Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications


  • S.A. Matos, A. F. Vaquero, M. Baena, J.R. Costa, J. M. Felício, C. A. Fernandes, N. Fonseca, 3rd plane on the iWAT2023 Best Paper Award contest, THe Best Paper Award contribute to the recognition of the high scientific quality of research fitting the scope of iWAT2023., 01-05-2023
  • S.A. Matos, TAP Top 200 reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Society - Top 200 reviewers for the period of June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023, 01-05-2023
  • S.A. Matos, A. F. Vaquero, M. Baena, J.R. Costa, J. M. Felício, C. A. Fernandes, N. Fonseca, Finalist (Top 5) of the the Best Theory and Design Antenna Paper Award of EuCAP2023, The EuCAP 2023 Best Paper Awards have been created to contribute to the recognition of the scientific quality of research and engineering in four thematic domains: ​Best Electromagnetics Paper Award. Best Theory and Design Antenna Paper Award. Best Applied Technology Antenna Paper Award. Best Propagation Paper Award. Best Measurements Paper Award., 01-03-2023
  • A. Javaheri, C. Brites, F. Pereira, J. Ascenso, MMSP 2021 Best Paper Award Finalist, for the paper entitled "A Point-to-Distribution Joint Geometry and Color Metric for Point Cloud Quality Assessment", 01-10-2021
  • E.L. Lopes, J. Ascenso, C. Brites, F. Pereira, ICME 2019 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, for the paper entitled "Adaptive Plane Projection for Video-Based Point Cloud Coding"., 01-07-2019
  • R. Soeiro, T. M. F. Alves, A. Cartaxo, Best Paper Award, Photoptics Conference, 01-01-2018
  • A. Javaheri, C. Brites, F. Pereira, J. Ascenso, Top 10% paper award, IEEE 19th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Luton, UK, 01-10-2017
  • C. Conti, IBM Scientific Prize 2016, Awarded for the work entitled "Efficient Solutions for Light Field Coding", Portugal, 01-09-2017
  • C. Conti, P. Nunes, L. D. Soares, Scientific Awards ISCTE-IUL 2016, Awarded for the paper entitled "HEVC-based 3D holoscopic video coding using self-similarity compensated prediction", Lisbon, Portugal, 01-06-2017
  • F. Rosário, F. A. Monteiro, A. J. Rodrigues, Paper in the Most Downloaded Papers in the IEEE Signal Processing Letters in The Last Two Years, The 2016 paper in IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL) was showcased in the list of the 10 "Most Downloaded Papers from IEEE Xplore" for the SPL during the previous two years (2015-2016). The list was showcased in the May 2017 issue of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine., 01-05-2017
  • A. Almeida, Pedagogical Excellence, First prize attributed by the School of Technology and Architecture for pedagogical work selecting and applying techniques, and teaching the most appropriate methods to the objectives defined for self-assess performance, motivation, and to achieve the desired competence profile., 01-12-2016
  • O. Postolache, IEEE ICST Award for invited speech, The award was granted during the IEEE International Conference on Sensing Technology for invited speeche "Unobtrusive Smart Sensing and Pervasive Computing for Healthcare, 01-11-2016
  • F. Silva, L. C. Correia, A. Christensen, Best Student Paper Award, Best Student Paper Award at 10th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, paper entitled “Online Hyper-Evolution of Controllers in Multirobot Systems”, 01-09-2016
  • O. Postolache, Award for IEEE DL Seminar at University of Calcutta, Awarded by Joint CSS-IMS Kolkata Chapter, 01-08-2016
  • F. Silva, L. C. Correia, A. Christensen, Best Paper Award, Best Paper Award (Evolutionary robotics track) at EvoStar 2016, paper entitled “Leveraging Online Racing and Population Cloning in Evolutionary Multirobot Systems”, 01-04-2016
  • J. S. Lemos, F. Rosário, F. A. Monteiro, A. J. Rodrigues, Luís Vidigal Prize 2015, Co-supervision of the two winners (ex aequo) of the Luís Vidigal Prize 2015 . This prize awards the Best MSc Thesis of the Year at IST in the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Compute Science, and related fields, completed in 2015. Mr. Francisco Rosário and Mr. João Sande Lemos were both scholars under the L-DIMM-NetCod project in our group., 01-03-2016
  • A. Christensen, M. Duarte, V.C. Costa, T. R. Rodrigues, J. Gomes, F. Silva, S. Oliveira, AAAI Best Robot Video Award,, 01-02-2016
  • F. A. Monteiro, Exemplary Reviewer Award 2015, From the the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, a 1st-quartile journal co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. The prize is awarded to the top 3% best reviewers nominated by the associate editors., 01-01-2016
  • O. Postolache, Certificate of Apreciation - ICST Technical program Co-chair, The certificate was granted during ICST 2015, Aukland, NZ, 01-12-2015
  • O. Postolache, Special IEEE EHB Award, The award was granted for important scientific contributions in the field of unobtrusive smart sensing for cardiac and motor activity monitoring. EHB Conference was organized in November in Iasi Romania, 01-11-2015
  • C.L. Lemos, R.J. Lopes, H. Coelho, Quantitative Measures of Crowd Patterns in Agent- Based Models of Street Protests, Best PhD student paper, 01-09-2015
  • F. A. Monteiro, Exemplary Reviewer Award 2014, From the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, a 1st-quartile journal co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. The prize is awarded to the top 3% reviewers who have performed reviews considered by the associate editors as being relevant and timely reviews, consistently for a number of papers over the year., 01-01-2015
  • F. Prudêncio, S.A. Matos, C. R. Paiva, The most general classes of Tellegen media reducible to simple reciprocal media: a geometrical approach, ''Best student paper award'', ''31st URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium'', 01-08-2014
  • C. Conti, L. D. Soares, P. Nunes, Best Poster Award COST Interaction 2014, Budapest, Awarded at the Best Poster competition of COST training school on Rich 3D Content: Creation, Perception and Interaction for the poster entitled ''Display Scalable 3D Holoscopic Video Coding'', Budapest, Hungary, 01-07-2014
  • A. Zaric, Catarina C. Cruz, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, First Prize in 2014 IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest, International student competition organized by IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society in which 2-5 student teams propose, design and build antennas and a communication system for a specific application scenario., 01-07-2014
  • C. Conti, P. Nunes, L. D. Soares, Scientific Awards ISCTE-IUL 2014, Awarded for the paper entitled ''Inter-Layer Prediction Scheme for Scalable 3-D Holoscopic Video Coding'', Lisbon, Portugal, 01-06-2014
  • F. Prudêncio, S.A. Matos, C. R. Paiva, The most general classes of Tellegen media reducible to simple reciprocal media: a geometrical approach, ''Young Scientist Award'', ''31st URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium'', 01-06-2014
  • Cercas, F. Cercas, E. Cercas Cercas, P. Sebastião, New acelerated simulation method to obtain the performance of concatenated codes, Best Student Paper Award for this paper presented at Global Wireless Summit, Aalborg, Denmark., 01-05-2014
  • M. Ribeiro, C. Duque, Best Non-Student Paper Award, Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom, 01-11-2013
  • F. Prudêncio, S.A. Matos, C. R. Paiva, Generalized Image Method for Radiation Problems Involving the Minkowskian Isotropic Medium, "3rd place in the Student Paper Competition", "The 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics", 01-09-2013
  • T. M. F. Alves, A. Cartaxo, Best paper award, Optics Conference 2013, 01-07-2013
  • E.C. Pinheiro, O. Postolache, P.M. Girão, Student Travel Award, 2013 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2013) covering registration fee and travel expenses to present the paper "Calibration and Validation of Homeostasis Parameters Estimates Produced by DSP Embedded Processing in a Wheelchair" at the conference., 01-01-2013
  • M. Duarte, S. Oliveira, A. Christensen, Paper of Excellence Award, For the paper "Hierarchical evolution of robotic controllers for complex tasks" at the IEEE ICDL EpiRob Conference, 01-08-2012
  • O. Postolache, Certificate of Appreciation, Certificate of Appreciation for organizing the special session on Ubiquitous Systems for HealthCare, 01-12-2011
  • T. M. F. Alves, A. Cartaxo, Best paper award, Optics Conference 2011, 01-07-2011
  • J.R. Costa, E.B. Lima, C. A. Fernandes, CST University Publication Award 2010, The CST University Publication Award is an annual grant to university institutes and researchers for their work in the application of 3D EM field simulation., 01-12-2010
  • J.R. Costa, Top-10 Reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation in 2010, 01-07-2010
  • S.A. Matos, C. R. Paiva, A. Barbosa, Honorable mention from the Student Paper Contest associated with the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, A Spacetime Algebra Approach to Moving Bi-Isotropic Media, 01-06-2009
  • A. Cartaxo, Prémio UTL/Santander-Totta (area of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Informatics Engineering and Avionics Engineering), Prize awarded to the UTL researcher with the highest scientific impact, according to the ISI Science Citation Index, in the period 2003-2007, 01-12-2008
  • F. A. Monteiro, Senior College Scholar, awarded ''on the basis of first class work” by the Tutorial Committee of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, UK, 01-11-2007
  • F. A. Monteiro, Best Paper Award (Conference Prize) at the European Conference on Wireless Technology 2007, Prize given by the European Microwave Association during the European Microwave Week 2007, Munich, Germany, 01-10-2007
  • J. Dias, J. Oliveira, M. A. T. Figueiredo, Blind estimation of motion-blur parameters for image deconvolutio, Best paper award, Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 01-06-2007
  • J. Bioucas-Dias, J. Oliveira, M. A. T. Figueiredo, Blind estimation of motion blur parameters for image deconvolution, Best paper award, Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis , 01-06-2007 ., 01-01-2007
  • O. Postolache, P.M. Girão, Certificate of Appreciation, For support, promotion and dissemination of technology from National Instruments, 01-10-2006
  • F. A. Monteiro, Best Student Paper Award (Young Engineer Prize) at the European Conference on Wireless Technology 2004, Prize from the European Microwave Association (EuMA), delivered by it's president (Prof. R. Sorrentino) and by the conference chairman (Prof. R. Prasad) in Amsterdam, Netherlands, during the European Microwave Week, 12-10-2004
  • F. A. Monteiro, Innovation Young Engineer Prize (3rd place), Project title: ''Complexity Reduction of CPM Receivers on Wireless Communications Systems'', prize from Ordem dos Engenheiros (Portuguese Engineers Institution) sponcered by the Luso-American Fundation for Development (FLAD), Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Ministry for Science and Higher Education, 01-12-2002
  • J.R. Costa, F. M. Janeiro, Transmissão de Solitões em Sistemas de Comunicação Óptica, 1º prémio do concurso Comunicações 97 do Instituto de Comunicações de Portugal., 28-07-1997