Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications
... Manfred Niehus


Manfred Niehus

Academic position: Assistant Professor
Joining date: 02-02-2009
Roles in IT: Researcher
Thematic Line: Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies
Group: Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx

Email: Send Email
Address: IT – Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico - Torre Norte - Piso 10
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049 - 001 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 841 84 54
Fax: +351 21 841 84 72

Scientific Achievements

  • PhD, Instituto Superior Técnico, 01-01-2005
  • Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 01-01-2002 - 31-12-2009, Eq. Prof. Adjunto
  • Photonics
  • Nanowires
  • Single photon emitter
  • Non-linear effects
  • Semiconductors
  • Optical Fiber
  • M. Niehus, R.S. Schwarz, M.K. Kunst, Electronic and thermal effects in transient photocurrent measurements after laser and microwave excitation in amorphous and microcrystalline semiconductors, Chapter in, Physics and Applications of Disordered Materials, M.A.Popescu, INOE Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002
Early Access

Currently running projects1

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
MODAS Monitorização dos Oceanos com Sensores Acústicos Distribuídos FCT 01-03-2023 28-02-2026

Closed Projects5

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
CONLUZ Steering of light in nonlinear waveguides with resonant interactions FCT/PTDC 01-01-2011 01-12-2013
OSP-HNLF OSP-HNLF - Optical Signal Processing Using Highly Nonlinear Fibers FCT/PTDC 01-05-2010 01-04-2013
QuantPrivTel QuantPrivTel: Quantum PrivateTelecommunications FCT/PTDC 01-01-2010 01-06-2013
QuantSat-PT QuantSat-PT -- Portuguese Quantum Communications Cube-Satellite: Development of the Quantum Payload and Preliminary Design of the Space Segment FCT 01-12-2020 30-11-2022
QuSim QuSim – Integrated Photonics Quantum Simulations IT/LA 01-07-2014 01-06-2016
  • M. Niehus, 3º WORKSHOP ISEL|SENSORES, Portugal, Lisboa, 11-2008
  • M. Niehus, Comunicação (Óptica) Segura (Uma Perspectiva da Engenharia), Portugal, Lisboa, 06-2008
  • M. Niehus, Electron Trapping in Wide Band Gap Semiconductors, Portugal, Lisboa, 05-2008
  • M. Niehus, 2º WORKSHOP ISEL|SENSORES, Portugal, Lisboa, 10-2007
  • M. Niehus, 1º WORKSHOP ISEL|SENSORES, Portugal, Lisbon, 12-2006
  • M. Niehus, J. Jesus, Prototype free space quantum key distribution demonstrator
  • European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications - NOC, Scientific Committee, 2010
  • IBERSENSOR - Ibero-American Congress on Sensors, Organizing Committee, 2010
  • Jornadas de Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações e de Computadores do ISEL, Organizing Committee, 2008