... Rui Pedro Bernardo Morais

PhD Student

Rui Morais

Former IT academic position: External Author
Joining/Leaving IT dates: 01-08-2018 / 01-11-2024
Roles held in IT: PhD Student
Former IT thematic line: Networks and Services
Group: Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv

Scientific Achievements

  • R. Morais, P. Crocker, - Melo de Sousa, Echidna: A New Consensus Algorithm for Efficient State Machine Replication, IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications BCCA, Kuwwait, Kuwait, Vol. 5, pp. -, October, 2023,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • P. Crocker, R. Morais, - Melo de Sousa, A tool for implementing privacy in Nano, IEEE IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures DAPPS, Oxford, United Kingdom, July, 2020,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex