Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications
... João Miguel Pereira de Almeida


João Almeida

Academic position: Researcher
Joining date: 01-09-2013
Roles in IT: Researcher
Thematic Line: Networks and Services
Group: Embedded Systems – Av

Email: Send Email
Address: IT – Aveiro
Instituto de Telecomunicações
Campus Universitário de Santiago
Tel: +351 234 377 900
Fax: +351 234 377 901

Scientific Achievements

  • PhD, Universidade de Aveiro, 23-07-2018
  • Vehicle Networks
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Fault-Tolerance and Dependability
As Supervisor
As Co-supervisor
  • J. A. Almeida, J. Ferreira, A. Oliveira, Fault Tolerant Architecture for Infrastructure based Vehicular Networks, Chapter in, Intelligent Transportation Systems: Dependable Vehicular Communications for Improved Road Safety, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2016
  • J. A. Almeida, J. Ferreira, A. Oliveira, Development of an ITS-G5 station, from the physical to the MAC layer, Chapter in, Intelligent Transportation Systems: From Good Practices to Standards, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2016
Early Access

Currently running projects2

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
NGM A NextGen Mobility: Next generation of connected mobility and infrastructures IAPMEI 01-12-2022 30-09-2025
Route25 Route 25: Agenda for Autonomous, Intelligent, Interoperable and Inclusive Mobility IAPMEI 01-10-2022 30-09-2025

Closed Projects6

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
5G-MOBIX 5G for cooperative & connected automated MOBIility on X-border corridors EU/H2020 16-10-2018 31-10-2023
COMSOLVE Project: SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 047019 - COMSOLVE .: COMunidade de energia SOLar com integração de Veículos Elétricos P2020 15-06-2021 30-06-2023
DETAINER Núcleo de I&D em Copromoção Nr. 037204 - DETAINER: Deterministic Capture of Communication Channels – Technology Research & Development P2020 01-10-2018 31-07-2022
EV4Energy SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 046995 - EV4Energy: THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE IN THE CENTRE OF THE ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM P2020 01-07-2020 30-06-2023
STEROID SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 069989 - STEROID: Plataforma de Verificação e Validação de Componentes de Suporte à Condução Autónoma para Veículos Inteligentes do Futuro P2020 31-12-2020 30-06-2023
TRUST SI I&DT Copromoção - Projeto de I&D à Escala Europeia Nr. 037930 - TRUST - Transportation and Road monitoring system for UbiquitouS real-Time information services P2020 01-10-2018 30-04-2022
  • Associate Editor, frontiers in future transportation, 01-07-2020 - 31-12-2023