Academic position: | Assistant Professor |
Joining date: | 07-01-2004 |
Roles in IT: | Senior Researcher |
Thematic Line: | Information and Data Sciences |
Group: | Multimedia Signal Processing – Co |
Gabriel Falcao graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Porto where he also concluded a M.Sc. degree in Digital Signal Processing. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Coimbra (UC) in 2010 in the area of parallel computer architectures. He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the UC since December 2010 and a researcher of Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) since 2004. In 2011/12 (and again in 2017/18) Gabriel Falcao was a Visiting Professor at EPFL, Switzerland, where he developed work trying to bridge the worlds of CPU, GPU and FPGA parallel computer architectures. In the summer of 2018 he became a Visiting Scholar at ETHZ, Switzerland, working on novel processing-in-memory solutions. His research interests include the development of novel low-power parallel computing paradigms to deal with compute-intensive signal processing scenarios, in particular those related with image and data communications. Gabriel Falcao is the PI of a CUDA Research Center at the Multimedia Signal Processing Lab, a R&D unit in IT hosted at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the UC. He has successfully supervised more than 20 MSc students and 4 PhD students (2 completed), published over 90 papers in international journals and conferences, and holds an international patent (Europe, USA, Japan). He is a member of the HiPEAC Network of Excellence, of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and an IEEE Senior Member.
Acronym | Name | Funding Agency | Start date | Ending date |
UNIFY | Compilation Abstraction and Hardware Adaptation for Specialized and General-Purpose Computing Unification | FCT | 10-03-2023 | 09-09-2026 |
UTTER | Unified Transcription and Translation for Extended Reality | EU | 01-10-2022 | 30-09-2025 |
Acronym | Name | Funding Agency | Start date | Ending date |
AIPIP | Advances in Image Processing and Inverse Problems: Applications in Medical and Earth Observation Imagery, and Biomathematics | FCT/PTDC | 01-07-2013 | 01-07-2015 |
Bin-NET | Bin-NET: PiM-Enabled Binary Neural Network Inferencing at the Edge | FCT | 01-12-2021 | 31-05-2023 |
CRYPTOnITe | CRYPTOnITe: Testing the limits of parallel computer architectures under attacks against lattice-based cryptoschemes | FCT | 01-04-2017 | 01-04-2018 |
ECHO | ECHO: error-correcting codes in high-performance communication systems through joint exploration of inference algorithms and parallel architectures | FCT | 01-07-2017 | 31-12-2023 |
GRAPHENE | Graphene Superlattices | IT/LA | 01-09-2014 | 01-09-2015 |
HAnDLE | Hardware Accelerated Deep Learning Framework | FCT | 12-07-2018 | 11-07-2021 |
OPAC | Optimization of pattern-matching compression algorithms for GPU’s | IT/LA | 01-09-2014 | 01-12-2017 |
RECI | Apoio à Mobilidade Suportada por Controlo Partilhado e Interfaces Homem-Máquina Avançados | FCT | 01-01-2013 | 01-01-2015 |
TopMater | Topological Materials | IT | 01-08-2016 | 01-08-2018 |