F. P. Guiomar,
IEEE JLT Outstanding Reviewer Award - 2024,
M. Almeida,
A. N. Pinto,
N. A. Silva,
Best Communication Award,
Best communication award with the work entitled "Optimization of CV-QKD Systems for Field Deployment" exploring the topic of PhD thesis, received in the Research Summit 2024, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2024,
M. Almeida,
A. N. Pinto,
N. A. Silva,
Best Communication Award,
Best communication in Engineering award with the work entitled "Optimization of CV-QKD Systems for Field Deployment" exploring the topic of PhD thesis, received in the Research Summit 2024, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2024,
J. Kassam,
D. Castanheira,
A. Silva,
R. Dinis,
A. Gameiro,
Hybrid Equalization for mmWave Cell-Free Radio Stripes-based Systems,
Best Paper Award at 14th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) 2024 Conference, Rome, Italy,
K.K. Kaboutari,
P. Pinho,
S. Maslovski,
Best Student Paper Award,
2021 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) The 43rd
Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS, Hangzhou, CHINA, 2021
Subcommittee 5,
F. P. Guiomar,
IEEE JLT Outstanding Reviewer Award - 2023,
P. Georgieva,
M. V. Drummond,
3D Object Detection for Self-Driving Vehicles Enhanced by Object Velocity,
E Proof
Received 7 December 2023, accepted 24 December 2023. Date of publication 00 xxxx 0000, date of current version 00 xxxx 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3353051
3D Object Detection for Self-Driving Vehicles
Enhanced by Object Velocity
PETIA GEORGIEVA 1,2,4, (Senior Member, IEEE),
AQ:2 Instituto de Telecomunicações, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
AQ:3 Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
AQ:4 Bosch Car Multimedia, 4705-820 Braga, Portugal
AQ:5 Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro (IEETA), University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
AQ:6 Corresponding author: Leandro Alexandrino (l.alexandrino@ua.pt)
AQ:7 This work was supported in part by the European Union (EU)-NextGenerationEU through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan,
Bulgaria, under Project BG-RRP-2.004-0005; and in part by FCT/MCTES through the National Funds co-funded EU Funds under Project
ABSTRACT AQ:8 A large number of vision sensors has been proposed for enabling self-driving vehicles to
perceive their surroundings. Among them, Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) presents the unique
advantage of acquiring a high resolution 3D representation of the vehicle surroundings, in the form of point
clouds, which enables accurate 3D object detection. The success of the fi rst (and current) generation LiDARs
has motivated the development of a second generation of this sensor, now based on coherent detection.
Second generation LiDARs thus enable not only estimating radial distance, but also radial velocity for each
point of the point cloud. The objective of this work is to investigate which benefi ts can be obtained by
considering such an additional information – radial velocity – in 3D object detection. Results show that
considering object velocity is particularly helpful in objects represented by a small number of points.,
P. Escaleira,
AP2SI Merit Award for Masters in Information Security,
This is a prize awarded by AP2SI each year to an outstanding Master's thesis in the area of Cybersecurity in Portugal. The award has an associated monetary contribution of 1000€.,
P. Escaleira,
IEEE Portugal Outstanding MSc Thesis Award,
This is a prize awarded by the IEEE Portugal Section to recognize exceptional Master’s thesis in the technical areas under the scope of IEEE.,
B. M. Oliveira,
J. H. Silva,
M. S. Neves,
F. P. Guiomar,
M. C. R. Medeiros,
P. Monteiro,
Best Student Paper Prize Runner-Up,
Runner-up for the Best Student Paper prize, awarded at the 49th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2023, in Glasgow, Scotland, with the paper entitled "Capacity-Achieving Probabilistic Constellation Shaping for Unamplified Coherent Links".,
M. Almeida,
A. N. Pinto,
N. A. Silva,
Best Paper Award,
Best paper award for the paper entitled "Modulation variance optimization in discrete modulated CV-QKD systems", presented at Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defense conference, part of SPIE Sensors + Imaging 2023 (Security + Defense), held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sept. 2023,
P. Escaleira,
Best Thesis Award,
The APDC Best Thesis Award (BTA) is an annual award that aims to reward the merit of master's dissertations by students from schools belonging to the Consortium of Engineering Schools (Consórcio das Escolas de Engenharia in Portuguese), having an associated monetary contribution of 1500€. This award was given to Pedro Escaleira's master's thesis entitled "Securing Real World 5G MEC Deployments", completed in 2022, in the telecommunications modality.,
M. Rocha,
A. C. Nepomuceno,
H. R. Chi,
A. Radwan,
P.S André,
N. Alberto,
P. Antunes,
M. F. Domingues,
Best Conference Paper Award - ICC2023,
Paper title: QoE-Aware Edge-Assisted Machine Learning-Based Fall Detection and Prediction with FBGs,
H. Silva,
Latin America Region Young Professional Award,
Young Professional Award to Hugerles Sales Silva for his outstanding achievements in Communications profession in Latin America.,
A. Navarro,
Emergency alert systems is required in a modern society. It is composed by warning messages delivered to the nation public in consequence of imminent threats to the public safety. An emergency alert message system over mobile phones is already implemented in Portugal. In this paper, we propose an innovative voice-based emergency alert system. Our solution makes use of local radio stations to deliver the voice alert messages to the vehicle driver.,
L. C. Nunes,
J. Gomes,
F. M. B. Barradas,
J. C. Pedro,
2022 EuMIC Prize,
Recognition as the best paper presented at the “17th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC)”, held in Milan, Italy, as part of the European Microwave Week 2022.,
M. Pióro,
M. Mycek,
A Tomaszewski,
A. F. Sousa,
Best Paper Award,
"On joint primary and backup controllers’ placement optimization against node-targeted attacks", 12th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Compiegne, France,
P. Escaleira,
ETSI OSM Release Twelve Outstanding Technical Contributor,
Award presented in recognition of his excellent and dedicated work within ETSI OSM during its Release TWELVE cycle, for progressing various technical areas with high quality contributions and expertise, bringing the best level of enthusiasm and team spirit to the OSM community,
J. C. Mendes,
Honour Award,
Honor Award, Second Best Post-Doctoral Research, received during the University of Aveiro Research Day,
M. Almeida,
D. Pereira,
N. J. Muga,
M. Facão,
A. N. Pinto,
N. A. Silva,
Best paper in Workshop,
Best paper in the II Workshop de Comunicação e Computação Quântica with the paper entitled "CV-QKD Security Limits Using Higher-Order Probabilistic
Shaped Regular M-APSK Constellations", received in the II Workshop de Comunicação e Computação Quântica (WQuantum) from XL Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, 23 May, Uberlândia, Brazil, 2022,
C. Belchior,
L. C. Nunes,
P. M. Cabral,
J. C. Pedro,
1st Place on the Best Student Paper Award INMMiC 2022,
1st place of the best student paper award for the paper "Output Impedance Profile Selection in Sequential LMBAs using an Automatic Method" presented at the International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits - 7-8/04/2022 - Cardiff, UK.,
S. Sargento,
Nomeada para os Prémios Mulheres Inspiradoras: área de Negócios, Revista Activa, Janeiro 2022, https://activa.sapo.pt/mulheres-inspiradoras/2022-01-21-premios-mulheres-inspiradoras-estas-sao-as-nomeadas-na-categoria-negocios/.,
Nomeada para os Prémios Mulheres Inspiradoras: área de Negócios, Revista Activa, Janeiro 2022, https://activa.sapo.pt/mulheres-inspiradoras/2022-01-21-premios-mulheres-inspiradoras-estas-sao-as-nomeadas-na-categoria-negocios/.,
M. S. Neves,
A. Ramos,
F. A. Antunes,
J. Maltez Maltez,
V. Fernandes Fernandes,
J. N. Matos,
Third Place Award for Student Design Contest at the 2021 IEEE AP-S USNC-URSI,
Design of an Array for DOA Detection and Visualization, granting the third place in the Student Design Contest at the 2021 IEEE AP-S USNC-URSI, Singapore, 2021.,
N. Alberto,
Researcher among the World's top 2% scientists,
Nélia Alberto included in the 2% of the most-cited scientists in the single year impact category (2021) (https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/3),
R. Correia,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
1st place IEEE Portugal Best PhD,
Passive Backscatter Sensors for IoT applications in IEEE Portugal Best PhD,
M. J. Ferreira,
D. Pereira,
N. J. Muga,
N. A. Silva,
A. N. Pinto,
Best paper in Workshop,
Best paper in the Workshop de Comunicação e Computação Quântica – Time-interleaved quantum random number generation within a coherent classical communication channel, received in the 1st Communication and Quantum Computing Workshop (WQuantum), 16 August, Uberlândia, Brazil,
J. F. Oliveira,
BEST PAPER AWARD received for the contribution at the 18th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design, SMACD 2021,
D. Corujo,
Best Booth Award,
Best Booth Award at the EuCNC/6G Summit, in Porto, Portugal, entitled "Demonstrating 5G in Vertical Industries from 5Growth",
RJCF Figueiredo,
3rd Place in competition consisting of
a three minute oral presentation of scientific work for non specialists.,
N. J. Muga,
OSA Senior Member,
The Optical Society Board of Directors has approved my Senior Member designation
request in 2021. (OSA was the former designation of currently OPTICA).,
S. Sargento,
Medalha de Mérito Municipal na área da Ciência e Tecnologia, atribuída pela Câmara Municipal de Aveiro, 12 Maio 2021.,
Medalha de Mérito Municipal na área da Ciência e Tecnologia, atribuída pela Câmara Municipal de Aveiro, 12 Maio 2021.,
R. L. Magueta,
A. Silva,
D. Castanheira,
R. Dinis,
Best Iberian Doctoral Thesis in Information Systems and Technologies,
Roberto Magueta (supervised by Adão Silva and Daniel Castanheira and Rui Dinis ) , was distinguished by the Iberian Association for Information Systems and Technologies (AISTI) with the award “Best Iberian Doctoral Thesis in Information Systems and Technologies,
S. T. Mantey,
M. F. Ramos,
N. A. Silva,
N. J. Muga,
A. N. Pinto,
Best Paper Award,
Best Paper Award For the paper entitled Algorithm for State-Of-Polarization Generation in
Polarization-Encoding Quantum Key Distribution, presented at the 2021 Telecoms Conference (ConfTELE), the 12th conference on telecommunications, held in Leiria Portugal, 11-12 February 2021.,
A. Ramos,
D. R. H. Helena,
T. Varum,
J. N. Matos,
3D Printed Horn Antenna for Satellite Communication Systems,
Third Place Award for Best Student Paper Award from 14th Congress of the Portuguese Committee of URSI with the paper "3D Printed Horn Antenna for Satellite Communication Systems".,
S. Sargento,
Prémio Femina 2020 (https://premio-femina8.webnode.pt/premio-femina-2020/), por mérito nas Ciências: Investigação relevante, com o Estatuto de Interesse Cultural, Dezembro 2020.,
Prémio Femina 2020 (https://premio-femina8.webnode.pt/premio-femina-2020/), por mérito nas Ciências: Investigação relevante, com o Estatuto de Interesse Cultural, Dezembro 2020.,
M. S. Neves,
IEEE Outstanding Master Thesis Award 2020,
Competition led by IEEE Portugal Section. The thesis earned the prize in the field of Optics and Photonics.,
F. Pereira,
R. Correia,
M. Jordão,
WPTC2020 - Student Best Paper Award,
Student Best Paper Award - IEEE MTT-S Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WTPC) 2020. Nov 15 – 18, 2020 / Seoul, Korea,
R. Correia,
1st Place Altice International Innovation Award,
Passive Backscatter Sensors for IoT applications - Altice International Innovation Award,
C. Gouveia,
C. Loss,
Z. Raida,
J. Lacik,
P. Pinho,
J. Vieira,
Textile Antenna Array for Bio-Radar Applications,
EuMA first prize at MIKON Conference 2020, related with the Young Scientist Contest.,
J. Gomes,
2020 MTT-S Graduate Student Fellowship Award,
The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Graduate Student Fellowship awards are sponsored by the MTT-S to encourage and support graduate students from around the world who are interested in pursuing the field of microwave engineering. The fellowship honorees receive an award of US$6,000.,
J. Gomes,
L. C. Nunes,
J. C. Pedro,
Best Student Paper Award INMMiC 2020 (Second Place),
2nd place of the best student paper award for the paper "Transient Pulsed S-Parameters for Trapping Characterization" presented at the International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits - VIRTUAL EVENT 16-17/07/2020 - Cardiff, UK,
A. Ramos,
T. Varum,
J. N. Matos,
Smart Antennas for the Future Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Constellations,
Best Pitch Electrical Engineering in Research Day of University of Aveiro in June 24-26, 2020,
N. Marques,
JP Barraca,
A. Zúquete,
ANRW.PT 2020 Prize: Best Technical Paper and IETF Relevance Mention,
The Annual ISOC.PT ANR Workshop and Prize is an initiative of the Portuguese Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC.PT) that aims to promote applied research in computer networks and Internet in Portugal, by distinguishing applied research work carried out in Portugal by advanced students or other members of the R&D community, from Portuguese Universities, Research Centers or Industrial R&D Labs.
This work describes an interesting proposal for a solution that can integrate the Captive Portal paradigm, which facilitates enrolment of new network subscribers, with the standard practices of security for 802.11 networks. The contribution relies on a new EAP-compliant protocol (Extended
Authentication Protocol for Secure Hotspots, EAP-SH) that bridges both approaches, providing a solution for a flexible and effective
authentication framework.,
L. Luini,
C. R Riva,
A. Panzeri,
A. Rocha,
S. Mota,
F. Marzano,
EuCap 2020 Best Paper Award,
Ref.: EuCAP 2020 Paper No 1570602243 ‘The MEKaP Project: Measuring Tropospheric Impairments at Ka Band with MEO Satellites’.
The Best Paper Awards Chair and Committees have finalized the evaluation of 25 nominated papers, which were presented at the live online Best Paper Awards Session on Thursday, 19 March 2020.
I am pleased to inform you that your paper, submitted to the EuCAP2020 Best Paper Award in Propagation, has been selected as the winner of this competition!
The Award Certificate will be sent at a later point by ordinary mail.
Please, convey this notification to the co-authors of your paper.
On behalf of the organizing committee, we congratulate you on this achievement!
Prof. Marianna Ivashina, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
EuCAP 2020 Award Chair,
I. Elfergani,
J. Rodriguez,
Electromagnetic Bandgap Backed Millimeter-Wave MIMO Antenna for Wearable Applications,
Best Paper Award at The IEEE Malaysia AP/MTT/EMC Joint Chapter,
M. Jordão,
Silver Award,
ARFTG Roger Pollard Student Fellowship in Microwave Measurements,
S.M. Mumtaz,
IEEE ComSoc Best Young Professionals Award (2019),
ComSoc YP is committed to recognise talent amongst Young Professionals working in the area of communications,
T. Varum,
J. N. Matos,
Ultra-wideband Log-periodic Antenna Array for LEO Constellations Terminals,
3rd Place for Best Student Paper Award from 13th Congress of the Portuguese Committee of URSI with the paper "Ultra-wideband Log-periodic Antenna Array for LEO Constellations Terminals", 17-12-2019,
Z. Zhou,
J. Feng,
B. Gu,
B Ai,
S.M. Mumtaz,
J. Rodriguez,
. Guizani Guizani,
When Mobile Crowd Sensing Meets UAV: Energy-Efficient Task Assignment and Route Planning,
Best Paper Award:IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Communications Systems Integration and Modeling
IEEE Transactions on Communication, 2018,
G. Fernandes,
Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Óptica e Fotónica em Portugal, 2019,
Prémio da sociedade portuguesa de ótica e fotônica (SPOF): Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Óptica e Fotónica em Portugal, 2019,
M. F. Ramos,
N. A. Silva,
A. N. Pinto,
Best PhD oral communication,
"Fast and Secure Multiparty Computation Enabled by Quantum Communication Technologies" presented at Research Summit 2019, held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, July 3-5 2019. The award has been attributed for the scientific quality and organization of the work.,
J. N. Matos,
A. Rocha,
L. S. L. Leitão,
M. S. Neves,
T. Ferreira,
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society 2019 Contest Student 2nd Place Award,
Goal: Propose a setup that characterizes/demonstrates the properties of an antenna system and provide educational material to explain these properties.
The setup must be able to measure/demonstrate some properties of an antenna system. These properties include (but are not limited to) impedance, efficiency, frequency of operation, bandwidth, gain, polarization, beam width, RCS, MIMO performance…
The results must be displayed in real time.
The setup and procedure must be easy to understand for non-specialists.
The setup must be easy to reproduce in a classroom.
The setup must be designed using the non-dedicated/non-specialized equipment. The teams are encouraged to use devices as mobile phones, small drones, or any commercially available device that is NOT specifically intended for antenna/RF testing.
The teams have to explain the theory behind their demonstration setup in a simple way (so that it can be understood by non-engineers.)
Step-by-step instructions to allow reproducing the system for anyone who wants to use it for teaching purposes have to be provided.
Merit will be assigned to designs based on the following criteria, equally weighted:
- Creativity and justification of the design;
- Capability of the system to show the properties of the system under test;
- Use of non-standard equipment and DIY strategies;
- Quality of the experimental model and results;
- Educational value and clarity of the DIY/demonstration instructions.
Existing licensed software at the university (e.g., electromagnetic simulation software) or free software may be used. Any other commercial software used for the project should be included in the budget. The total production cost for the entire system must be less than US$1,500.,
H. Liao,
Z. Zhou,
X. Zhao,
B Ai,
S.M. Mumtaz,
Task Offloading for Vehicular Fog Computing under Information Uncertainty: A Matching-Learning Approach,
Best Paper Award:
IEEE 15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCM), June, Tangier, Morocco , 2019,
D. Belo,
C. Loss,
P. Pinho,
R. Salvado,
Techtextil Innovation Award 2019,
RF-DC and antenna designed in textile material (coat). A LED lights up if enough radiation energy is received.,
DACD Dinis,
A. Oliveira,
J. Vieira,
Real-time Tunable Delta-Sigma Modulators for All-Digital RF Transmitters,
Honorable Mention (2nd Award) in the Prémio Científico IBM (Scientific Prize IBM),
S. A. Busari,
K. Huq,
S.M. Mumtaz,
J. Rodriguez,
Impact of 3D Channel Modeling for Ultra-High Speed Beyond-5G Networks,
Best Paper Award in Ultra-High Speed, Low Latency and Massive Connectivity Communication for 5G/B5G Workshop in IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2018, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,
A. Abraray,
T. Fernandes,
S. Maslovski,
Best Non-Student Poster Award at LAPC2018,
Best Non-Student Poster Award at Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference.,
V. C. Duarte,
AIIA2018 - Altice International Innovation Award 2018,
Academy category: "Towards 5G: Tb/s speed Telecom Payloads"
C. Gouveia,
Second Place Award Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge, with the master thesis named as "Bio-Radar",
V. C. Duarte,
Born From Knowledge - BfK Awards,
Project: "Towards 5G"
ANI - Agência Nacional de Inovação
C. Gonçalves,
D. Barros,
J. Pereira,
1st Place on "EuMW Student Design Competition - Video Bandwidth Enhancement for High Power Amplifiers",
European Microwave Week 2018 - Student Design Competition - Thrust 2
Video Bandwidth Enhancement for High Power Amplifiers sponsored by Ampleon Netherlands B.V.,
P.F. Fonseca,
P. Pedreiras,
FS Silva,
As Novas Fronteiras de Engenharia – Docentes de Engenharia,
Os prémios "As Novas Fronteiras da Engenharia" são atribuídos por um Fundo com o mesmo nome, constituído em Março de 2011 com o saldo existente nas contas do ICEE 2007 – International Conference on Engineering Education, The Moving Frontiers of Engineering e pela contribuição, em igual montante, da Região Centro da Ordem dos Engenheiros.
Anualmente são atribuídos dois prémios:
Um prémio que distingue um artigo publicado em revista científica nacional ou internacional ou apresentado em congresso científico nacional ou internacional relativo ao Ensino da Engenharia, da autoria de um docente ou grupo de docentes do Ensino Superior, Universitário ou Politécnico, de uma Escola Superior de Engenharia, da Região Centro de Portugal (distritos de Coimbra, Aveiro, Leiria, Viseu, Guarda e Castelo Branco). O valor do prémio é de 2500 Euros.
E um prémio, que distingue o melhor trabalho da autoria de um aluno ou grupo de alunos do Ensino Secundário ou do Ensino Básico, relativo a Engenharia ou Tecnologia, de Escolas localizadas na Região Centro (distritos de Coimbra, Aveiro, Leiria, Viseu, Guarda e Castelo Branco), individualmente ou em grupo com o máximo de três elementos. O valor deste prémio é de 2000 Euros.,
F. Barbosa,
A. F. Sousa,
A. Agra,
Best Paper Award,
"Topology Design of Transparent Optical Networks Resilient to Multiple Node Failures", 10th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Longyearbyen, Norway,
C. Gouveia,
J. Vieira,
P. Pinho,
Motion Detection Method for Clutter Rejection in the Bio-Radar Signal Processing,
Best Paper Award by the Program Committee as per the Conference Awards Scheme, in ICRST 2018 : International Conference on Radar Science and Technology, with the conference paper "Motion Detection Method for Clutter Rejection in the Bio-Radar Signal Processing",
B. M. Oliveira,
A. Lorences-Riesgo,
P. Monteiro,
M. C. R. Medeiros,
Best Oral Presentation Award,
Best Oral Presentation presented at ICTON 2018, with the paper entitled "Mitigation of Nonlinear Distortions in a mm-Wave OFDM Photonic Link Employing Digital Signal Pre-Processing".,
M. Jordão,
D. Belo,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
Active Antenna Array Characterization for Massive MIMO 5G Scenarios,
Best Interactive Forum Award, 91st ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG), Philadelphia,
D. Santos,
A. F. Sousa,
C. Mas Machuca,
Best Paper Award,
"Robust SDN Controller Placement to Malicious Node Attacks", 14th Int. Conf. on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), collocated with ICIN, Paris, France, 2018,
F. Meneses,
C. Guimarães,
D. Corujo,
R. Aguiar,
Best Paper Award (Mobility Track),
9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security (NTMS 2018), for the work "SDN-based Mobility Management: Handover Performance Impact in Constrained Devices", in Paris, France,
C. Gouveia,
D. Malafaia,
J. Vieira,
P. Pinho,
Bio-radar performance evaluation for different antenna design,
First Place Award for Best Student Paper Award from 11th Congress of the Portuguese Committee of URSI with the paper "Bio-radar performance evaluation for different antenna design",
C. Loss,
P. Pinho,
R. Salvado,
3rd Place at The Fiber Society Student Paper Competition with the paper “Influence of Some Structural Parameters of Textiles on Their Dielectric Behaviour”. Contest sponsored by Johnson & during the fall The Fiber Society meeting, held in Athens (GA-USA), November 2017.,
J. Pereira,
A. Zúquete,
S. Sargento,
M. Diaz-Cacho,
L. Guardalben,
M. Luís,
Message Dissemination Mechanisms for Driving Support Scenarios,
Best poster Award at INForum 2017,
C. Loss,
R. Gonçalves,
P. Pinho,
R. Salvado,
Honourable mention in the Student Paper Award at the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes (IMWS-AMP) 2017 Conference, with the paper “Influence of the Laminating Manufacturing Technique on the S11 Parameter of Printed Textile Antennas”. Conference promoted by IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) and the European Microwave Association (EuMA), held in Pavia (IT), September 2017.,
J. Rodriguez,
A. Radwan,
C. Barbosa,
Best Paper Award,
Paper: “SECRET - Secure Network Coding for Reduced Energy Next Generation Mobile Small cells - A European Training Network in Wireless Communications and Networking for 5G”
Venue: 7th International Conference on Internet Technologies & Applications 2017: EERT 2017 – 5th International Workshop on Energy Efficient and Reconfigurable Transceivers (EERT),
J. Rodriguez,
S. A. Busari,
S.M. Mumtaz,
K. Huq,
"X2-Handover Performance in LTE Ultra-Dense Networks using NS-3",
Best Paper Award: "X2-Handover Performance in LTE Ultra-Dense Networks using NS-3"
Venue:7th International Conference on Cognitive Radio (COCORA-2017), Venice, Italy.,
O. Pereira,
D. Regateiro,
R. Aguiar,
Best paper Award,
Best Paper Award at the 6th DATA (intl. Conf. on Data Science, Technology and Applications) held in Madrid.
Paper: SPDC: Secure Proxied Database Connectivity,
D. Pereira,
M. Facão,
N. A. Silva,
A. N. Pinto,
Best PhD oral communication,
Best PhD oral communication for the Symposium on Engineering Physics: Daniel Pereira – Quantum Key Distribution with Continuous Variables, received in the 2nd Doctoral Congress in Engineering, 8-9 June, Porto, Portugal,
S. Sargento,
Ceritificado de reconhecimento da qualidade e significância do trabalho de investigação desenvolvido na Universidade de Aveiro, emitido pelo Vice-Ritor José Fernando Mendes, Research Day, Junho 2017.,
Ceritificado de reconhecimento da qualidade e significância do trabalho de investigação desenvolvido na Universidade de Aveiro, emitido pelo Vice-Ritor José Fernando Mendes, Research Day, Junho 2017.,
T.R. Cunha,
Exemplary Reviewer 2016,
Recognition by the IEEE Communications Society for the paper reviewing activity in 2016.,
A. Silva,
Best Reviewer Award,
"The Best Reviewer Award" is established by the Radioengineering Journal to thank reviewers providing high-quality reviews.,
R. Aguiar,
Best Executive Editor ETT,
Prize of Best Executive Editor (five are nominated) from the Journal Emerging Telecommunication Technologies, Wiley,
DACD Dinis,
A. Oliveira,
J. Vieira,
Designing Frequency Agile FPGA-based All-Digital RF Transmitters,
Best Live Demo in the XIII Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC 2017) .,
R. Aguiar,
IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer,
Eleito IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer para o biénio 2017-18.,
S.M. Mumtaz,
Vice Chair,
IEEE SA-P1932.1 (Standard for Licensed/Unlicensed Spectrum Interoperability in Wireless Mobile Networks),
C. Marques,
P. Antunes,
N. Alberto,
J. Melo,
P.S André,
H Varum,
Bond-slip monitoring of RC through optical fiber sensor, XII. International Conference on Structural Repair and Pathology – CINPAR 2016,
R. Correia,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
1st place Student Poster Competition,
6th Workshop WIPE (Wireless Power Transmission for Sustainable Electronics),
J. C. Pedro,
Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
José Carlos Pedro was named as the next Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, the most reputed journal of RF and microwave technology, for the term 2017-2019.,
J. C. Pedro,
IEEE MTT-S Distinguished Educator Award,
José Carlos Pedro was awarded with the 2016 IEEE MTT-S Distinguished Educator Award,
S. Sargento,
Medalha de Mérito Municipal na área da Ciência, atribuída pela Câmara Municipal de Mira, 25 Abril 2016.,
Medalha de Mérito Municipal na área da Ciência, atribuída pela Câmara Municipal de Mira, 25 Abril 2016.,
S. Sargento,
Distinção na exposição e livro “Mulheres na Ciência”, Seis investigadoras da UA entre as 103 cientistas portuguesas homenageadas pela Ciência Viva, 8 Março 2016.,
Distinção na exposição e livro “Mulheres na Ciência”, Seis investigadoras da UA entre as 103 cientistas portuguesas homenageadas pela Ciência Viva, 8 Março 2016.,
S. Sargento,
EU Prize for Women Innovators 2016,
Vencedora do EU Women Innovation Prize 2016 que é o maior prémio mundial destinado a celebrar as mulheres inovadoras, 10 de Março 2016.
F. P. Guiomar,
Photonics 21 Student Innovation Award,
Awarded by the European Technology Platform Photonics21 for high-quality photonics-related research with high industrial impact.,
J. Rodriguez,
F. Saghezchi,
2015 Innovation Award - E2SG,
The Innovation Award is given by the European Commission to reward the most innovative idea developed under the FP7 projects.,
J. C. Pedro,
T.R. Cunha,
P. M. Cabral,
P.M.L. Lavrador,
Annual Collaboration Team Award,
O Projecto de Investigação com a empresa Huawei Technologies Sweden, AB., foi agraciado com o Prémio “Annual Collaboration Team Award” atribuído pela multinacional chinesa Huawei Technologies, Co. Ltd.,
C. Loss,
P. Pinho,
R. Salvado,
3rd Place at the 3M Thesis Challenge promoted by the Instituto Coordenador de Investigação (ICI – UBI) and Santander Totta, in November 2015.,
F. P. Guiomar,
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant for an Individual Fellowship,
Research grant for a 2-years fellowship awarded by the European Commission in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme.,
A. Bastos,
Programa de Estímulo à Investigação,
H. Z. Zargar,
A. B. Banai,
J. C. Pedro,
EuMC Microwave Prize 2015,
The European Microwave Conference Microwave Prize is attributed to one paper presented at the EuMC Conference, has a value of 5,000€, and is sponsored by the European Microwave Association.,
F. P. Guiomar,
Runner-up of ECOC2015 Best Student Paper Prize,
Honorable mention (2nd place) for the work “Ultra-Long-Haul 400G Superchannel Transmission with Multi-Carrier Nonlinear Equalization”, on the Best Student Paper Prize Competition at ECOC2015, Valencia, Spain.,
J. Rodriguez,
Fellow of the IET,
Fellow of the IET - Fellow Degree of the Institute of Engineering and Technology,
F. M. B. Barradas,
L. C. Nunes,
Power Amplifier Linearization Through Digital Pre-Distortion Student Design Competition, Second Place,
Competition for the linearization of a Radio Frequency Power Amplifier through digital predistortion. The competition entailed the study, development and deployment in a laboratory environment of the best linearization algorithms. The competition was international and took place at IMS2015.,
J. Rodriguez,
J. B. Bastos,
G. Mantas,
2015 CATRENE Innovation Award - NEWPASS,
The Innovation Award recognizes projects which have demonstrated a high level of innovation, market impact, exploitation potential and overall benefits for Europe.,
F. P. Guiomar,
FLAD Travel Grant,
Grant to support the travelling expenses related with the participation on the “Optics & Photonics Congress on Advanced Photonics”, held in Boston, USA.,
DB Branco,
P. Pedreiras,
Winner of the 2015 Edition of the ”IDEAS CONTEST FOR ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS“, promoted by Bresimar Automação, Aveiro, Portugal, with the project “Applying Estimation Techniques to the TekOn Sensors”,
R. Correia,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
S. Kawasaki,
3rd place Student Paper Competition,
IEEE WPTC (Wireless Power Transfer Conference),
G. Fernandes,
N. J. Muga,
A. N. Pinto,
Signal Processing Techniques for Transmissions Systems Based on Space-Division Multiplexing,
Best Poster Award in Engineering -Research Day 2015,
R. D. Fernandes,
J. N. Matos,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
Wireless energy harvesting design competition at the International Microwave Symposium,
Second place,
P. Pedreiras,
T. Silva,
R. L. Lopes,
L. Almeida,
Winner of the "Open Mind ESEGUR 2014 - Innovation on the Security Sector" competition,
Winner of the "Open Mind ESEGUR 2014 - Innovation on the Security Sector" competition, with the work “IstreamS: Intelligent stream management for Security applications",
D. Corujo,
C. Ferreira,
A. Neto,
A. Mota,
F. Silva,
J. Pereira,
C. Guimarães,
P. R. Rosa,
S. Kofuji,
R. Aguiar,
Best Paper Award,
10th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT-2014), IARIA, for the work “Towards a Carrier Grade SDN Controller: Integrating OpenFLow with Telecom Services”, in Paris, France,
F. M. B. Barradas,
L. C. Nunes,
Power Amplifier Linearization Through Digital Pre-Distortion Student Design Competition,
Competition for the linearization of a Radio Frequency Power Amplifier through digital predistortion. The competition entailed the study, development and deployment in a laboratory environment of the best linearization algorithms. The competition was international and took place at IMS2014.,
R. D. Fernandes,
J. N. Matos,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
Research day 2014 at the University of Aveiro (poster session),
Best poster award,
C. Loss,
C. Lopes,
R. Gonçalves,
J T Tavares,
N. Barroca,
H S Saraiva,
F. J. Velez,
P. Pinho,
R. Salvado,
One of the ten best papers of young researchers on 5th STS Italia Conference – A Matter of Design: Making Society through Science and Technology, with the paper “Developing Sustainable Communication Interfaces Through Fashion Design”. Merit fellowship to participate on the conference, held in Milan (IT), May 2014.,
T.R. Cunha,
P. M. Cabral,
L. N. Nunes,
Best Paper Award - CCSP-SSD'14,
Best paper award for the paper ''Characterizing power amplifier static AM/PM with spectrum analyzer measurements'' presented at the IEEE 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices - Conference on Communication & Signal Processing, CCSP-SSD’14, Castelldefels-Barcelona, Spain, February 11-14, 2014.,
T.R. Cunha,
P. M. Cabral,
L. C. Nunes,
Characterizing power amplifier static AM/PM with spectrum analyzer measurements,
Best Paper Award - CCSP-SSD'14, Best paper award for the paper ''Characterizing power amplifier static AM/PM with spectrum analyzer measurements'' presented at the IEEE 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices - Conference on Communication & Signal Processing, CCSP-SSD’14, Castelldefels-Barcelona, Spain, February 11-14, 2014., 01-02-2014,
D. Corujo,
Outstanding Young Researcher Award,
IEEE ComSoc EMEA Regional Award (2014) for their promising research activities for the benefit of the society,
N. A. Silva,
A. N. Pinto,
Best Student Paper Award,
for the paper entitled ''Photon-Pair Generation in Chalcogenide Glass - Role of Waveguide Linear Absorption'' presented at the International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS), held in Lisbon - Portugal,
S. Maslovski,
C.R. Simovsky,
A. Tretyakov,
Best Paper Award,
The Best Paper Award (1st prize) for the work entitled "Equivalent Circuit Approach for Radiative Heat Transfer Problems" presented at "The 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - Metamaterials 2013", Bordeaux, France, September 16-19, 2013.,
F. P. Guiomar,
Best Engineering Poster at UA Research Day,
Awarded to the best engineering-related poster at the University of Aveiro research day,
A.P. Prata,
A. Oliveira,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
Undergraduate Student Design Competition for Software Defined Radio and Signal Processing,
First prize award in Student Design Competition for Software Defined Radio and Signal Processing at International Microwave Symposium 2013, sponsored by IEEE MTT-S.,
J. C. Pedro,
IEEE Distinguished Microwave Lecturer for the Period 2014 to 2016,
José Carlos Pedro was nominated IEEE Distinguished Microwave Lecturer for the Period 2014 to 2016 when he went several academic and industry institutions around the world and delivered nearly 30 talks.,
T. A. Morgado,
J. Marcos,
M. G. Silveirinha,
S. Maslovski,
CST University Publication Award 2012,
The CST University Publication Award is an annual grant to university institutes and researchers for their work in the application of 3D EM field simulation.
D. Ribeiro,
P.M. Cruz,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
Best Student Paper Award 2012 - URSI Portuguese Committee,
Best Student Paper Award at the 6th Conference of URSI Portuguese Committee with the paper entitled "Evaluation of Comb Generator Performance for Nonlinear Measurements on Mixed-Domain Instrumentation".,
S. Sargento,
A. Cardote,
J. Barros,
Track Final of the ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Ventures Competition,
VENIAM, a spin-off of our group in University of Aveiro (DETI) and Institute de Telecommunications, and of our colleagues in University of Porto, just won the Track Final of the ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Ventures Competition (http://www.amiando.com/WVMMUCD.html),
L. Bilro,
N. Alberto,
P. Antunes,
P.S André,
R.N. Nogueira,
Best poster award,
Best poster award in the Engineering Category at the Annual Research Day at University of Aveiro
"Optical Fiber Sensors and Applications by: Lúcia Bilro, Nélia Alberto, Paulo Antunes, Rogério Nogueira, Paulo André",
N.V.S. Silva,
A. Oliveira,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
MTT Software Defined Radio and Digital Signal Processing,
Second place at the IMS2012 Software Defined Radio and Digital Signal Processing Student Design Competition,
P.M. Cruz,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
M.E. Valkama,
Best Student Presentation Award COST Action IC0803,
Work: “Evaluation of Second-Order Bandpass Sampling Receivers for Software Defined Radio”
Location: 8th MC Meeting and Workshop of COST IC0803, Belfast, United Kingdom,
N.V.S. Silva,
A. Oliveira,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
RWS Best Student Paper,
Finalist at the IEEE Radio & Wireless Week Best Student Paper Contest,
P.T. Tavares,
P. Gonçalves,
J. L. Oliveira,
Best paper award LANOMS 2011,
R. Aguiar,
L. Alves,
Fraunhofer Challenge 2011,
Won Second prize in PhD category for the best Idea in PhD thesis work for session 2010-1011,
E. Rocha,
P. Salvador,
A. N. Nogueira,
Best Paper,
Best Paper at the MONAMI 2011 for the paper ''Classification of hidden users' profiles in wireless communications'',
Nuno Rafael Lourenço,
L. Alves,
R. Aguiar,
Visible Light Communication for Road Safety: Poster Award,
Awarded one of the best poster award in the Engineering Category at Annual Research Day at University of Aveiro,
N.B Borges,
A. Oliveira,
P.M. Cruz,
N.V.S. Silva,
Prémio PLUG 2010 - Rádios Cognitivos,
Atribuído pela APRITEL (Associação dos Operadores de Telecomunicações),
P.M. Cruz,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
3rd place GAAS Association Student Fellowship for EuMIC 2009,
Third place in Gallium Arsenide Application Symposium Association Student Fellowship 2009 given at European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC) in Rome, Italy,
E. Rocha,
P. Salvador,
A. N. Nogueira,
Best Student Paper,
Best Student Paper for the paper "Detection of Illicit Traffic based on Multiscale Analysis",
A. M. O. D. Duarte,
HP Innovations in Education grant 2009,
HP Innovations in Education grants are targeted at key faculty responsible for undergraduate degree programs. The focus is on proposals that are enhancing degree programs in engineering, computer science, information systems, and information technology. HP Innovations in Education grants distinguish academics that are committed to exploring the innovations at the intersection of teaching, learning, and technology.,
Nuno Rafael Lourenço,
R. Aguiar,
Michael Spiez,
Best Paper Award,
IETE Gowri Memorial Award for Best Paper in Journal,
D. Corujo,
V. Jesus,
S. Sargento,
R. Aguiar,
M. A. Almeida,
N. Sénica,
Best Local Student Paper,
IEEE Sumposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2007), for the work "Mobility with Quality of Service Support for Multi-Interface Terminals: Combined User and Network Approach", Aveiro, Portugal,
S. Sargento,
Best Local Student Paper Award,
Vítor Jesus, Susana Sargento, Daniel Corujo, Nuno Sénica, Miguel Almeida, Rui L. Aguiar, “Mobility with QoS Support for Multi-Interface Terminals: Combined User and Network Approach”, in Proc. 12th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2007), Aveiro (Portugal), Julho 2007, Best Local Student Paper.,
J. C. Pedro,
IEEE Fellow Member,
In January 2007 he was elected, by the Board of Directors of the IEEE, IEEE Fellow Member for his outstanding contributions to nonlinear distortion analysis of microwave devices and circuits.,
J. C. Pedro,
C. Fager,
P. Linnér,
2002 IEEE MTT-S Student Paper Contest - 1st Prize,
Christian Fager, Pos-Graduate Student of Chalmers University, and working for a period at IT-Aveiro received the 1st Prize of the 2002 IEEE MTT-S Student Paper Contest with the paper C. Fager, P. Linnér and J. C. Pedro, “Uncertainty Estimation and Optimal Extraction of Extrinsic FET Small Signal Model Parameters”, 2002 IEEE Intern. Microwave Theory and Tech. Symposium Digest, pp.729-732, Seattle, Jun. 2002, granted by IEEE Microwave Theory and Tech. Society.,
S. Sargento,
Bolsa no âmbito do programa PRAXIS XXI para visitar o grupo de redes na Universidade de Rice em Houston, EUA,
Foi agraciada com uma Bolsa no âmbito do programa PRAXIS XXI para visitar o grupo de redes na Universidade de Rice em Houston, EUA, de Janeiro a Maio de 2000 e de Outubro de 2000 a Março de 2001.,
S. Sargento,
Prémio de Engenharia de Telecomunicações,
Oferecido pelo Colégio de Engenharia da Ordem dos Engenheiros ao melhor estudante nacional licenciado em 1996/1997 na área de Engenharia de Telecomunicações.,
S. Sargento,
Prémio Eng. José Ferreira Pinto Basto,
Prémio Eng. José Ferreira Pinto Basto, oferecido pela Alcatel Portugal, em Outubro de 1998, ao melhor aluno que conclui a licenciatura em Engenharia Electrónica e de Telecomunicações da Universidade de Aveiro no ano lectivo de 1996/1997,
S. Sargento,
Bolsa de Doutoramento (BD/15678/98) no âmbito do programa PRAXIS XXI da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia,
Foi agraciada com uma Bolsa de Doutoramento (BD/15678/98) no âmbito do programa PRAXIS XXI da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.,
N.B.C. Carvalho,
J. C. Pedro,
MTT Student Paper Contest (3rd Place),
Third place at the Student Paper Contest in the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium, Baltimore, USA,