Vibration Measuring Systems, Romania, Iasi, 11-1999
  • H. Ramos, Analog-to-Digital Converters, Romania, Iasi, 01-1999
  • H. Ramos, P.M. Girão, A. Serra, Instrumentação e Equipamentos de Medida, Portugal, Lisboa, 01-1996
  • H. Ramos, Software Environments for the Implementation of Virtual Instruments, Romania, Iasi
  • IEEE International Workshop Metrology for Aerospace, Sessions Chairman, 2017
  • International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation ENDE, Conference Chairman, 2017
  • Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation ENDE, Conference Chairman, 2016
  • International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation ENDE, Technical Programme Chairman, 2016
  • IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace, IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society, (MetroAeroSpace), Special Sessions Chairman, 2016
  • IMEKO TC4 Symp., Special Sessions Chairman, 2010
  • IEEE AFRICON Conf. in Africa, Technical Programme Chairman, 2009
  • IMEKO XIX IMEKO World Congress, Organizing Committee, 2009
  • IEEE AFRICON Conf. in Africa, Sessions Chairman, 2007
  • IEEE AFRICON Conf. in Africa, Technical Programme Chairman, 2007
  • Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC, Scientific Committee, 2006
  • Congresso de Ordem dos Engenheiros 2004, Scientific Committee, 2004
  • 6th Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, Organizing Committee, 2001
  • IMEKO TC4 Symp., Organizing Committee, 2001
  • EPE’99 International Conference on Electrical and Power Engineering, Technical Programme Committee, 1999
  • SCS'97 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Scientific Committee, 1997
  • Associate Editor, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 01-01-2018 - 31-12-2020
  • Editor-in-chief, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, 01-04-2017 - 31-03-2022
  • Editorial Board, Nondestructive Testing and Diagnostics (Badania Nieniszczace i Diagnostyka), 01-01-2016 - today
  • Editorial Board, Acta IMEKO, 01-05-2014 - 01-05-2018
  • Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 01-01-2005 - today
  • NDT and E International
    2016, 1 review(s);
  • IEEE Sensors Journal
    2016, 1 review(s);
  • Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
    2001, 1 review(s);
  • IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
    1999, 1 review(s);
  • IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics
    2009, 1 review(s);
  • IMEKO World Congress
    2009, 1 review(s);
  • IEEE AFRICON Conf. in Africa
    2009, 1 review(s); 2007, 1 review(s);
  • International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation ENDE
    2016, 1 review(s);
  • IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference I2MTC
    2018, 1 review(s);
  • IEEE International Workshop Metrology for Aerospace
    2018, 1 review(s);