M. Krenn,
L. Buffoni,
B. Coutinho,
S. Eppel,
JGF Foster,
A. Gritsevskiy,
H. Lee,
Y. Lu,
J. M. Moutinho,
N. S. Sanjabi,
R. Sonthalia,
N. Tran,
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Y. X. Xie,
R. Yu,
M. Kopp,
Forecasting the future of artificial intelligence with machine learning-based link prediction in an exponentially growing knowledge network,
nature machine intelligence,
Vol. 5,
No. 1,
pp. 1326 - 14,
| Abstract
| BibTex
B. Coutinho,
A.-K. Wu,
H. Hai-Jun,
Y.-Y. L. Liu,
Covering Problems and Core Percolations on Hypergraphs,
Physical Review Letters,
Vol. 124,
No. 24,
pp. 248301 - 248306,
| Abstract
| BibTex
A.-K. Wu,
L. T. Tian,
B. Coutinho,
Y. Omar,
Y.-Y. L. Liu,
Structural vulnerability of quantum networks,
Physical Review A,
Vol. 101,
No. 5,
pp. 052315-1 - 052315-9,
| BibTex
T.O. Osada,
B. Coutinho,
Y. Omar,
K. S. Sanaka,
W. M. Munro,
K. N. Nemoto,
Continuous-time quantum-walk spatial search on the Bollobás scale-free network,
Physical Review A,
Vol. 101,
No. 2,
pp. 022310 - 022318,
| Abstract
| BibTex
S. Hong,
B. Coutinho,
A.D. Dey,
A.B. Barabási,
M.V. Vogelsberger,
L.H. Hernquist,,
K.G. Gebhardt,
Discriminating topology in galaxy distributions using network analysis,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 459,
No. 3,
pp. 2690 - 2700,
| BibTex
R.D. Dias,
A. Marques,
B. Coutinho,
L. P. Martins,
Chiral classical states in a rhombus and a rhombi chain of Josephson junctions with two-band superconducting elements,
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
Vol. 89,
No. 13,
pp. 134513 - 134513,
| BibTex
B. Coutinho,
A.G. Goltsev,
S. D. Dorogovtsev,
J.F.M. Mendes,
Kuramoto model with frequency-degree correlations on complex networks,
Physical Review E,
Vol. 87,
No. 3José Fernando Mendes,
pp. 032106 - 032106,
| BibTex
M. Krenn,
L3 B,
B. Coutinho,
et. al.,
Predicting the Future of AI with AI: High-quality link prediction in an exponentially growing knowledge network,
| Abstract
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