Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications
... Felisberto Sequeira Pereira

PhD Student

Felisberto Pereira

Former IT academic position: External Author
Joining/Leaving IT dates: 11-01-2016 / 01-03-2021
Roles held in IT: PhD Student
Former IT thematic line: Wireless Technologies
Group: Radio Systems – Av

Scientific Achievements

Co-Supervision of theses

Closed Projects3

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
CoViS PROJETOS DE I&DT EMPRESAS EM COPROMOÇÃO: COVID-19 Nr. 070090 - Contactless Vital Signs Monitoring in Nursing Homes using a Multimodal Approach P2020 15-10-2020 31-12-2021
RnMonitor Online Monitoring Infrastructure and Active Mitigation Strategies for Indoor Radon Gas in Public Buildings on the Northern Region of Portugal FCT/COMPETE/FEDER 01-09-2017 31-01-2020
ShopAnalytics ShopAnalytics: Sistema de Rastreamento e Analytics de Consumidores em Espaços Comerciais Indoor Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte 01-04-2016 30-11-2018