Wireless Technologies
Optics & Photonics
Information & Data Sciences
Networks & Services
Basic Sciences & Enabling Technologies
Acronym | Name | Funding Agency | Start date | Duration |
6G-PATH | 6G-PATH: 6G Pilots and TriAls THrough Europe | EU/Horizon Europe | 01-01-2024 | 3 year(s) |
ACTON | Accelerating the Future 5G/6G Deployments with Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuit Interfaces Generated by Deep Computer Vision | FCT | 01-02-2024 | 3 year(s) |
BlackHole2024 | Buracos negros, ondas gravitacionais e transições de fase | 01-12-2024 | 1 year(s) | |
CELL-LESS6G | Distributed Access Design for Cell-less Smart 6G Networks | FCT | 01-01-2023 | 3 year(s) |
ConChiMol | New Structurally Contorted and Chiral Molecules for Optoeletronic Applications | FCT | 01-03-2023 | 3 year(s) |
DARING | Deep compression: emerging pAradigm foR Image codiNG | FCT | 01-06-2021 | 4 year(s) |
DECOLLAGE | DECOLLAGE - DEep COgnition Learning for LAnguage GEneration | EU/Horizon Europe | 01-08-2023 | 6 year(s) |
EU-MACE | COST 22123: European Materials Acceleration Center for Energy (EU-MACE) | EU/Horizon Europe | 03-10-2023 | 4 year(s) |
EVASION | EVent Aware Sensor CompresSION | RayShaper | 01-07-2023 | 3 year(s) |
EXIGENCE | Devise & explore a novel approach for energy consumption and carbon footprint reduction of ICT services in the era of next-generation mobile telecommunications (6G) | Horizon Europe | 01-01-2024 | 3 year(s) |
GENERALISE | Generative AI for Analog Chip Design | Sony Advanced Visual Sensing AG (Switzerland) | 01-05-2023 | 3 year(s) |
Gestão CTI-IT | Centro de Tecnologia e Interface IT - Instituto de Telecomunicações | Next generation EU - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR) - Componente 16 “Empresas 4.0” - TD-C16-i03 “Catalisação da Transformação Digital das Empresas” | 01-01-2023 | 3 year(s) |
ICG IPs | Analog IPs | Thales Alenia Space | 01-01-2024 | 2 year(s) |
ManagiDiTH | : Master of Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector | EU/DIGITAL | 01-01-2023 | 4 year(s) |
MESMERISING | MESMERISING | LIDL | 01-12-2024 | 1 year(s) |
MFBNA | The many face(t)s of Bell nonlocality and their applications | FCT | 01-01-2025 | 2 year(s) |
MH-SDVanet | Multihomed Software Defined Vehicular Networks | FCT | 01-03-2021 | 4 year(s) |
MiFuture | ultra-massive MIMO for future cell-free heterogeneous networks | EU/Horizon Europe | 01-01-2024 | 4 year(s) |
MODAS | Monitorização dos Oceanos com Sensores Acústicos Distribuídos | FCT | 01-03-2023 | 3 year(s) |
MORE4WATER | Combined monitoring and forecast for a sustainable management of water resources and timely adaptation to drought | FCT | 01-04-2024 | 3 year(s) |
NewSpacePortugal | New Space Portugal | IAPMEI | 01-10-2021 | 5 year(s) |
NextGenAI | NextGenAI - Center for Responsible AI | IAPMEI | 01-10-2021 | 5 year(s) |
PORTRAIT | Perceptual-aware geOmetRic sTructuRe Adaptation of wIde-angle phoTography | VIVO | 01-07-2024 | 2 year(s) |
PTQCI | Portuguese Quantum Communications Infrastructure - PTQCI | EU | 01-01-2023 | 3 year(s) |
QSCAN | Quantum-Enabled Secure Multiparty Computation for Space Surveillance Tracking | NATO | 01-03-2024 | 3 year(s) |
QSNP | Quantum Secure Networks Partnership | EU | 01-03-2023 | 4 year(s) |
QuantaGenomics | Quantum Enabled Secure Multiparty Computation for Genomic Medicine | EU / FCT / Programme ERA-NET Cofund QuantERA II | 01-05-2022 | 3 year(s) |
RESORB | On-Demand Bioresorbable OptoElectronic System for In-Vivo and In-Situ Monitoring of Chemotherapeutic Drugs (RESORB) | EU | 01-04-2022 | 3 year(s) |
RIF | Robô para Inspeção de Fornos de UGH | Petrobras | 01-01-2023 | 3 year(s) |
RollerPredict | RollerPredict – New Paradigm for Tube Bending | FEDER, COMPETE, POR Lisboa | 01-10-2024 | 3 year(s) |
Route25 | Route 25: Agenda for Autonomous, Intelligent, Interoperable and Inclusive Mobility | IAPMEI | 01-10-2022 | 3 year(s) |
Simons II | Simons Collaboration (Renewal) | Simons Foundation | 01-09-2024 | 3 year(s) |
TERRAMETA | Terahertz Reconfigurable Metasurfaces for ultra-high rate wireless communications | EU/Horizon Europe | 01-01-2023 | 4 year(s) |
UTTER | Unified Transcription and Translation for Extended Reality | EU | 01-10-2022 | 3 year(s) |
YAHYA-6G | dYnAmic resource scHeduling in Massive MIMO based NOMA with RF imperfections and EnergY hArvesting for 6G networks | EU/Horizon Europe | 01-01-2024 | 2 year(s) |
Acronym | Name | Funding Agency | Start date | Duration |
(HYPER-I-NET) | Hyperspectral Imaging Network | EU/FP6 | 01-01-2007 | 5 year(s) |
(NeCiRA) | New Challenges in Raman amplification | FCT/GRICES | 01-11-2010 | 3 year(s) |
1-way | “One-way” propagation and light trapping with metamaterials | FCT | 01-01-2016 | 3 year(s) |
3D VIVANT | Live Immerse Video-Audio Interactive Multimedia | EU/FP7 | 01-03-2010 | 4 year(s) |
3D-ConTourNet | 3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks | EC/FP7 | 01-05-2012 | 5 year(s) |
3D-SERVICIS | Scalable Error Resilient 3D Holoscopic Video Coding for Immersive Systems | FCT | 01-06-2014 | 2 year(s) |
3DVQM | 3D Video Quality Monitor | IT/LA | 01-11-2011 | 4 year(s) |
5G-AHEAD | Towards 5G: A High-speed Energy-efficient Autonomously Deployed mobile small-cell network | FCT | 01-01-2017 | 5 year(s) |
5GinFire | Evolving FIRE into a 5G-Oriented Experimental Playground for Vertical industries | EU/H2020 | 01-01-2017 | 3 year(s) |
5G-PERFECTA | SI I&DT Copromoção - Projeto de I&D à Escala Europeia Nr. 038190 - 5G-PERFECTA - 5G e próxima geração Desempenho móvel garantia de testes de conformidade | P2020 | 01-11-2018 | 3 year(s) |
ACCOPI | Access control and copyright protection for images | EU/RACE | 01-01-1995 | 1 year(s) |
ACE | Antenna Centre of Excellence | EU/FP6 | 30-01-2004 | 4 year(s) |
ACTFIL | Active filters | IT/LA | 01-01-2004 | 2 year(s) |
ADAM_3D | Additive Antenna Manufacturing | FCT | 01-06-2018 | 4 year(s) |
AdaptDig | Adaptive Digital Compensation in Access and Transport Optical Networks | PT Inovação | 01-01-2011 | 2 year(s) |
ADCOD | Advanced Code and Receiver Designs for Transmission over Selective Radio Channels | FCT/PTDC | 01-03-2010 | 3 year(s) |
ADCPN | Influence of Phase Noise and Jitter in the testing of telecommunication ADCs. | IT/LA | 01-07-2005 | 3 year(s) |
ADIAR | Alzheimer Disease: Image Analysis and Recognition | FCT/PTDC | 01-02-2011 | 4 year(s) |
ADIN | Advanced PHY/MAC Design for Infrastructure-less Networks | FCT/PTDC | 01-07-2013 | 3 year(s) |
Affective Mouse | Affective Mouse | QREN | 01-10-2008 | 4 year(s) |
AIDA | AIDA – Automated P-Cell Generation based on Multi-Objective Optimization and Pareto Optimal Front Circuit Level Characterization | IT/LA | 01-10-2011 | 3 year(s) |
AIDA-C | AIDA-C: Analog IC Optimizer | Thales Alenia Space | 01-10-2013 | 9 year(s) |
AILAIA | Smart Active Printed Antennas | CRUP | 01-01-2007 | 2 year(s) |
AIMHealth | AI-based Mobile Applications for Public Health Response | FCT | 01-02-2021 | 2 year(s) |
AIPO | Analysis of Intensity-dependent Phase-matching effects on four-wave mixing in Optical fibre communications | IT/LA | 01-05-2005 | 1 year(s) |
AISMAD | AISMAD – Advanced Integrated Switched-Mode Audio Drivers | IT/LA | 01-07-2011 | 3 year(s) |
AME | Advanced Microelectronics Engineering | ICEP | 01-10-2002 | 2 year(s) |
AMEN | Analysis and Mitigation of crosstalk Effects in multicore fibre -based Networks | FCT | 01-04-2016 | 3 year(s) |
APRA | NATO SET-186/RTG Airborne Passive Radars and their Applications | NATO, Marinha Portuguesa, Ministério da Defesa | 01-01-2012 | 4 year(s) |
AQA | Global Monitoring Based on Smart Sensors for Environment Quality | FCT/PNAT | 01-03-2001 | 4 year(s) |
AQA/Sado | Water Quality Assessment in Sado Estuary | IPS | 01-01-2010 | 3 year(s) |
AQSAI | Quality of Service Evaluation in the Internet Broadband Access: ADSL, Cable and 3G Mobile Networks (Avaliação da qualidade de Serviço de Acesso à Internet de Banda Larga: ADSL, Cabo e Rede Móvel 3G) | ANACOM | 01-10-2006 | 1 year(s) |
AQuIP | Architectures for Quantum Information Processing | La Caixa Foundation | 01-10-2020 | 3 year(s) |
ARCOCELL | Specially Designed Materials and Architectures for Organic Photovoltaic Cells | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2008 | 3 year(s) |
ARGUS | Activity Recognition and Object Tracking Based on Multiple Models | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2010 | 3 year(s) |
ARNAGGS | Advanced Receivers and Navigation Algorithms for GPS/Galileo Signals | FCT/PTDC | 01-09-2007 | 4 year(s) |
AROMA | Advanced Resource management solutions for future all IP heterOgeneous Mobile rAdio environments | EU | 01-01-2006 | 2 year(s) |
ARPA | Techniques and Algorithms for Raman Multi-Pump Allocation | FCT/POSC | 01-06-2005 | 3 year(s) |
ART | ART - Cooperation with AR Telecom in Propagation and Radio Communications | AR Telecom | 01-03-2007 | 2 year(s) |
Artificial Leaves | Artificial Leaves | FCT | 01-05-2014 | 1 year(s) |
ASSIST | COST IC0603 (ASSIST) | EU/COST | 01-02-2007 | 5 year(s) |
AstroneuroCircuit | Bioelectronic devices to measure astrocyte-neuron communication | FCT | 01-02-2023 | 2 year(s) |
AVEIRO STEAM City | AVEIRO STEAM City | EU/H2020 | 01-11-2018 | 4 year(s) |
AZOMAGCON | Transition metal complexes based on new thio-azo ligands for heterobimetallic networks and molecular conductors | FCT/PTDC | 01-10-2007 | 3 year(s) |
B-BONE | Broadcasting and Multicasting Over Enhanced UMTS Mobile Broadband Networks | EU | 01-02-2004 | 3 year(s) |
BIOFET | Field Effect Transistor Array for Monitoring Electrical Activity From Single Cells in Culture | FCT/POCTI | 01-01-2001 | 4 year(s) |
BioMaterARISES | Biomaterials for the assemblage of regenerative-inspired scaffolds for the electrical stimulation of spinal cord | FCT | 01-12-2021 | 2 year(s) |
BIONSE | Biometrics with Enhanced Security using Distributed Source Coding | IT/LA | 01-01-2009 | 2 year(s) |
BioSec | Secure Multimodal Biometric Recognition System using Distributed Source Coding | FCT/PTDC | 01-03-2010 | 3 year(s) |
Bistable | The metal oxide organic diode as a generic microelectronic device for light emitting diodes and non-volatile memories (Bistable) | Dutch Polymer Institute | 01-07-2010 | 3 year(s) |
BlackHolePT | Black holes, holography and phase transitions | FCT | 07-09-2020 | 3 year(s) |
BLEP | Biomechanics of Locomotion in Elderly People | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2008 | 3 year(s) |
BMRUF | Broadcasting and Multicasting in Enhanced UMTS Networks | FCT/POSC | 01-03-2005 | 2 year(s) |
BONE | BONE | EU/FP7 | 01-01-2008 | 3 year(s) |
Bots | PTDC/EEA-TEL/101880/2008 - Design and Implementation of a BotNet Detection System | FCT/PTDC | 01-03-2010 | 3 year(s) |
BP-LX | BioPlus-Lx | IT/LA | 01-07-2020 | 2 year(s) |
Bridge | BRIDGE - Análise de informação multimedia para descoberta de cancro em ambientes de gastrenterologia | FCT/ CMU | 01-01-2015 | 1 year(s) |
BRISA | Breaking waves Interaction with SAnd transport | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2009 | 3 year(s) |
CABRAL | CooperAção BRasil – PortugAL em redes ópticas | FCT/GRICES | 01-03-2006 | 2 year(s) |
CAC-EPC | Controlo de Admissão e Reserva de Recursos em Ambientes 4G EPC/LTE | PT Inovação | 01-05-2012 | 1 year(s) |
CancerSys | Multiscale modeling for personalized therapy of bone metastasis | FCT | 01-04-2014 | 2 year(s) |
CANOPY | Cognitive and Automated Network Operations for Present and Beyond | P2020 | 01-01-2022 | 2 year(s) |
CAR | Vehicular Electronics | IT/LA | 01-02-2005 | 3 year(s) |
CelCop | Multicell Cooperation for Future Wireless Systems | IT/LA | 01-06-2011 | 3 year(s) |
CETMC | Channel Estimation Techniques in Mobile Communications | FCT/POSI | 01-01-2001 | 4 year(s) |
Characterization of Noise Radar | SET-287 Characterization of Noise Radar | NATO, Ministério da Defesa | 01-01-2020 | 4 year(s) |
CHARF | Non-invasive RF 4D Thorax Hemodynamic Characterization | FCT/PTDC | 01-07-2016 | 4 year(s) |
ChemMat | Programa Doutoral da FCT ChemMat: Materials Chemistry - Chemistry of nanostructured materials with optic, electric and magnetic functionalities | FCT | 01-01-2015 | 6 year(s) |
CHIRAL | 2D and 3D Chiral and Omega Structures:Guidance,Leakage and Radiation Behaviour | FCT/POSI | 01-02-2002 | 4 year(s) |
CITO | CITO | IT/LA | 01-03-2011 | 4 year(s) |
CityCatalyst | SI I&DT Empresarial (Programas Mobilizadores) Nr. 046119 - Catalisador para cidades sustentáveis | P2020 | 01-07-2020 | 3 year(s) |
CLASSE | Detection, Classification and Estimation of Defects in Metallic Plates Subject to Manual Inspection | IT/LA | 01-12-2008 | 2 year(s) |
C-MOBILE | Advanced MBMS for the Future Mobile World | EU | 01-03-2006 | 3 year(s) |
CodeStream | CodeStream - Codificação em Rede para Distribuição de Conteúdos em Tempo Real | FCT | 01-05-2013 | 2 year(s) |
COILS | Comparison of WiMAX and LTE on a Personal Cell Scenario for the Provision of Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Services | IT/LA | 01-12-2008 | 2 year(s) |
ComFormCrypt | ComFormCrypt - Computational Semantics of Formal Methods in Cryptography | FCT/PTDC | 01-02-2011 | 4 year(s) |
COMMET | A COmplete analog front-end for 3G MultiMEdia Terminals | ADI | 01-11-2002 | 3 year(s) |
COMMON | Coordinated Multiuser MIMO for Future Wireless Networks | FCT/PTDC | 01-10-2010 | 4 year(s) |
COMPACT | Compact Range for millimeter wave antenna measurements using dielectric lenses | FCT/POCTI | 02-01-2003 | 3 year(s) |
COMPUTR | COMPUTR : Calcul en temps continu sur les réels | INRIA | 01-01-2010 | 1 year(s) |
Conducting polymers | Photovoltaic cells based on conducting polymers and anthocyanins | FCT/POCI | 01-07-2005 | 3 year(s) |
Confident | Confident - Communication Contracts for Distributed Systems Development | FCT | 01-05-2016 | 3 year(s) |
Conjugated polymers and copolymers | End-capped conjugated polymers and copolymers for device applications | FCT/POCI | 01-07-2005 | 3 year(s) |
CONLUZ | Steering of light in nonlinear waveguides with resonant interactions | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2011 | 3 year(s) |
CONPAC | CONtention free all-optical PACket switch (CONPAC) | FCT/POSC | 15-06-2005 | 3 year(s) |
CONQUEST | Carrier Aggregation between Licensed Exclusive and Licensed Shared Access Frequency Bands in Heterogeneous Networks with Small Cells | FCT/ CMU | 01-09-2018 | 2 year(s) |
ConvOCO | Wavelength Optical Conversion | ADI | 01-10-2003 | 2 year(s) |
CONVOCO | Optical Wavelength CONVersiOn | Siemens Networks SA | 01-03-2004 | 3 year(s) |
COPWIN | Coordinated MultiPoint Strategies for Future Wireless Networks | FCT/PTDC | 01-07-2013 | 3 year(s) |
CoSHARE | Coordinated Spectrum Sharing for Opportunistic Access | FCT/COMPETE/FEDER | 01-06-2018 | 4 year(s) |
CO-SITE | Co-siting of Wind Turbine Generators and Communication Antennas | ICP-ANACOM | 01-01-2000 | 1 year(s) |
COST 2101 | Biometrics for Identity Documents and Smart Cards | EU/COST | 01-12-2009 | 2 year(s) |
COST 211 | COST 211 quad | EU/COST | 01-01-1996 | 9 year(s) |
COST 273 | Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Communications | EU/COST | 01-05-2001 | 4 year(s) |
COST 279 | Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks supporting Mobility, Multimedia and Internetworking | EU/COST | 01-07-2001 | 4 year(s) |
COST 284 | Innovative Antennas for Emerging Terrestrial and Space-Based Applications | EU/COST | 21-02-2002 | 5 year(s) |
COST 290 | Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks | EU/COST | 12-01-2003 | 6 year(s) |
COST 292 | Semantic Multimodal Analysis of Digital Media | EU/COST | 27-10-2004 | 5 year(s) |
COST BM 0704 | Emerging EMF Technologies and Health Risk Management | EU/COST | 01-05-2008 | 4 year(s) |
COST CA17115 | European network for advancing Electromagnetic hyperthermic medical technologies | EU/COST | 04-09-2019 | 3 year(s) |
COST IC 1106 | Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the Digital Age | EU/COST | 01-03-2012 | 5 year(s) |
COST IC0902 | Cognitive Radio and Networking for Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks | EU/COST | 01-12-2009 | 5 year(s) |
COST IC1004 | Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments | EU/COST | 01-05-2011 | 5 year(s) |
COST IC1104 | ICT COST Action IC1104 - Random Network Coding and Designs over GF(q) | EU/COST | 01-04-2012 | 5 year(s) |
COST TD1301 | Development of a European-based Collaborative Network to Accelerate Technological, Clinical and Commercialisation Progress in the Area of Medical Microwave Imaging | EU/COST | 01-11-2013 | 5 year(s) |
COST2100 | Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications | EU/COST | 01-11-2007 | 5 year(s) |
COSTMP1401 | COST Action MP1401 Advanced fibre laser and coherent source as tools for society, manufacturing and lifescience | EU/COST | 01-12-2014 | 5 year(s) |
CRACK | Flaw Imaging in Metals by Contactless Conductivity | FCT/PTDC | 01-10-2007 | 4 year(s) |
CrakIT-LF | CrakIT-LF: Automatic detection and characterization of road distresses in images of flexible road pavements | IT/LA | 01-04-2016 | 3 year(s) |
CROSSNET | Cross-Layer Design and Network Planning for B3G Systems | FCT/POSC | 01-05-2005 | 3 year(s) |
CRT | Control of Transient Response of Fiber Raman Amplifiers | PT Inovação | 01-03-2008 | 2 year(s) |
CSF | Towards Super Multiview Video: Light Fields Coding | CAPES/CNPq | 01-01-2015 | 3 year(s) |
CSI^2 | Cryptographic Security of Individual Instances | FCT/PTDC | 01-02-2010 | 4 year(s) |
CSV | Codificação de sinais vídeo | JNICT | 01-01-1990 | 3 year(s) |
CV-GA | Dolphins and Water | Life Science Programm | 01-01-2005 | 2 year(s) |
CV-Quantum | Improving Security and Capacity Using Continuous Variables Quantum Communications | IT/LA | 01-02-2014 | 3 year(s) |
DARTEG | Deteção de Ataques de Redirecionamento de Tráfego a uma Escala Global | FCT/PTDC | 01-05-2016 | 3 year(s) |
DCFSS-PEV | Development of Chipless RFID Systems with Frequency Selective Surfaces | CAPES/CNPq | 01-03-2014 | 2 year(s) |
DECA-Bio | Dependent Component Analysis of Biological Signals | IT/LA | 01-06-2011 | 2 year(s) |
DeDuCe | Distributed Data Centric Concurrency Control | EU/H2020 | 01-01-2018 | 3 year(s) |
Deep-PCR | Deep learning-based Point Cloud Representation | FCT | 01-01-2022 | 3 year(s) |
DeepSPIN | DeepSPIN | EU/H2020 | 01-02-2018 | 6 year(s) |
DeLKeTI | Development and Learning of Kernels for Text and Images | FCT/PTDC | 01-11-2007 | 4 year(s) |
Dendrímeros | Just in Time Dendrimers | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2010 | 3 year(s) |
DICEMAN | Distributed Internet content exchange with MPEG-7 and agent negotiations | EU/ACTS | 01-05-1998 | 2 year(s) |
DICSAP/WCA | Design, Implementation and Characterization of Stand-Alone Prototypes for Water Conductivity Assessment | IT/LA | 01-05-2005 | 4 year(s) |
DielHorn | Excitation of shielded dielectric horns | FCT/PRAXIS | 03-05-1999 | 3 year(s) |
DigCORE | Digital Compensation of Inter Crosstalk in Multicore Fibers | IT/LA | 01-05-2020 | 3 year(s) |
Digital_PAs | Digital_PAs - Digital RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Applications | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2009 | 4 year(s) |
DiNEq | Digital Nonlinear Equalization in Very-High Speed Coherent Optical Transmission Systems | FCT/PTDC | 01-07-2013 | 2 year(s) |
DISCOVER | Distributed coding for video services | EU/FP6 | 01-09-2005 | 2 year(s) |
DISRUPTIVE | DISRUPTIVE - A Paradigm Shift in the Design of Analog and Mixed-Signal Nanoelectronic Circuits and Systems | FCT | 01-04-2013 | 4 year(s) |
DIVINA | DIVINA: Detecting Injection Vulnerabilities In Node.js Applications | FCT/ CMU | 26-03-2022 | 1 year(s) |
DMeSTrES | Distributed Measurement System with Traffic Engineering Support | IT/LA | 01-06-2005 | 2 year(s) |
DNURS | Development of a Navigation User Receiver Simulator | ESA-ESTEC | 03-01-2003 | 1 year(s) |
DOLPHIN | Development of Pre-operational Services for Highly Innovative Maritime Surveillance Capabilities | EU/FP7 | 01-09-2011 | 4 year(s) |
DOPTNET | Highly Dispersive Pulses in Dense WDM Optical Network | FCT/POSI | 01-04-2002 | 3 year(s) |
DP-PMI | Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information: Foundations of Future Information Technologies (DP-PMI) | FCT | 01-01-2014 | 8 year(s) |
DRAGON | End-to-End Deep learning based image Compression | IT | 01-10-2021 | 2 year(s) |
DWDM/ODC | Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Systems with Optical Dispersion Compensation | FCT/POSI | 01-10-2000 | 4 year(s) |
EARTH | Energy Aware Radio and NeTwork TecHnologies | EU/FP7 | 01-01-2010 | 3 year(s) |
e-CoDev | mHealth Device for Remote Monitoring of Symptoms in COVID-19 | IT | 01-09-2021 | 1 year(s) |
E-COOP | Energy-efficient High-Speed Cost-effective COOPerative backhaul for LTE/LTE-A Small cells | IT/LA | 01-09-2014 | 2 year(s) |
Eco-Zement | Eco-Zement | FCT/PTDC | 01-04-2009 | 6 year(s) |
E-Health4workplace | Plataforma e-Health para otimização de condições no local de trabalho | (confidential) | 01-04-2020 | 1 year(s) |
EHR-Physio | Electronic Health Records: Needs, Requirements, and Barriers of Adoption in Physiotherapy | FCT/PTDC | 01-05-2013 | 3 year(s) |
EHR-Wheel | Electronic Health Records for Wheelchairs Users | FCT, RIPD | 01-05-2010 | 3 year(s) |
Elven | Elven - Expressive Logics for VErifying the Net | EU/H2020 | 01-07-2016 | 3 year(s) |
EMERALD | ElectroMagnetic imaging for a novel genERation of medicAL Devices | EU/H2020 | 16-05-2018 | 4 year(s) |
EmergIMG | Emerging Image Modalities Representation and Compression | FCT/PTDC | 01-06-2016 | 5 year(s) |
EMLAYERING | ElectroMagnetic LAYER-wise testING for powder bed fusion metal additive manufacturing | FCT | 01-01-2022 | 2 year(s) |
EMUSuL | Ensemble Methods in Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning | FCT/POSC | 01-01-2005 | 3 year(s) |
EnAcoMIMOC o | Enhanced Underwater Acoustic Receiver Design for MIMO Communications | FCT | 01-03-2014 | 1 year(s) |
EntMeso | Entanglement and Transport Properties in Mesoscopic Systems | FCT/GRICES, CNRS | 01-01-2007 | 2 year(s) |
ENVISION | QoE-Driven Adaptive 3D-Video Streaming for Wireless Networks | IT | 01-11-2016 | 3 year(s) |
E-Photon I | Optical Networks: Towards Bandwidth Manageability and Cost efficiency | EU/FP6 | 01-03-2004 | 2 year(s) |
e-Photon ONe + | e-Photon/ONe + – Optical Networks:Towards Bandwidth Manageability and Cost Efficiency | EU | 01-03-2006 | 2 year(s) |
ESPECTRO | Spectrum Monitorization and Control. Integration of Infrastructures | ICP-ANACOM | 01-02-2002 | 9 year(s) |
ESQUELETO | Evaluation of biomechanical load in the muscle-scheleton system | FCT/POCI | 01-10-2004 | 4 year(s) |
ESTIP (III) | ESTudo, desenvolvimento e experimentação de soluções inovadoras em redes IP (III) | PT Inovação | 01-01-2006 | 1 year(s) |
ETOBLU | Terminal Optical Equipments for Single Side Band | ADI | 01-09-2003 | 2 year(s) |
ETOBLU | Terminal Equipments for Optical Single Side Band Transmission | Siemens Networks SA | 01-10-2004 | 3 year(s) |
EUIMWP | European Network for High Performance Integrated Microwave Photonics | EU/COST | 01-10-2017 | 4 year(s) |
EUPAS | EUropean Project for ADC-based devices Standardization | IT/LA | 01-01-1998 | 11 year(s) |
EURO-FOS | EURO-FOS | EU/FP7 | 01-05-2008 | 3 year(s) |
Euro-NGI | Design and Engineering of the Next Generation Internet, Towards Convergent Multi-Service Networks | EU/FP6 | 01-12-2003 | 3 year(s) |
EvaClue | Evidence Accumulation in Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning: a Cluster Ensemble Approach | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2010 | 4 year(s) |
EvalTubes | Remaining Life Evaluation of Catalytic Furnace Tubes | FCT | 01-05-2014 | 2 year(s) |
EVOLUTION | Exploring Evolutionary Computation to Enhance Analog IC Design Automation Methodologies | FCT/POSC | 01-08-2005 | 2 year(s) |
FDTDPlasmonics | Finite-Difference Time-Domain analysis of novel wave phenomena in plasmonic systems | IT/LA | 01-04-2017 | 1 year(s) |
Fed4FIRE+ | Fed4FIRE+: Aveiro Tech City Living Lab | EU | 15-03-2022 | 2 year(s) |
FEFOF | Fuse effect on optical fibers | FCT/PTDC | 01-11-2007 | 3 year(s) |
FERROVIA 4.0 | SI I&DT Empresarial (Programas Mobilizadores) Nr. 046111 - FERROVIA 4.0 | P2020 | 01-07-2020 | 3 year(s) |
fiQare | fiQare | (confidential) | 01-10-2020 | 2 year(s) |
FIVER | Fully-Converged Quintuple-Play Integrated Optical-Wireless Access Architectures | EU/FP7 | 01-01-2010 | 3 year(s) |
FlexNet | Network of excellence for building up Knowledge for better System Integration for Flexible Organic and Large Area Electronics (FOLAE) and its exploitation. | EC/FP7 | 01-01-2009 | 4 year(s) |
FLOWS | Flexible Convergence of Wireless Standards and Services | EU | 01-10-2001 | 4 year(s) |
FOCOS | Aberrant Crypt Foci and Human Colorectal Polyps : mathematical modelling and endoscopic image processing. | FCT, UT Austin | 01-01-2009 | 4 year(s) |
foRESTER | foRESTER - Data fusion of sensor networks and fire spread modelling for decision support in forest fire suppression | FCT | 01-01-2019 | 3 year(s) |
FORTO | Smart self-assessment of muscle fatigability | Active and Assisted Living (AAL) | 01-07-2020 | 1 year(s) |
FS | Fiber Solitons: Propagation, Amplification and Switching | FCT/POSI | 01-10-2000 | 5 year(s) |
FutPON | SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 003145 - Future Passive Optical Networks | P2020 | 01-06-2015 | 2 year(s) |
GALACTIC | Innovative GaAs MMICs and Avanced LTCC packaging technologies for multicomponents Ka Band subsystems | EU | 01-01-2002 | 3 year(s) |
GALNC | Generalized Linear Amplification with Nonlinear Components for broadband wireless systems | FCT | 01-04-2014 | 1 year(s) |
GDD-THZ | Understanding the Interaction of THz waves with Cold Plasmas: Applications using Glow Discharge Detectors | FCT | 01-03-2017 | 4 year(s) |
Gels | Gels with innovative optical, magnetic and electrochemical properties | FCT/POSI | 01-01-2001 | 4 year(s) |
GeTFun | GeTFun - Generalizing Truth-Functionality | EC/FP7 | 01-01-2013 | 4 year(s) |
GLANCES | Generalized Linear Amplification with Nonlinear Components for Power and Spectral Efficient Broadband Wireless Systems | IT/LA | 01-04-2014 | 3 year(s) |
GOA | Listening Dolphins and Measuring the Water Quality where they Live | Ciência Viva | 01-04-2006 | 3 year(s) |
GOLD | GOLD - Using Geo-Positioned Indicators for Self-Optimization of LTE Data Networks | FCT | 01-03-2014 | 2 year(s) |
GoLocal | GoLocal -- From Monitoring Global Data Streams to Context-Aware Recommendations | FCT/ CMU | 01-03-2016 | 4 year(s) |
GPON | GPON-IN-A-BOX | PT Inovação | 01-01-2010 | 2 year(s) |
GRAPHENE | Graphene Superlattices | IT/LA | 01-09-2014 | 1 year(s) |
GreenEyes | Networked energy-aware visual analysis | EC/FP7 | 01-10-2012 | 3 year(s) |
GreenSOL | Materials for green processing and their integration in low cost organic photovoltaic cells | 01-04-2016 | 2 year(s) | |
GREEN-T | Green Terminals for Next Generation Wireless Systems | QREN | 01-07-2011 | 3 year(s) |
HAICAS | Hierarchical Analog IC Automatic Synthesis | IT | 01-05-2020 | 2 year(s) |
HAnDLE | Hardware Accelerated Deep Learning Framework | FCT | 12-07-2018 | 3 year(s) |
HCI | Reconhecimento de Padrões Cognitivos e Afectivos na Interacção Pessoa-Computador | INSTICC | 09-03-2004 | 4 year(s) |
HEAD | HEAD – Integrated Class D Audio Amplifier with High Efficiency | IT/LA | 01-11-2008 | 2 year(s) |
HeadSAR | Head SAR Measurement System Specification | ICP-ANACOM | 01-07-2002 | 1 year(s) |
HeartBIT | Novel pervasive technologies for the prevention and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases | IT/LA | 01-01-2014 | 2 year(s) |
HelicalMETA | Exotic Phenomena in Helical-Shaped Wire Metamaterials: from Imaging and Sensing to Topological Protection | FCT | 01-02-2020 | 3 year(s) |
HEPQC | Quantum Computation in High Energy Physics | FCT | 01-09-2020 | 2 year(s) |
HETCOP | Joint Cooperative and Cognitive Strategies for Heterogeneous Wireless Systems | IT/LA | 01-04-2014 | 3 year(s) |
HICOPI | HiCoPI - High Accuracy GNSS-based Coordinated Positioning | IT/LA | 01-12-2008 | 3 year(s) |
HoHus | High-performance Onboard Hyperspectral Unmixing Systems | IT/LA | 01-10-2011 | 3 year(s) |
HomeTelecare | HomeTelecare | PT Inovação | 01-03-2010 | 1 year(s) |
HORA | Disseminação horária | IPQ | 11-08-2004 | 1 year(s) |
Huawei | Huawei | Huawei Technologies Sweden | 04-05-2020 | 3 year(s) |
Hycos | Hyperspectral Compressive Sensing and Unmixing | IT/LA | 01-03-2014 | 2 year(s) |
HYPOVEG | Experimental Characterization of Instream-Hyporheic Fluxes in Vegetated Channels and Wetlands | 01-03-2012 | 3 year(s) | |
I2ACAS | In-service Inspection for Advanced Composite Aerospace Structures | FCT/COMPETE/FEDER | 01-10-2018 | 4 year(s) |
IC1101 | COST IC1101 - Optical Wireless Communications - An Emerging Technology | EU/COST | 01-10-2011 | 6 year(s) |
ICNS | Integrated Communication and Navigation Systems | FCT/POSI | 01-01-2001 | 2 year(s) |
ICS | Intelligent Cell Surfaces (ICS) | FCT | 01-06-2011 | 4 year(s) |
IDS/EM | Instrumentation Distributed System for Environmental Monitoring | Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal | 01-09-2002 | 3 year(s) |
ILASH | Integrated Lens Antenna Shaping | ESA-ESTEC | 01-09-2003 | 5 year(s) |
ILENA | Integration of Lenses and Planar Antennas | FCT/POSI | 01-10-2000 | 4 year(s) |
IMMINENCE | Projetos de I&D Industrial à Escala Europeia Nr. 112314 - IMMINENCE: Intelligent Management of next generation MobIle NEtworks aNd serviCEs | P2020 | 01-06-2021 | 3 year(s) |
IMP | IMP - Instituto Marítimo Portuário | EID | 03-04-2002 | 1 year(s) |
IMPANA | Development and implementation of an impedance analyzer based on analog to digital conversion and powerful signal processing algorithms | FCT/PTDC | 01-09-2007 | 4 year(s) |
ImpAr | Physical Impairment Modelling in Flexible Optical Node Architectures | IT/LA | 01-07-2016 | 2 year(s) |
InADC | InADC-In depth analysis of analog to digital converter methods | FCT/PTDC | 01-09-2007 | 4 year(s) |
Incentivo/EEI/LA0008/2013 | Incentivo 2013 | FCT | 01-01-2013 | 1 year(s) |
Incentivo/EEI/LA0008/2014 | Incentivo 2014 | FCT | 01-01-2014 | 2 year(s) |
InfoCent-IoT | Efficient information centric networks for IoT infrastructures | FCT/POCI, POR Lisboa, P2020 | 10-08-2018 | 4 year(s) |
INPOS | Indoors Positioning Using GNSS Aided Techniques | QREN | 01-06-2008 | 2 year(s) |
INSPECT | INSPECT - Integrated Nano Sensor Probes and Electronics for Eddy Currents Testing | FCT/PTDC | 01-05-2013 | 3 year(s) |
INTELE | Introduction to Telecommunications | FCT | 01-04-2012 | 2 year(s) |
Intellab | Inteligence in Laboratories | Intellab | 01-01-2010 | 3 year(s) |
INTIMAS | Interoperability in Enviromental and Marine Sensor Networks | Ministério da Ciência e Inovação Espanhol | 01-01-2009 | 3 year(s) |
INTMARSIS | Interoperability and implementation of autonomous marine platforms for seismic monitoring | Ministério da Ciência e Inovação Espanhol | 01-09-2014 | 3 year(s) |
InVivoMuscle | Development of “in vivo” experimental techniques and modeling methodologies for the evaluation of the mechanical load applied on the musculoskeletal system | FCT/PTDC | 01-02-2010 | 4 year(s) |
I-One | Implantable Organic Nano-Electronics | EU/FP4 | 01-09-2011 | 3 year(s) |
IRACON | COST CA15104 - Inclusive Radio Communication Networks for 5G and beyond | EU/COST | 01-02-2016 | 5 year(s) |
IRFDCMOS | Integration of high-frequency dc-dc converters in RF CMOS SoC | IT/LA | 01-09-2005 | 3 year(s) |
IRMIS | Increased Resolution Microwave Imaging using Superlens | FCT | 01-01-2023 | 2 year(s) |
ISSMIA | Integration of Stochastic and Structural Models in Image and Pattern Analysis-Phase II | FCT/POSI | 01-06-2001 | 2 year(s) |
ITAPSN | Issues in Transport Architectures and Protocols for Satellite Networks | IT/LA | 01-01-2005 | 2 year(s) |
ITEM | Technical Information on Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications | VODAFONE | 01-11-2002 | 2 year(s) |
IXOS3D | In-band crosstalk in optical communications systems with differential direct detection | IT/LA | 01-05-2011 | 3 year(s) |
KALens | Compact Lens-Based Mechanically Steered Ka-Band user Terminal Antenna | ESA-ESTEC | 01-11-2013 | 5 year(s) |
KALens 2 | Compact Lens-Based Mechanically Steered Ka-Band user Terminal Antenna - Extension | ESA-ESTEC | 01-01-2019 | 1 year(s) |
KaSAR | Study of multi-channel Ka-band SAR for moving target indication | ESA-ESTEC | 01-12-2011 | 2 year(s) |
KeMANDE | Kernel Method Applied to Non Destructive Evaluation | IT/LA | 01-06-2011 | 3 year(s) |
KLog | KLog - Logics for Security | FCT/PTDC | 01-08-2007 | 4 year(s) |
LANDAUER | LANDAUER - Operating ICT basic switches below the Landauer limit | EC/FP7 | 01-09-2012 | 3 year(s) |
LAY(RF)^2 | Ready-to-Fabricate RF and mmWave Integrated Circuit Layouts | IT | 01-02-2020 | 2 year(s) |
LAYGEN | Automatic Layout Generation of Mixed-Signal ICs | IT/LA | 01-04-2006 | 2 year(s) |
L-DimM-NetCod | Large-Dimensional MIMO Physical Layer Network Coding | IT/LA | 01-09-2014 | 3 year(s) |
LDMOSCA | Low Distortion RF MOS Circuits Advances | FCT/POCTI | 01-01-2001 | 2 year(s) |
LearnBIG | Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning from Big Data | FCT/PTDC | 01-05-2016 | 3 year(s) |
LearningS | Learning from Sequences | FCT/PTDC | 01-03-2013 | 2 year(s) |
LENTILLES | Benchmarking of Integrated Lens Antenna Design and Manufacturig | FCT/PESSOA | 01-01-2006 | 4 year(s) |
LIMESA | Light Field Processing for Immersive Media Streaming Applications | FCT | 01-03-2021 | 3 year(s) |
LIQ-OPVs | Towards very efficient organic photovoltaic cells through utilizing liquid crystal phases as electron-acceptors | FCT/PTDC | 01-05-2013 | 2 year(s) |
LoCOPON | LOCO-PON(LOw COst PON) | PT Inovação | 01-10-2006 | 2 year(s) |
LUSO | Acção Luso Espanhola - Sismógrafos do Fundo Marinho. Optimização das Técnicas de Desenho dos Instrumentos de Medida: Aquisição, Registo e Tratamento de Dados | CRUP | ||
MacSeNet | Machine Sensing Training Network | EC | 01-11-2014 | 5 year(s) |
MAIA | Multilingual Virtual Agents for Customer Service | P2020 | 01-07-2020 | 3 year(s) |
MA-LAN | Multiple Access for Wireless and Ad-Hoc Networks | IT/LA | 01-04-2005 | 2 year(s) |
MaLPIS | Machine Learning based Profiling for Internet Security | FCT/PTDC | 01-10-2018 | 3 year(s) |
MANADIX | Motion analysis for advanced image communications systems | EU/HCM | 01-01-1993 | 4 year(s) |
MANY2COMWIN | Many-to-Many COMmunication Architectures for WIreless Networks | FCT | 01-04-2014 | 2 year(s) |
MAPINVPLANTS | Monitoring the WaterHyacinth Using ASTER Imagery | FCT | 01-10-2016 | 2 year(s) |
MARES | Satellite-based microwave remote sensing for marine litter mapping | ESA-ESTEC | 04-10-2021 | 3 year(s) |
MARinWMN | Multiple Access and Routing in Wireless and Mesh Networks | IT/LA | 01-01-2007 | 1 year(s) |
MASSIVE5G | Multi-band Access Strategies for 5G Cooperative Networks | FCT/POCI | 01-06-2018 | 4 year(s) |
MATISSE | A machine learning-based forecasting system for shellfish safety | FCT | 01-04-2020 | 3 year(s) |
MAVT | Mobile audiovisual terminal | EU/RACE | 01-01-1992 | 4 year(s) |
MCNET | Multicore Fibre-based Next Generation Access Networks with Disruptive Capacity Provisioning | FCT | 01-01-2017 | 4 year(s) |
MEIOS ARTIFICIAIS | Propagation and Radiation in Complex Media Using Planar Technology | CRUP | 01-01-2002 | 2 year(s) |
MESMOQoE | Orquestração Automática Energeticamente Eficiente de Redes Móveis Optimizando a Qualidade de Experiência | P2020 | 01-09-2017 | 2 year(s) |
META-ID | Spatially confined RFID detection with a metamaterial grid | IT/LA | 01-06-2011 | 2 year(s) |
Metex | Metamaterial with extreme permittivity | IT/LA | 01-12-2008 | 2 year(s) |
MICROCELLS | Wideband mobile communications in microcells:propagation models and antenna design | JNICT/STRADA | 01-03-1992 | 4 year(s) |
MM5G | Multilayer Massive Multiple input Multiple output (MIMO) systems for the fifth generation (5G) wireless communications | FCT | 01-10-2016 | 3 year(s) |
mm-SatCom | Millimeter Wave Antennas for Next-Generation Satellite Mass Services | FCT/PTDC | 01-07-2013 | 3 year(s) |
MMSUPER | Metamaterial superabsorbers for harnessing wireless power | IT, FCT | 01-12-2016 | 2 year(s) |
MobileMAN | Mobile IP for Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks | IT/LA | 01-06-2005 | 3 year(s) |
MobiWise | MobiWise: from mobile sensing to mobility advising | P2020 | 01-01-2017 | 5 year(s) |
ModEx | Behavioral Model Extractor | IT/LA | 01-07-2005 | 2 year(s) |
MOG-QC on the GO | MOG-QC on the GO - Desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado de controlo da qualidade de conteúdos audiovisuais | FEDER/QREN | 01-07-2013 | 2 year(s) |
MoLC | Modular Analysis of Logical Calculli | FCT | 01-11-2017 | 4 year(s) |
MOLDELIV | Drug Delivery Control at the Molecular Level | FCT | 01-05-2013 | 1 year(s) |
MOMENTUM | Models and Simulations for Network Planning and Control of UMTS | EU | 01-08-2001 | 3 year(s) |
MOMUSYS | Mobile multimedia systems | EU/ACTS | 01-09-1995 | 5 year(s) |
MONET | Multi-omic networks in gliomas | FCT | 01-03-2021 | 3 year(s) |
MONIT | Monitoring of Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications | OPTIMUS, TMN, VODAFONE | 01-05-2004 | 9 year(s) |
MORFEUS | Metro Networks Based on Multi-Band Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing Signals | FCT/PTDC | 01-04-2013 | 3 year(s) |
MOTION | Monitoring and compensaTion of Impairments in Optical Networks | FCT/PTDC | 01-11-2007 | 3 year(s) |
MP0702 | COST MP0702 - Towards functional sub-wavelength photonic structures | EU/COST | 01-01-2008 | 4 year(s) |
MP1205 | COST Advances in Optofluidics: Integration of Optical Control and Photonics with Microfluidics | EU/COST | 01-10-2012 | 5 year(s) |
MPEG | ISO MPEG standardization | IT/LA | 01-07-1993 | 15 year(s) |
MPSat | Multi-Packet Detection Techniques for Satellite Networks | FCT/PTDC | 01-03-2010 | 3 year(s) |
MPSat | Multi-Packet detection techniques for Satellite networks | FCT | 01-02-2010 | 4 year(s) |
MROUTE | Metarouting | IT/LA | 01-01-2005 | 2 year(s) |
MultiAP | Multi-AP Wi-Fi Smart Mesh | (confidential) | 01-06-2018 | 3 year(s) |
MULTIDIM | Dimensioning Multi-Service and Multi-Layer Networks: Optimization Models | FCT/POSI | 01-01-2002 | 3 year(s) |
MULTIPLAN | Multi-service cellular planning for mobile communications | FCT/POSI | 01-12-2003 | 2 year(s) |
MUSCLES | SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 017787 - Mobile Ubiquitous Small Cells for Low-cost Energy and Spectrum efficient cloud service delivery | P2020 | 01-11-2016 | 3 year(s) |
MuViDisCo | Multiview Video Disparity Compensation using Geometric Transforms | IT/LA | 01-06-2011 | 4 year(s) |
MUVIS | MUlti-view distributed coding for VIsual Sensor networks | FCT/PTDC | 01-03-2012 | 4 year(s) |
MWI-MedScan | Microwave medical imaging | IT | 01-09-2014 | 5 year(s) |
NAGCPS | Navigation Algorithms for GNSS-based Coordinated Positioning Systems | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2012 | 3 year(s) |
NATO SET-225 | NATO SET-225 Spatial and Waveform Diverse Noise Radar | NATO, Marinha Portuguesa, Ministério da Defesa | 01-01-2015 | 4 year(s) |
NCI | Normalização de comunicações de imagem | JNICT/STRADA | 01-01-1992 | 4 year(s) |
NECO | NECO - Network Coding Opportunities | FLAD | 01-01-2006 | 2 year(s) |
NECTDiMe | New error correction techniques for digital measurement instruments | FCT/POCTI | 01-02-2004 | 4 year(s) |
NESH | Development of novel sensors for hemodynamics characterization | FCT/PTDC | 01-05-2010 | 4 year(s) |
NEUF | LTE-Advanced Enhancements using Femtocells | FCT/PTDC | 01-03-2012 | 2 year(s) |
NEUROCLINOMICS2 | Unravelling Prognostic Markers in NEUROdegenerative diseases through CLINical and OMICS data integration | FCT | 01-07-2016 | 4 year(s) |
NEURON | NEURON-Electrically conductive platforms for neural stem cell culture and differentiation | FCT | 01-10-2018 | 3 year(s) |
NEWCOM | Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications | EU/FP6 | 01-03-2004 | 3 year(s) |
NEWCOM++ | Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications ++ | EU/FP7 | 01-12-2007 | 4 year(s) |
NEWFOCUS | New Fromtiers im mm/sub-mm waves integrated dielectric focusing systems | ESF/PESC | 01-06-2010 | 6 year(s) |
NG-COS | Next-Generation Coherent Optical Communication Systems | IT/LA | 01-09-2011 | 2 year(s) |
NGPON | Next Generation Passive Optical Networks | ASI, Nokia Siemens Networks SA | 01-04-2007 | 2 year(s) |
NGPON2 | NGPON2 | ADI, PT Inovação | 01-01-2013 | 2 year(s) |
NHyMat | SolarNHyMat - Nanostructured Hybrid Materials for Solar Cells | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2010 | 4 year(s) |
NICE-HOME | Non-Invasive Fog-Cloud Enabled Home Monitoring for Elders | IT | 01-02-2020 | 2 year(s) |
NLRFCMOS | Desenvolvimento de modelos não lineares de dispositivos para microondas e integração monolítica de circuitos não lineares em silício para telecomunicações | CRUP | 01-01-2003 | 2 year(s) |
NMARV | Normalização de métodos avançados de representação de vídeo | FCT/PRAXIS | 01-01-1995 | 4 year(s) |
NMMADC | New measurements methods in Analog to Digital Converters testing | FCT/POCTI | 01-10-2000 | 3 year(s) |
NoiseRadar | NATO SET-184/RTG Capabilities of Noise Radar | NATO, Marinha Portuguesa, Ministério da Defesa | 01-01-2012 | 4 year(s) |
Non Linear and Chiroguides | Microwave and optical devices for transmission and switching using linear and nonlinear media | FCT/PRAXIS | 15-05-1997 | 4 year(s) |
Nonlocal | Non-local Metamaterials and Applications | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2010 | 3 year(s) |
NORD | Nonlinear (NL) OFDM Receiver Designs | Huawei Technologies Sweden | 09-04-2022 | 3 year(s) |
NORIT | Incidence of Norway lobster emergence activity rythms on its populations assessment | Ministério da Educação e Ciencia Espanhol | 01-12-2005 | 4 year(s) |
NOVO | Non volatile polymer memories for flexible electronics | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2012 | 4 year(s) |
NQuN | NQuN – The Nature of Quantum Networks | John Templeton Foundation | 01-01-2017 | 3 year(s) |
NRT | NATO SET-ET-066 - Multifunction Noise Radar | Marinha Portuguesa | 01-09-2009 | 2 year(s) |
NSCBRRI | Novel Statistical Criteria for Blind Restoration and Reconstruction of Images | FCT/POSC | 01-08-2005 | 3 year(s) |
OCAP | Optimization of Circuit topologies for Active Power filters | FCT/POCTI | 01-11-2002 | 4 year(s) |
OCTHOPUS | Otimização Conjunta de Transmissão Hertziana e Óptica Privilegiando o Utilizador e Seu Ambiente (OCTHOPUS) | FCT/COMPETE/FEDER | 01-10-2018 | 2 year(s) |
OFETs | Materials For Organic Electronics | FCT/POCTI | 01-02-2003 | 4 year(s) |
OILSAR | Oil Slick Surveillance Using ASAR and MERIS Dat | FCT, ESA | 01-12-2004 | 3 year(s) |
OMeGA | Optical Measurement of Guided Acoustic Waves in Solid Media | IT/LA | 01-05-2011 | 3 year(s) |
ONECI | ONECI - Optimizing Next-generation Elastic Core Network Infrastructure | FCT/PTDC | 01-05-2013 | 2 year(s) |
OPERA | OPERA - Layout-Aware Analog IC Design Automation | IT/LA | 01-03-2014 | 2 year(s) |
OPPORTUNISTIC-CR | Opportunistic Aggregation of Spectrum and Cognitive Radios: Consequences on Public Policies | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2011 | 3 year(s) |
OPTICAL 5G | High-Capacity SDM Solutions for Optical Backhaul in 5G Networks and Optical Data Center Connectivity | IT | 01-07-2016 | 3 year(s) |
OPTRONET | OPtimized Transponders for Robust NETworks | ADI, Nokia Siemens Networks SA | 01-01-2006 | 3 year(s) |
OPTRONET | OPtimized Transponders for Robust Optical NETworks | ADI | 01-01-2006 | 3 year(s) |
OreO | Organic/Inorganic hybrids for Integrated Optics | FCT/POCI | 01-03-2005 | 3 year(s) |
Oreo2 | Organic/Inorganic hybrids for Integrated Optics - 2 | FCT/PTDC | 01-12-2007 | 3 year(s) |
OREO3 | Organic-inorganic hybrids with enhanced light properties for the new generation of optical communications | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2010 | 3 year(s) |
OSP-HNLF | OSP-HNLF - Optical Signal Processing Using Highly Nonlinear Fibers | FCT/PTDC | 01-05-2010 | 3 year(s) |
OSTRAQUAL | OSTRAQUAL – Enhancing and Promoting the Oyster Aquaculture Quality in Sado and Mira Region | FEDER/QREN, FCT | 01-01-2018 | 2 year(s) |
PAConvex | Beyond Convexity: Non-Convex Optimization and Game-Theoretic Approaches for Imaging Inverse Problems | FCT | 01-06-2013 | 2 year(s) |
PAIRUE | Fusion of Palmprint and Iris Recognition in Uncontrolled Environments | IT/LA | 01-07-2011 | 3 year(s) |
Panorama | Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Telecomunicações sustentado em Plataformas Ópticas e de Rádio Avançadas com gestão integrada | PT Inovação | 01-01-2009 | 3 year(s) |
PANORAMA | PANORAMA II - REDES | QREN | 01-01-2013 | 2 year(s) |
PANORAMA II | Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Telecomunicações sustentado em Plataformas Ópticas e de Rádio Avançadas com gestão integrada | PT Inovação | 01-01-2013 | 2 year(s) |
PAPETS | PAPETS - Phonon-Assisted Processes for Energy Transfer and Sensing | EC/FP7 | 01-09-2013 | 4 year(s) |
PCLMobile | Passive Coherent Locators on Mobile Platforms | Ministério da Defesa, NATO | 01-02-2017 | 4 year(s) |
PCR | Progressive Point Cloud Representation | FCT | 01-06-2016 | 3 year(s) |
PERSEIDS | Personalizing cancer therapy through integrated modeling and decision | FCT | 17-06-2016 | 4 year(s) |
PES3N | Power-Efficient Solutions for Secure wireless Sensor Networks - PES3N | FCT/COMPETE/FEDER | 01-07-2018 | 4 year(s) |
Pest-OE/EEI/LA0008/2011 | IT Laboratório Associado | FCT | 01-01-2011 | 2 year(s) |
Pest-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 | IT Laboratório Associado | FCT | 01-01-2013 | 3 year(s) |
PHASE | Phase Unwrapping: A New Max-Flow/Min-Cut Based Approach | IT/LA | 12-12-2005 | 2 year(s) |
PHEASANT | Sondas neuronais fotónicas integradas para computação neuromórfica | FCT/ CMU | 01-11-2023 | 1 year(s) |
PIC | Photonic Integrated Circuits for NGPON2 | PT Inovação | 01-05-2013 | 2 year(s) |
PIONEER | PIONEER - Performance Issues in Optical NEtworks with intErnet tRaffic | IT/LA | 01-01-2003 | 3 year(s) |
PLANETa | Projetos de Prova de Conceito Nr. 181242 - PLANETa - Dispositivos fotónicos para geração de energia a partir da luz solar e sensor de temperatura para avaliação pós-ocupação em tempo real e baseada no utilizador em edifícios de balanço energético nulo | P2020 | 01-06-2022 | 2 year(s) |
PLANOPTI | Planning and Optimization for the Coexistence of Mobile and Wireless Networks Towards Long Term Evolution | EU/FP7 | 01-04-2010 | 3 year(s) |
PLASTIC | Fully Patterned all Plastic Integrated Circuits | IT/LA | 01-07-2005 | 3 year(s) |
PLEDs | Energy transfer from electroluminescent polymers to phosphorescent dopants | FCT/POCTI | 01-07-2003 | 3 year(s) |
PMD | Polarization Mode Dispersion in High-Speed Optical Communication Systems | FCT/POSI | 01-01-2004 | 4 year(s) |
POCAONTAS | ITN - Innovative Training Network: Polymer-Carbon Nanotubes Active Systems for Photovoltaics | EC/FP7 | 01-09-2014 | 3 year(s) |
POLYCOM | Plastic Optical Fibers with Embedded Active Polymers for Data Communications | EU | 01-05-2006 | 3 year(s) |
PORTO | Planeamento e Optimização de Redes Ópticas Elásticas Baseadas na Tecnologia O-OFDM | FCT | 01-04-2013 | 2 year(s) |
PosDig | Digital Post-Compensation of Chromatic Dispersion and Nonlinearities in Optical Communication Systems | PT Inovação | 01-03-2010 | 2 year(s) |
POWER | SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 182851 - POWER - Empowering a Digital Future | P2020 | 01-06-2021 | 4 year(s) |
Powerquality | Fast and accurate power quality measurements using analog to digital converters and digital signal processing techniques | FCT/POSC | 01-03-2007 | 2 year(s) |
PQ | Power Quality | IT/LA | 01-06-2004 | 2 year(s) |
PQM/ADC/DSP | Power quality measurements using analog to digital converters and digital signal processing techniques | IT/LA | 01-09-2005 | 3 year(s) |
P-Quantum | Practical Quantum Communications | IT/LA | 01-09-2011 | 2 year(s) |
PQW | The Physics of Quantum Walks | FCT, Slovak Academy of Sciences bilateral project | 01-07-2011 | 3 year(s) |
PREDICT | oPtical fibeR sEnsors for aDvanced applICaTions | FCT, IT/LA | 01-01-2018 | 6 year(s) |
PREDICT | Personalized therapy for RhEumatic DIseases via machine learning methods | FCT | 01-01-2019 | 3 year(s) |
PREDICT2 | PRotein aggregation Detection to Indicate response to anti-Cancer Treatment | P2020 | 01-09-2020 | 1 year(s) |
PRELUNA | Precise and Efficient Learning using Attention Mechanisms | FCT | 01-01-2022 | 3 year(s) |
Prodígios | Processamento digital de áudio e vídeo | FCT/PRAXIS | 01-01-1995 | 4 year(s) |
PROENERGY-WSN | Prototypes for Efficient Energy Self-sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2012 | 4 year(s) |
Programa IST | Programa IST | ICCTI | 01-02-2000 | 3 year(s) |
PROMISE | PROgrammable MIxed Signal Electronics | EU/H2020 | 01-01-2020 | 6 year(s) |
ProQuNet | ProQuNet - Probing Quantum Networks with Quantum Walks | FCT, Slovak Academy of Sciences bilateral project | 01-01-2016 | 2 year(s) |
PROSAR | Signal and Image Processing in Synthetic Aperture Radar | FCT/POSI | 01-01-2001 | 4 year(s) |
PROVEN | Optimizing 360o Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks | IT | 01-04-2020 | 2 year(s) |
PURE-5GNET | Cooperative Multi-band Access Strategies for 5G Ultra Dense Networks | IT, FCT | 01-04-2016 | 3 year(s) |
Q.DOT | SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 039728 - Distributed Quantum Oblivious Transfer | P2020 | 01-10-2019 | 3 year(s) |
QEntHEP | Quantum Entanglement in High Energy Physics | FCT | 01-01-2022 | 2 year(s) |
QIA | QIA – Quantum Internet Alliance | EU/H2020 | 01-10-2018 | 3 year(s) |
QMETA | Realising Quantum METAmaterials with Quantum Dot Arrays | FCT | 01-03-2022 | 1 year(s) |
QMiCS | QMiCS – Quantum Microwave Communication and Sensing | EU/H2020 | 01-10-2018 | 3 year(s) |
QPMSN | QoS and Performance Management in Satellite Networks | IT/LA | 01-01-2009 | 1 year(s) |
QSCRIPTED | Quantum Secure Communication Field Experiment | Gabinete Nacional de Segurança | 10-05-2021 | 1 year(s) |
QSec | Quantum Security | FCT/PTDC | 01-11-2007 | 2 year(s) |
QUALINET | European Network on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services | EU/COST | 01-11-2010 | 4 year(s) |
QuanLog | Logic in Quantum Computation and Information | FCT/POCI | 01-01-2005 | 3 year(s) |
QuantHEP | Quantum Computing Solutions for High-Energy Physics | EU/H2020, FCT | 01-01-2020 | 3 year(s) |
QuantPrivTel | QuantPrivTel: Quantum PrivateTelecommunications | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2010 | 4 year(s) |
QuantSat-PT | QuantSat-PT -- Portuguese Quantum Communications Cube-Satellite: Development of the Quantum Payload and Preliminary Design of the Space Segment | FCT | 01-12-2020 | 2 year(s) |
QuantTel | Quantum Secure Telecommunications | IT/LA | 01-11-2008 | 2 year(s) |
Quantum | Quantum Effects in High Speed Optical Communication Systems | IT/LA | 01-07-2005 | 3 year(s) |
QuantumLandauer | QuantumLandauer – Beating Landauer’s Limit in the Quantum Regime | EC/FP7 | 01-03-2014 | 2 year(s) |
QuantumMining | Quantum Primitives for Privacy Preserving Data Mining | FCT | 01-09-2018 | 4 year(s) |
QuantumPrime | Generation of Prime Numbers Enabled by Quantum Technologies for Cryptographic Applications | FCT | 01-02-2021 | 3 year(s) |
QuGENOME | Quantum Enabled Private Recognition of Composite Signals in Genome | EU | 01-12-2020 | 2 year(s) |
QUIS-CAMPI | QUIS-CAMPI: Biometric Recognition in Surveillance Environments | IT/LA | 01-03-2014 | 1 year(s) |
QuNet | QuNet - Quantum Telecommunication Networks | IT | 01-11-2016 | 2 year(s) |
QuNetMed | Quantum Algorithms for Network Medicine | FCT | 01-01-2023 | 2 year(s) |
QuRunner | Development of a quantum random number generator network server | IT | 01-02-2020 | 3 year(s) |
QuSim | QuSim – Integrated Photonics Quantum Simulations | IT/LA | 01-07-2014 | 2 year(s) |
QUTE-EUROPE | QUTE-EUROPE – Quantum Technologies for Europe | EC/FP7 | 01-09-2014 | 2 year(s) |
R2D2 | Network error control for Rapid and Reliable Data Delivery | EPSRC | 01-01-2014 | 2 year(s) |
RADESOL | RADESOL-Design racional de misturas para células solares poliméricas | FCT (M-ERA.NET) | 01-01-2014 | 3 year(s) |
RadioAire | Estudo de Viabilidade do Centro de Radiocomunicações de Serra d'Aire | ICP-ANACOM | 01-10-1995 | 2 year(s) |
Raman | Raman Amplification for CWDM Systems | PT Inovação | 01-03-2005 | 3 year(s) |
RaTON | Radio Techniques over Optical access Networks | IT/LA | 01-09-2005 | 2 year(s) |
ReAlImage | Regularization Criteria and Fast Algorithms for Imaging Inverse Problems | FCT/PTDC | 01-02-2010 | 3 year(s) |
RELIM | Reliable Methods to Inspect CFP Composites | 01-07-2016 | 2 year(s) | |
REMAR | Redes DTN para comunicações de emergência | QREN | 01-01-2013 | 2 year(s) |
RESCuE-TOOL | Radio coverage for emergency communication systems to operate under critical wildfire environments TOOL | FCT | 31-12-2018 | 5 year(s) |
RESOURCE | Radio resource optimization in third generation mobile systems | FCT/POSI | 01-10-2000 | 4 year(s) |
RETIOT | Utilização de Tecnologias de Reflectometría no melhoramento do futuro Internet das Coisas e Sistemas Ciber-Físicos | P2020 | 09-01-2017 | 5 year(s) |
RFID-Local | Advanced Antennas for Radio Frequency Identification and Localization | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2010 | 3 year(s) |
RFID-Shelf | RFID Smart Surfaces | IT/LA, CreativeSystems, Vicaima | 01-12-2006 | 5 year(s) |
RFMLI | Thermal Blanket with Low RF Reflectivity | HPS-Portugal, ESA | 01-11-2012 | 3 year(s) |
RFSense | Context Awareness through RF Sensing of Mobile Human Motion | FCT | 01-01-2020 | 3 year(s) |
Ride2Autonomy | Ride2Autonomy | EU | 15-04-2021 | 2 year(s) |
R-META | Reconfigurable Low-profile Antennas Using Metamaterials | FCT/POSC | 01-10-2005 | 3 year(s) |
ROCAT | Techniques for Robust Carrier Phase Tracking (under High Dynamics/Strong Fading/Scintillation Conditions) | ESA-ESTEC | 01-07-2012 | 1 year(s) |
ROTA | Advanced Optical Network | Nokia Siemens Networks | 01-07-2007 | 2 year(s) |
S2MovingCity | Sensing and Serving a Moving City | FCT/ CMU | 01-03-2016 | 6 year(s) |
SAAS | Remote Piloted Semi-Autonomous Aerial Surveillance System Using Terrestrial Wireless Networks | IT/LA | 01-03-2012 | 3 year(s) |
SafeFire | Human and ambient monitoring integrated sensors in firefighter workwear for increase safety | FCT | 24-01-2021 | 4 year(s) |
SAFE-HOME | Projetos de I&D Industrial à Escala Europeia Nr. 072082 - Security-Aware Fog-based Efficient Home Monitoring for Elders | P2020 | 01-04-2021 | 3 year(s) |
SAIL | Scalable & Adaptive Internet soLutions | EU/FP7 | 01-08-2010 | 3 year(s) |
SAMURAI | Multimedia Services and Applications in Hospital, University and Urban Environments | FEDER, PRAI | 01-12-2002 | 2 year(s) |
SARDANA | Scalable Advanced Ring-based passive Dense Access Network Architecture (SARDANA) | EU/FP7 | 01-01-2008 | 3 year(s) |
SARMonitor | Civil Traffic Monitoring Using SAR | FCT/PTDC | 01-11-2007 | 4 year(s) |
SATRAP | Rational design of Self-Assembling networks for TRansparent electrode APplications | FCT/POCI | 01-10-2018 | 4 year(s) |
SATSON | Vehicles velocity estimation and classification in free flow environments | BRISA | 01-06-2008 | 4 year(s) |
SATSTATION | Satellite Ground Station for Study and Development of Radio Communications | FCT/REEQ | 01-01-2006 | 1 year(s) |
SCALE | Statistical Characterization of Telecommunications Traffic | FCT/POSI | 01-01-2001 | 1 year(s) |
SCALE II | Trafic Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Multiservice Networks | FCT/POSI | 01-02-2002 | 3 year(s) |
SCALE III | Internet Traffic Measurements, Modelling and Statistical Analysis | FCT/POSC | 01-01-2005 | 2 year(s) |
SCALES | SCALES - Simulation Tool for Pipeline ADCs | Thales Alenia Space | 01-04-2011 | 4 year(s) |
SDN | SDN: Gestão de recursos para Soft Defined Networks (SDNs) | PT Inovação | 01-04-2013 | 1 year(s) |
SDRT | SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 070192 - SDRT Health - Software Defined Real-Time Health | P2020 | 04-04-2021 | 3 year(s) |
SDWN | Service Differentiation in Wireless Networks | IT/LA | 01-01-2004 | 2 year(s) |
SEACORN | Simulation of Enhanced UMTS Access and Core Networks | EU | 01-03-2002 | 2 year(s) |
SELF | Descoberta e decisão automática de recursos | PT Inovação | 01-04-2011 | 1 year(s) |
SeLF-ICN | Selectively Accessing Light Field Faces over Information Centric Networking | IT | 01-07-2016 | 2 year(s) |
SenseBusNet | Sensing data and Delay-Tolerant Delivery over Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks | IT/LA | 01-05-2014 | 3 year(s) |
SHOTS | Super High-capacity Optical Transmission Systems | FCT/POSC | 01-04-2005 | 3 year(s) |
SiGeM | Silicon Germanium MMICs for RF Front End Transceivers | IT/LA | 01-10-2005 | 3 year(s) |
SIMBAD | Beyond features: similarity-based pattern analysis and recognition | EU/FP7 | 01-02-2008 | 4 year(s) |
Simons | Simons Collaboration | Simons Foundation | 01-09-2020 | 5 year(s) |
SiMTraMil | Silicon Monolithic Transceiver for Portable Communication Systems in Millimetre Wave | FCT/PTDC | 01-03-2010 | 3 year(s) |
SIRS | Scaling and Securing the Internet Routing System | FCT | 01-09-2016 | 2 year(s) |
SMARDO | Smart System for Monitoring of Wild Dolphin – Antropogenic Factors Interactions | IT/LA | 01-10-2005 | 3 year(s) |
SMART | Remote Structure Health Monitoring | JustBit | 01-11-2007 | 4 year(s) |
SMART | New technologies and strategies for stem cell manufacturing bioprocess monitoring and artificial intelligence-based modeling | FCT | 01-01-2021 | 5 year(s) |
SmartCityMules | SmartCityMules - Mobile Data Collection and Dissemination Through Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks | FCT/PTDC | 01-04-2016 | 3 year(s) |
SMART-CLOTHING | Smart Clothing for Health Monitoring and Sport Applications | iCentro | 01-07-2007 | 2 year(s) |
SmartGlauco | Smart Drug Delivery Device for Glaucoma Treatment | FCT | 01-03-2021 | 3 year(s) |
SmartHeart | Smarter Cardiac Sensing via Integrated Signal Processing | IT | 01-01-2017 | 2 year(s) |
SNOB-5G | MIT-PT SNOB-5G: Scalable Network Backhauling for 5G | P2020 | 01-02-2020 | 4 year(s) |
SOLARFLEX | concentradores solares luminescentes (LSCs) cilíndricos com elevado fator de concentração | FCT | 01-06-2019 | 2 year(s) |
Space-DCDC | Space-DCDC – DC-DC controller for space applications | IT/LA | 01-10-2008 | 2 year(s) |
SPARSIS | SparseModeling and Estimation of Motion Fields | FCT | 01-07-2016 | 3 year(s) |
SpaRTaN | Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing Training Network | EC | 01-10-2014 | 4 year(s) |
SPEED | Low Power Ultra-High Speed Analogue-to-Digital Converter for Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications | FCT/PTDC | 01-09-2007 | 4 year(s) |
SSL-AMDMR | Statistical and Structural Learning: Applications in Multimedia Data Mining and Retrieval | FCT/POSI | 01-01-2001 | 4 year(s) |
SST 2020 | Space Surveillance and Tracking 2020 | EU/H2020, Ministério da Defesa | 26-05-2020 | 4 year(s) |
StableNextSol | COST - Stable Next-generation Photovoltaics: Unraveling degradation mechanisms of Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells by complementary characterization techniques | EU/H2020 | 01-03-2014 | 4 year(s) |
STM Image | Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Image Processing Tools | IT/LA | 01-03-2014 | 3 year(s) |
STT | Space-Time-Types: Behavioural and Spatial Type Systems | FCT/POSC | 01-07-2005 | 3 year(s) |
Sub-Lambda | Sub-diffraction imaging systems formed by microstructured waveguides | FCT/PTDC | 01-09-2007 | 3 year(s) |
SuperNet | Support of Service Level Agreements in IP Networks | FCT/POSI | 04-12-2000 | 4 year(s) |
SUPRASOL | Supramolecular assemblies for efficient, stable, and sustainable organic solar cells | FCT | 16-07-2018 | 4 year(s) |
SUPRESSOR | All Optical Side band SUPRESSOR based on SOA’s to operate at 40GBit/s | Siemens SA | 01-07-2005 | 2 year(s) |
Sureté | Security in TCP/IP Networks | PT Inovação | 01-06-2002 | 1 year(s) |
Sustainenergy | Garantir o acesso a fontes de energia fiáveis, sustentavais e modernas para todos | POCI, FEDER | 01-01-2020 | 2 year(s) |
SWIPA | Switching Mode Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications | IT/LA | 01-11-2008 | 2 year(s) |
SWITCH | Power Electronics Circuits for Complex Power Systems | IT/LA | 01-01-2003 | 2 year(s) |
SymArtMat | Future communications with higher-symmetric engineered artificial materials | EU/COST | 06-11-2019 | 4 year(s) |
SymBreak | Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Optics | FCT | 01-02-2020 | 2 year(s) |
SYSTEMIC-RF | Automated synthesis methodology for reliable RF integrated circuits | EU/H2020 | 01-09-2021 | 2 year(s) |
TADFOLED | New Organometallic Materials with Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence for Applications in High Efficiency OLEDs | FCT | 01-09-2018 | 4 year(s) |
TailorPhy | Smart Sensors and Tailored Environments for Physiotherap | FCT | 15-04-2016 | 4 year(s) |
Talisman | Tracing author’s rights by labeling image services and monitoring access network | EU/FP7 | 01-09-1995 | 3 year(s) |
TDK4PE | Technology & Design Kit for Printed Electronics (TDK4PE) | EC/FP7 | 01-10-2012 | 2 year(s) |
TeamUp5G | New RAN TEchniques for 5G UltrA-dense Mobile networks | EU/H2020 | 28-12-2018 | 5 year(s) |
Teclar | Alternative techniques for Raman amplification | FCT/POCI | 01-10-2005 | 2 year(s) |
TElectronics | Transformation Electronics and Optics | FCT | 01-07-2013 | 2 year(s) |
TELEMAT | Traffic Engineering for DiffServ/MPLS Networks | PT Inovação | 01-04-2001 | 1 year(s) |
TeleTimor | Telecommunications Infrastructure for East Timor | Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros | 01-05-2001 | 1 year(s) |
TERRA | Techno-Economic Regulatory Framework for Radio Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio/Software Defined Radio | EU/COST | 01-05-2010 | 5 year(s) |
THE MOST | Transimpedance Highly Efficient Micro & millimetrewave Optical Smart Transceiver | ADI | 01-01-2003 | 4 year(s) |
TheBlinQC | TheBlinQC – Theory-Blind Quantum Control | EU/H2020, FCT | 01-02-2018 | 4 year(s) |
THRONE | Devices and techniques for optical processing in high bit-rate networks | FCT/PTDC | 01-11-2007 | 3 year(s) |
TIM | Magnetic Induction Tomography - Development of the instrumentation and measuring methods for biomedical applications. | FCT/POSC | 01-06-2005 | 4 year(s) |
TIMII | Magnetic Induction Tomography - High Resolution Imaging Instrumentation | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2010 | 3 year(s) |
TOMAR-PON | Techniques Of Modulation And Remodulation for PON | FCT/PTDC | 01-01-2010 | 3 year(s) |
TOMAR-PON | Técnicas de modulação e remodulação para PON - TOMAR-PON | FCT | 01-03-2009 | 5 year(s) |
TOP | Transport Protocol for DVB-RCS Interoperable PEP-Phase 1 | ESA-ESTEC | 01-11-2006 | 1 year(s) |
TOP | Transport Protocol for DVB-RCS Interoperable PEP-Phase2 | ESA-ESTEC | 01-07-2007 | 1 year(s) |
TopElect | Nonreciprocal and topological electromagnetics | IET: The Institution of Engineering and Technology | 01-01-2019 | 5 year(s) |
TopMater | Topological Materials | IT | 01-08-2016 | 2 year(s) |
TopoSYSTEM | Transporte de luz protegido por topologia e simetria em metamateriais espaço-temporais | FCT | 10-03-2023 | 2 year(s) |
TPSAT | Transport Protocol and Resource Management for Mobile Satellite Networks | ESA-ESTEC | 01-07-2001 | 2 year(s) |
TPSAT2 | Transport Protocol and Resource Management for Mobile Satellite Networks - Phase 2 | ESA-ESTEC | 01-09-2003 | 2 year(s) |
TRAP | Trapping Light in Open Resonators | IT/LA | 01-04-2014 | 3 year(s) |
TURBO | Transmission of UltRa wide-Band radio signals over Optical fibre | FCT/PTDC | 01-12-2009 | 4 year(s) |
UAV-SAR | Moving Targets Processing for SAR-carrying UAV’s | Marinha Portuguesa | 15-09-2006 | 2 year(s) |
U-BOAT | Ultra-Wide Band Transmission for Ad Hoc Networks | FCT/PTDC | 01-10-2007 | 3 year(s) |
UCELLS | Ultra-wide band real-time interference monitoring and CELLular management Strategies | EU/FP7 | 01-01-2008 | 3 year(s) |
UDPT | Uncertainty in the Discrete Fourier Transform | FCT | 01-07-2023 | 1 year(s) |
UEMC-IM | Update and Extension of the Measuring Capabilities of the Instrumentation and Measurement Group of the Institute of Telecommunications - Lisbon | FCT/REEQ | 01-06-2002 | 5 year(s) |
uFlexBat | Batteryless energy supply system based on flexible organic photovoltaic cells | IT/LA | 01-12-2016 | 3 year(s) |
UID/EEA/50008/2013 | UID/EEA/50008/2013 | FCT | 01-04-2015 | 3 year(s) |
UNIME | UNIME-Unimolecular Electronics | FCT/PTDC | 01-07-2007 | 4 year(s) |
VeXel | Maritime Traffic Monitoring with TerraSAR-X | ADI, German Aerospace Center | 01-06-2007 | 3 year(s) |
VIEXPAND | Vídeo Industrial para Visão Expandida em Operações à Distância | P2020 | 01-10-2020 | 3 year(s) |
VISNET | Networked audiovisual media technologies | EU | 01-12-2003 | 2 year(s) |
VISNET II | Networked audiovisual media technologies II | EU | 01-07-2006 | 3 year(s) |
VISTA | COST IC1102 - Versatile, Integrated and Signal-aware Technologies for Antennas | EU/COST | 01-12-2011 | 5 year(s) |
VITALIDI | Android Biometrics Demonstrator | IT/LA | 01-11-2011 | 3 year(s) |
VTINT | VTINT - Vias Físicas de Tráfego Internacionais e Nacionais | ANACOM | 01-06-2008 | 2 year(s) |
WALKER | WAvelength division multiplexing LinK DesignER | IT/LA | 15-07-2006 | 1 year(s) |
WeHope | WeHope - Wearable e-health optical fiber monitoring system | IT | 01-10-2016 | 2 year(s) |
WIDECOM | Amplificador de banda larga para DWDM | FCT/POSI | 01-01-2001 | 2 year(s) |
WiFiRx | Double-Band Multi_standard Frequency Front-End for WLAN aplications | FCT/PTDC | 01-09-2007 | 3 year(s) |
Wi-mm | Millimetre-wave wireless indoor link with automatic tracking antenna | IT/LA | 01-10-2008 | 2 year(s) |
WIP | An All-Wireless Mobile Network Architecture | EU | 01-01-2006 | 3 year(s) |
WoNet | Wavelength Division Multiplexing and OCDMA for broadcast and Select Networks | FCT/POSI | 01-05-2002 | 2 year(s) |
WSN_EM | Wireless Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring | FCT | 01-09-2018 | 4 year(s) |
XAIface | Measuring and Improving Explainability for AI-based Face Recognition | FCT | 01-05-2021 | 3 year(s) |
XiPhy | Xinhuanet Physiological Computing Scientific Research Cooperation | Xinhuanet Co. Ltd. | 01-01-2018 | 2 year(s) |