J. M. Pedro,
A. Souza,
Impact of Channel Provisioning Strategies in the Transient Resiliency of SuperC+L-band Networks,
Best paper award at the 14th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM 2024),
R. Lameirinhas,
C. P. C. V. B. P. Correia V. Bernardo,
J. Torres,
António Baptista Baptista,
M. M. Martins,
Prémio Investigação Científica em Ciências Militares (Scientific Research Award in Military Sciences),
Award for the innovation and outstanding research presented on the article "Analysis of a plasmonic slit nanoantenna as a high sensitivity tilt sensor",
J. Kassam,
D. Castanheira,
A. Silva,
R. Dinis,
A. Gameiro,
Hybrid Equalization for mmWave Cell-Free Radio Stripes-based Systems,
Best Paper Award at 14th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) 2024 Conference, Rome, Italy,
M. Zhang,
H. Ramos,
A. L. Ribeiro,
The 3rd Prize of SCLEAD Excellent Student Paper Award,
We won the SCLEAD Excellent Student Paper Award with the paper entitled “Reference-free Damage Localization in Plate-like Structures Based on Multimode Separation”, sponsored by "SCLEAD Technology" since 2014, at the Far East Forum on Nondestructive Evaluation/Testing: New Technology & Application (FENDT) 2024 forum, held from June 24-27, 2024, in Zhongshan, Guangdong, China.,
R. Lameirinhas,
J. de Melo Cunha,
J. Torres,
2022 Best Paper Award - Energies,
The article "A Photovoltaic Technology Review: History, Fundamentals and Applications" published in Energies was awarded due to its scientific soundness and metrics achieved,
H. Silva,
IEEE Entrepreneurship Impact Award,
This award recognizes an individual who has had a significant impact on the engineering-driven entrepreneurial ecosystem. The accomplishments of the candidate should be of “significant importance” and should have made a distinguishing contribution to the entrepreneurial ecosystem of a country/region.,
F. Prudêncio,
M. G. Silveirinha,
ANACOM-URSI Portugal 2023 Award,
"Best Research Work" in the field of radio sciences pursued by URSI (The International Union of Radio Science) granted by ANACOM.
Title of the work: "Engineering Arbitrary Metamaterial Responses with Spacetime Modulation",
V. Viegas,
Medalha Vasco da Gama,
Naval Medal “Vasco da Gama”, granted by the Chief of Staff of the Portuguese Navy in recognition of the service provided at the Portuguese Naval,
M.P. Queluz,
Best Reviewer Award,
11th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP´2023),
R.C. Câmara,
G. Rappoport,
M. G. Silveirinha,
Best Student Paper - Matematerials 2023,
Prize for best student paper on Metamaterials 2023 Crete (17th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena),
R. Lameirinhas,
R. Moura,
J. Torres,
SIRESP Desafio Inovação (Innovation Challenge) - 3rd Place,
Award for the research and innovation in Nanoantennas under the theme "Inclusion of Nanoantennas in Optical Communications".,
S.A. Matos,
A. F. Vaquero,
M. Baena,
J.R. Costa,
J. M. Felício,
C. A. Fernandes,
N. Fonseca,
3rd plane on the iWAT2023 Best Paper Award contest,
THe Best Paper Award contribute to the recognition of the high scientific quality of research fitting the scope of iWAT2023.,
M. Rocha,
A. C. Nepomuceno,
H. R. Chi,
A. Radwan,
P.S André,
N. Alberto,
P. Antunes,
M. F. Domingues,
Best Conference Paper Award - ICC2023,
Paper title: QoE-Aware Edge-Assisted Machine Learning-Based Fall Detection and Prediction with FBGs,
M. Barzegar,
D. Pasadas,
A. L. Ribeiro,
H. Ramos,
Student Best Paper Award – Winner (1st Place),
The paper was presented at IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) 2023 with the title of "Pulse-Echo and Pitch-Catch: Ultrasonic C-Scan of Adhesively Bonded Single Lap-joints",
S.A. Matos,
TAP Top 200 reviewer,
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Society - Top 200 reviewers for the period of June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023,
S.A. Matos,
A. F. Vaquero,
M. Baena,
J.R. Costa,
J. M. Felício,
C. A. Fernandes,
N. Fonseca,
Finalist (Top 5) of the the Best Theory and Design Antenna Paper Award of EuCAP2023,
The EuCAP 2023 Best Paper Awards have been created to contribute to the recognition of the scientific quality of research and engineering in four thematic domains:
Best Electromagnetics Paper Award.
Best Theory and Design Antenna Paper Award.
Best Applied Technology Antenna Paper Award.
Best Propagation Paper Award.
Best Measurements Paper Award.,
A. Nogueira,
A. Ferreira,
M. A. T. Figueiredo,
Nomination for best student paper,
Nomination for the best student paper award at INForum2022, 8-9 September 2022, Guarda, Portugal
The paper was one of the four nominees (over a total of 38 papers),
R.C. Câmara,
G. Rappoport,
M. G. Silveirinha,
Best Poster - Topological Photonics Workshop 2022,
Prize for best poster on Topological Photonics Workshop 2022 Spain,
A. Javaheri,
C. Brites,
F. Pereira,
J. Ascenso,
MMSP 2021 Best Paper Award Finalist,
for the paper entitled "A Point-to-Distribution Joint Geometry and Color Metric for Point Cloud Quality Assessment",
M. Vieira,
M. Vieira,
M. Louro,
P. Vieira,
A. F. Fantoni,
Best Paper Award, ALLSENSORS 2021 Conference,
1. M. Vieira, M. A. Vieira, P. Louro, Vieira P., A. Fantoni, Wayfinding Services in Crowded Buildings Through Visible Light”, Best Paper, ALLSENSORS 2021: The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing, Copyright: Copyright (c) IARIA, 2021, July 18, 2021, ISSN: 2519-836X, ISBN: 978-1-61208-875-4, pp:1-8.,
R. L. Magueta,
A. Silva,
D. Castanheira,
R. Dinis,
Best Iberian Doctoral Thesis in Information Systems and Technologies,
Roberto Magueta (supervised by Adão Silva and Daniel Castanheira and Rui Dinis ) , was distinguished by the Iberian Association for Information Systems and Technologies (AISTI) with the award “Best Iberian Doctoral Thesis in Information Systems and Technologies,
L. S. Rosado,
IST Excellent Teacher,
Distinguished with as "IST Excellent Teacher" in the 2019/20 academic year.,
S. Marcelino,
Amílcar Sernadas Logic Prize,
Amílcar Sernadas (1952-2017) was Full Professor at the Mathematics Department Amílcar Sernadasof Instituto Superior Técnico and an internationally leading researcher in logic and the foundations of computing. This prize aims at encouraging logic research and distinguishes an unpublished paper in this area. It is included in the initiative One logic prize in every country that emerged from the series of conferences UNILOG (World Congress and School in Universal Logic). It celebrates Amílcar Sernadas highly significant and original scientific contributions, as well as his outstanding academic career.,
M. A. T. Figueiredo,
Fellow of the EURASIP,
Fellow of the European Society for Signal Processing,
R. Oliveira,
A. Sabah,
Best Student Paper,
Best Student Paper Award, 14th conference of the Portuguese Committee of URSI (União Rádio Científica Internacional), sponsored by ANACOM, Ayman Sabah, Rodolfo Oliveira, “Aggregate Interference Power Characterization for Directional Beamforming Wireless Networks”, Dec. 2020.,
R.A.P. Perdigão,
Lisbon Academy of Sciences (Corresp. Physics),
Elected Corresponding Member to the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, joining the Section of Physics.,
M. G. Silveirinha,
APS Fellow (2020),
Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS),
M. G. Silveirinha,
Award of a research grant from the Simons Foundation,
Simons Collaboration in Mathematical and Physics, Harnessing Universal Symmetry Concepts for Extreme Wave Phenomena,
E. Félix,
P. Morouço,
P.L. Correia,
H. Silva,
Prémio Ciências do Desporto - Treino Desportivo, Comité Olímpico de Portugal,
Vencedor do Prémio "Ciências do Desporto" na categoria de "Treino Desportivo".
Prémio atribuído pelo Comité Olímpico de Portugal (COP) e pela Fundação Millennium bcp, com a parceria da revista Visão. Em 2019 reuniu mais de 60 trabalhos submetidos à análise do júri de especialistas.
Trabalho: "Desenvolvimento de uma unidade de medida inercial de baixo custo para controlo e avaliação do treino de nadadores"
Autores: Eduardo Félix, Pedro Morouço, Paulo Lobato Correia, Hugo Silva,
J. L. S. Sobrinho,
M. F. Ferreira,
Routing on Multiple Optimality Criteria,
Best paper award at the ACM conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM),
D. Osório,
E. Teixeira,
F. Pimentel-Santos,
H. Silva,
H. Gamboa,
C. Quaresma,
Best Paper Award at DoCEIS 2020,
Best Paper Award at DoCEIS 2020, with the work 'Development and Validation of an Experimental Protocol to Evaluate Posture Control',
J. M. Pedro,
A. Eira,
The Role of Metro Transport Node Architectures in Optimized Edge Data-Center Dimensioning,
Best paper award at the 24th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM 2020),
R. Rocha,
J. P. Monteiro,
C. A. Fernandes,
A. S. Silva,
The ANACOM-URSI Portugal research prize - 2019 edition,
The ANACOM-URSI Portugal research prize was awarded at the 2019 edition for the work "ISTSat-1 - The First Portuguese University CubeSat". It is a work of excellent scientific quality and rigour, clarity and transversality.
The work was produced by the ISTnanosat team, of the Instituto Superior Técnico, comprising João Paulo Monteiro, Alexandre Silva, Carlos Fernandes and Rui M. Rocha of IST/IT, Fabian Naf, Rúben Afonso, Gonçalo Tavares, Moisés Piedade, of IST / INESC-ID and Nuno Ramos, Tomás Almeida, João Pinto, Diogo Neves, Renato Encarnação, José Freitas, of IST.
The team developed a CubeSat to perform a space mission to demonstrate ADS-B technology for tracking aircraft in remote regions of the planet. For this mission, carried out since 2017 under ESA's "Fly Your Satellite!" programme, the team chose to develop almost all subsystems from scratch through various master’s theses. Having already designed, built and integrated all the ISTSat-1 subsystems, as well as having gone through several test campaigns, the team is now aiming for the final acceptance tests and the preparation for the launch in 2020.
The prize sponsored by ANACOM, in the amount of four thousand euros, was awarded at the end of the 13th Congress of the Portuguese Committee of URSI by the Vice-Chairman of ANACOM, João Miguel Coelho, and by the Chairman of the Portuguese Committee of URSI, Luísa Mendes.,
J. M. Felício,
Fraunhofer Challenge 2019,
3rd place Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge within the PhD category,
J. M. Felício,
Finalist (2nd place),
Best Portuguese PhD Thesis competition in Biomedical Engineering,
J. Ascenso,
Outstanding Area Chair Award,
IEEE 21st International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing,
N. Lourenço,
R. M. Martins,
A. Canelas,
R. P. Póvoa,
N. Horta,
Best Paper Award 2019 - Integration, the VLSI Journal,
N. Lourenço, R. Martins, A. Canelas, R. Póvoa, and N. Horta, “AIDA: Layout-aware Analog Circuit-Level Sizing with In-Loop Layout Generation”, Integration, the VLSI Journal, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.vlsi.2016.04.009,
D. Guerra,
N. Lourenço,
A. Canelas,
R. P. Póvoa,
N. Horta,
R. M. Martins,
Best Paper Award Runner-Up - International Conference on SMACD,
Daniel Guerra, António Canelas, Ricardo Póvoa, Nuno Horta, Nuno Lourenço and Ricardo Martins "Artificial Neural Networks as an Alternative for Automatic Analog IC Placement", International Conference on SMACD 2019, Switzerland.,
E.L. Lopes,
J. Ascenso,
C. Brites,
F. Pereira,
ICME 2019 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award,
for the paper entitled "Adaptive Plane Projection for Video-Based Point Cloud Coding".,
L. S. Rosado,
IST Excellent Teacher,
Distinguished with as "IST Excellent Teacher" in the 2017/18 academic year.,
Solange Silva Silva,
T. A. Morgado,
M. G. Silveirinha,
1º Lugar do Best Student Paper Award do 12º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI,
Vencedora do prémio "Best student paper award" com o trabalho "Trapping light in open nanocavities with spatial dispersion",
H. Silva,
Career Award alumniIPS,
Every year, the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal distinguishes a graduate that, for personal or professional merit, has gathered achievements that constitute a reference for the students and the community.,
M. G. Silveirinha,
IET A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize,
The IET A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize is a global engineering research prize awarded annually to an innovative researcher by the Institution of Engineering and Technology. It was named after an engineer, Arthur Frank Harvey.,
A. Moghaddam,
EURASIP Travel Grant Award,
EURASIP travel grant for attending EUSIPCO2018,
P.M. Girão,
IET Fellow,
Fellow of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET),
H. Ramos,
Outstanding English Paper Award,
• Outstanding English Paper award, in the conference IEEE & FENDT, IEEE Far East Nondestructive Testing, Xiamen, China.,
L. Zhuang,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
Third prize of student paper contest in 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,
Third prize of student paper contest IGARSS 2018 is presented to Lina Zhuang for the paper "Hy-demosaicing: Hyperspectral Blind Reconstruction From Spectral Subsampling".,
B. Feng,
A. L. Ribeiro,
H. Ramos,
Third-prize of FENDT 2018 Student Best Paper Competition,
We won the Third-prize of FENDT 2018 Student Best Paper Competition with the paper entitled "Lamb Wave Characterization of Crack Depth in Aluminum Plates using Artificial Neural Networks",
J. Vaz,
Excellent teacher on MT course,
Considered excellent teacher on "Microelectrónica das Telecomunicações" MSc course, 1st term, 2017-2018.,
J. Vaz,
Excellent teacher SIA course,
Considered excellent teacher on "Sistemas Integrados Analógicos" MSc course, 2nd term, 2017-2018.,
J Brandão Faria,
Elsevier Outstanding Reviewer,
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,
J. M. Felício,
Comité Português da ANACOM-URSI,
1st place ANACOM-URSI Portugal Award 2017,
H. Silva,
1st place at the European Commission Innovation Radar Prize in the "Industrial and Enabling Tech" Category,
BITalino was distinguished by the European Commission's DG-CONNECT as the best european development in the "Industrial and Enabling Tech" category at the Innovation Radar Awards 2017,
A. Radwan,
IEEE Senior Member,
Promotion to IEEE Senior Member level,
J. Pereira,
A. Zúquete,
S. Sargento,
M. Diaz-Cacho,
L. Guardalben,
M. Luís,
Message Dissemination Mechanisms for Driving Support Scenarios,
Best poster Award at INForum 2017,
J. Rodriguez,
A. Radwan,
C. Barbosa,
Best Paper Award,
Paper: “SECRET - Secure Network Coding for Reduced Energy Next Generation Mobile Small cells - A European Training Network in Wireless Communications and Networking for 5G”
Venue: 7th International Conference on Internet Technologies & Applications 2017: EERT 2017 – 5th International Workshop on Energy Efficient and Reconfigurable Transceivers (EERT),
L. Zhuang,
L. Gao,
B. Zhang,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
Best student paper award at SPIE Remote Sensing and Security+Defence International Symposia 2017,
Paper, entitled "Hyperspectral image denoising and anomaly detection based on low-rank and sparse representations", has been selected as winning presentation of the Best Student Paper Award at SPIE Remote Sensing and Security+Defence International Symposia, Warsaw, Poland 2017. The paper, written by Lina Zhuang and her supervisor José M. Bioucas-Dias, introduces a robust Hyperspectral image denoising method in presence of outliers. It is a collaboration with researchers Lianru Gao and Bing Zhang from Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences.,
C. Conti,
IBM Scientific Prize 2016,
Awarded for the work entitled "Efficient Solutions for Light Field Coding", Portugal,
A. Moghaddam,
IEEE SPS Travel Grant Award,
IEEE SPS travel grant for attending IEEE ICIP2017,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
Prémio Científico Universidade de Lisboa/Santander Universidades,
Prémio Científico ULisboa/Santander Universidades, in the area of Electrical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering , prize awarded to the Ulisboa researcher with the highest scientific impact, according to the ISI Science Citation Index, in the period 2012-2016,,
J. Calvillo,
J.G. Guilherme,
N. Horta,
Silver Leaf Award,
Silver Leaf Award for Design of a BGR suitable for The Space Industry with Performance of 1.25 V with 0.758 ppm/°C TC from - 55° to 125°C in New Generation of Circuit and Systems Conference.,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
IEEE GRSS David Landgrebe Award,
"For outstanding contributions in the field of remote sensing image analysis",
C. Conti,
P. Nunes,
L. D. Soares,
Scientific Awards ISCTE-IUL 2016,
Awarded for the paper entitled "HEVC-based 3D holoscopic video coding using self-similarity compensated prediction", Lisbon, Portugal,
F. Rosário,
F. A. Monteiro,
A. J. Rodrigues,
Paper in the Most Downloaded Papers in the IEEE Signal Processing Letters in The Last Two Years,
The 2016 paper in IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL) was showcased in the list of the 10 "Most Downloaded Papers from IEEE Xplore" for the SPL during the previous two years (2015-2016). The list was showcased in the May 2017 issue of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.,
P.M. Girão,
IEEE IMS Certificate of Appreciation,
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society. Certificate of Appreciation as TC-15 Virtual Systems in Measurement member.,
H. Silva,
A. L. N. Fred,
Featured Researcher at the Sparks “Beyond the Lab: The DIY Science Revolution” Exhibition,
To complement the stories of common citizens contributing to scientific research and the artworks presented in ‘Beyond the Lab: The DIY science revolution’, each venue hosting the exhibition presents a local example of how RRI is or can be applied in research in the field of medicine and healthcare. Sparks partners have worked within local partnerships with researchers, universities, NGOs and citizens to identify the object or the research that would be featured in the local corner of the exhibition. Our work with BITalino was the selected showcase in Portugal.,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
IEEE Fellow,
"For contributions to imaging inverse problems in remote sensing",
M. A. T. Figueiredo,
IAPR Pierre Devijver Award,
This award commemorates Pierre Devijver, one of the founders of statistical pattern recognition, who left us all in 1996. The recipient is be selected from among outstanding scientists who have contributed significantly to the field of statistical pattern recognition.,
A. Almeida,
Pedagogical Excellence,
First prize attributed by the School of Technology and Architecture for pedagogical work selecting and applying techniques, and teaching the most appropriate methods to the objectives defined for self-assess performance, motivation, and to achieve the desired competence profile.,
M. Monteiro,
P. Vieira,
1º place, Best Student Paper Award, 10º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI,
• Monteiro M., Martins A, Vieira P, Rodrigues R, "Balanceamento de Carga em Redes de 4a Geração (LTE) Auto-Otimizadas", 10º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Novembro de 2016, (1º lugar, Best Student Paper Award),
M. Veríssimo,
P. Vieira,
2nd place, Best Student Paper Award, 10º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI,
Veríssimo M., Gonçalves S., Martins A., Vieira P., Rodrigues A., "Avaliação de Capacidade em Redes Multi-Serviço UMTS/HSPA Baseada em Estatísticas Reais de Desempenho", 10º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Novembro de 2016, (2º lugar, Best Student Paper Award),
O. Postolache,
IEEE ICST Award for invited speech,
The award was granted during the IEEE International Conference on Sensing Technology for invited speeche "Unobtrusive Smart Sensing and Pervasive Computing for Healthcare,
J. Ascenso,
Outstanding Reviewer Award at IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing 2016 Conference,
H. Silva,
RP-edisoft Pereira,
P. Pires,
2nd place at PixelsCamp (former CodeBits),
These awards recognised the best projects developed during the 3 days hackathon
Pixels Camp (former Codebits), which is one of the biggest national tech-events.
The devised project, dubbed Wolverino, is a multimodal plug & play controller for artificial limbs, human augmentation and/or animatronics pieces, which can use muscle signals or remote control over a mobile app to trigger specific actions on the pieces.
Wolverino´s target audience are people with prosthetic limbs, cosplayers and bio-hackers. The award has been assigned to a working demo application inspired by the claws of the world famous Marvel Comics character Wolverine.,
C. Marques,
P. Antunes,
N. Alberto,
J. Melo,
P.S André,
H Varum,
Bond-slip monitoring of RC through optical fiber sensor, XII. International Conference on Structural Repair and Pathology – CINPAR 2016,
J Brandão Faria,
Prémio Científico 2016 Universidade de Lisboa/Santander Universidades,
First Prize
Electrical and Aerospace Engineering,
R. Oliveira,
Best Symposium Award,
In appreciation for organizing the Best Symposium "Communications and Signal Processing" for the IWCMC conference, Paphos, Cyprus.,
O. Postolache,
Award for IEEE DL Seminar at University of Calcutta,
Awarded by Joint CSS-IMS Kolkata Chapter,
O. Bournez,
D. Graça,
A. P. Pouly,
Best ICALP Paper (2016),
Best ICALP Paper award (track B) for the 2016 edition of the ICALP conference. The awarded paper was:
* Olivier Bournez, Daniel Graça and Amaury Pouly: "Polynomial Time corresponds to Solutions of Polynomial Ordinary Differential Equations of Polynomial Length".
More information can be found on the following link:
M. Sousa,
P. Vieira,
Best Student Paper Award, WINSYS 2016,
• Sousa M., Martins A., Vieira P., “Self-Diagnosing Low Coverage and High Interference in 3G/4G Radio Access Networks based on Automatic RF Measurement Extraction”, 13th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems (WINSYS 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, Julho de 2016(Best Student Paper Award).,
R. M. Martins,
A. Canelas,
N. Lourenço,
N. Horta,
Best Paper Award at International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD),
"On-the-fly exploration of placement templates for analog IC layout-aware sizing methodologies," , in International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Lisboa, Portugal, June 2016.,
C. Silva,
J.G. Guilherme,
SCALES: A high speed simulator tool for pipeline A/D converters,
Proc. International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Lisbon, Portugal, Jun. 2016. (SMACD 2016 - 1st Prize Awarded in the Analog IC Design Automation Competition),
H. Ramos,
Best Poster 23rd EPVSE,
Best Poster award in the 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Germany,
M. C. R. Medeiros,
H.L. Gomes,
L. Alcácer,
Elsevier/Sensing & Bio-Sensing Research Award 2015,
For research entitled ‘Ink-jet printed polymer electrodes to record extracellular calcium waves produced by neural cell populations in vitro’ presented on 13th May at the E-MRS symposium Materials and Biosensor Systems for in-vitro diagnostic applications,
J. S. Lemos,
F. Rosário,
F. A. Monteiro,
A. J. Rodrigues,
Luís Vidigal Prize 2015,
Co-supervision of the two winners (ex aequo) of the Luís Vidigal Prize 2015 . This prize awards the Best MSc Thesis of the Year at IST in the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Compute Science, and related fields, completed in 2015. Mr. Francisco Rosário and Mr. João Sande Lemos were both scholars under the L-DIMM-NetCod project in our group.,
M. A. T. Figueiredo,
EURASIP Technical Achievment Award,
"The Technical Achievement Award honors a person who, over a period of years, has made outstanding technical contributions to theory or practice in technical areas within the scope of the Society, as demonstrated by publications, patents, or recognized impact in this field."
F. A. Monteiro,
Exemplary Reviewer Award 2015,
From the the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, a 1st-quartile journal co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. The prize is awarded to the top 3% best reviewers nominated by the associate editors.,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
Thomson Reuters’ Highly Cited Researcher 2015,
Quoting from http://highlycited.com/ webpage: “... About three thousand researchers
earned the distinction by writing the greatest numbers of reports officially designated by
Essential Science Indicators as Highly Cited Papers–ranking among the top 1% most cited
for their subject field and year of publication, earning them the mark of exceptional impact”.,
O. Postolache,
Certificate of Apreciation - ICST Technical program Co-chair,
The certificate was granted during ICST 2015, Aukland, NZ,
J. M. Felício,
Comité Português da URSI,
1st place Best Student Poster Award,
D. E. Fernandes,
M. Rodrigues,
G. Falcão,
M. G. Silveirinha,
Prémio ANACOM-URSI 2015,
The ANACOM-URSI Portugal Prize was assigned to “Diffractionless Propagation of Electron Waves in Graphene Superlattices”. In this work we used a homemade Finite Difference in the Time Domain (FDTD) algorithm to characterize the propagation of electron waves in graphene. The algorithm was applied to study the dynamics of electrons in graphene superlattices, using both microscopic and effective medium approaches. In particular, it is shown that the time evolution of an electronic state and the propagation of stationary electronic states may be accurately predicted with the effective medium formalism, provided the initial state is less localized than the characteristic spatial period of the superlattice. Our results confirmed that electrons propagating in graphene superlattices with extreme anisotropy experience virtually no diffraction,
O. Postolache,
Special IEEE EHB Award,
The award was granted for important scientific contributions in the field of unobtrusive smart sensing for cardiac and motor activity monitoring.
EHB Conference was organized in November in Iasi Romania,
J. M. Felício,
Fraunhofer Challenge 2015,
3rd place Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge within the MSc category,
E. R. Rijk,
J. S. Silva,
S. Capdevila-Cascante,
M. F. Favre,
M. B. Billod,
A. M. Macor,
A. B. Bieren,
Best Poster Award,
Best Poster Award in the 36th ESA Workshop in Antennas and RF Systems for Space Science, October 2015,
R. M. Martins,
N. Lourenço,
A. Canelas,
R. P. Póvoa,
N. Horta,
1st Ranked on “Design Automation Competition” at International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD),
"AIDA: Robust Layout-Aware Synthesis of Analog ICs including Sizing and Layout Generation" at International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Istanbul, Turkey.,
F. Nunes,
Best paper award,
The paper "Practical Simulation of GNSS Signals in the Presence of Ionospheric Scintillation" - F. Nunes, F. Sousa, received the best paper award (track B) in the conference IEEE/ION PLANS 2014, Monterey, CA, May 2014.,
PMC Carvalho,
J. Guerreiro,
R. Dinis,
Best paper award,
Best paper award at IEEE VTC’2015(Fall) for the paper “Optimum Performance and Spectral Characterization of CE-OFDM Signals”, by J. Guerreiro, R. Dinis, P. Carvalho,
R. S. -,
F. Pereira,
E. Silva,
Best Paper Award at Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT 2015),
Best Paper Award at Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT 2015), held in Juiz de Fora, Brasil, with papero “Studying the compression performance of video descriptors” authored by Renam C. da Silva, Fernando Pereira, Eduardo A. B. da Silva.,
C.L. Lemos,
R.J. Lopes,
H. Coelho,
Quantitative Measures of Crowd Patterns in Agent- Based Models of Street Protests,
Best PhD student paper,
F. Condessa,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
J. Kovacevic Kovacevic,
Best student paper award (1st place),
The Mikio Takagi Student Prize (MTStP) is to recognize a student who has presented an outstanding paper at the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS).
Awarded to the paper "Supervised Hyperspectral Image Segmentation with Rejection," authored by Filipe Condessa, José Bioucas-Dias, and Jelena Kovačević.,
R. M. Martins,
N. Lourenço,
N. Horta,
Silver Leaf Best Paper Award at IEEE Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME),
“Analog IC Placement using Absolute Coordinates and a Hierarchical Combination of Pareto Optimal Fronts”, in IEEE Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), Glasgow, Scotland, June 2015.,
X. HoangVan,
J. Ascenso,
F. Pereira,
Best Paper Award at Picture Coding Symposium’2015 ((Jun-2015)),
Our paper ''Improving Enhancement Layer Merge Mode for HEVC Scalable Extension'' won the best paper award at the 31st Picture Coding Symposium, Cairns, Australia,
G. Martin Martin,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
A. Plaza,
Melhor Tese de Doutoramento Ibérico em Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação,
O Prémio “Melhor Tese de Doutoramento Ibérico em Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação” é atribuído anualmente pela AISTI ao melhor trabalho de Tese de Doutoramento, elaborado no âmbito das áreas científicas dos Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação e áreas afins, com vista a estimular a inovação científica e o rigor do trabalho de investigação, bem como proceder à divulgação de trabalhos científicos de elevada qualidade. Na edição de 2014 foram recebidas 33 candidaturas, tendo sido selecionadas 8 para a fase final, das quais foi selecionada a tese vencedora pelo júri constituído por reputados professores e investigadores da Península Ibérica. Saiu vencedor Gabriel Martín Hernández, com a Tese “Design and implementation of new methods for spatial preprocessing prior to spectral unmixing of remotely sensed hyperspectral data, realizada no Departamento de Tecnologia dos Computadores e das Comunicações da Universidade da Extremadura, sob orientação científica de Antonio Plaza Miguel da Universidade da Extremadura e de José Bioucas Dias da Universidade de Lisboa.,
H. Silva,
1st place at Prémio Inovação Jovem Engenheiro 2014,
Ordem dos Engenheiros,
TC Cunha,
P. Vieira,
A. Martins,
Best Student Paper Award, RSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference - URSI AT-RASC,
Energy Savings in 3G Using Dynamic Spectrum Access and Base Station Sleep Modes
URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference - URSI AT-RASC , Maspalomas , Spain , Maio de 2015 (2nd Place, Best Student Paper Contest),
P.M. Girão,
IEEE IM Society Distinguished Lecturer,
Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, 2015-2018,
R. P. Póvoa,
N. Lourenço,
N. Horta,
JG Goes,
Nominee for Best Student Paper Award at IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),
A Voltage-Combiners-Biased Amplifier with Enhanced Gain and Speed using Current Starving, Lisboa, Portugal.,
J. L. S. Sobrinho,
L. V. Vanbever,
FL Le,
J. R. Rexford,
Distributed route aggregation on the global network,
Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Applied Networking Research Prize,
F. Prudêncio,
1ª Edição do Prémio Professor Abreu Faro,
Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Engenharia Informática, Matemática e Física, no biénio 2013/2014,
P.L. Correia,
Best Paper Award,
Best paper award at the International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT), 2015, Taiwan
for the paper: "A Tracking Scheme for Norway Lobster and Burrow Abundance Estimation in Underwater Video Sequences", by C.S. Tan, P.Y. Lau, P.L. Correia, P. Fonseca, A. Campos,
F. A. Monteiro,
Exemplary Reviewer Award 2014,
From the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, a 1st-quartile journal co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. The prize is awarded to the top 3% reviewers who have performed reviews considered by the associate editors as being relevant and timely reviews, consistently for a number of papers over the year.,
P.L. Correia,
A.R.M. Ribeiro,
Prémio ANACOM-URSI Portugal 2014,
The work “Automatic vehicle courting based on surveillance video streams”, by Abel Ribeiro and Paulo Lobato Correia, received (ex-aequo) the ANACOM-URSI 2014 award in Lisbon, Portugal,
A. Veganzones,
M. Simões,
G. Licciardi,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
J. Chanussot,
"Top 10%" papers at ICIP 2014,
The paper "Hyperspectral Super-Resolution of Locally Low Rank Images
From Complementary Multisource Data" was recognized as one of the
"Top 10%" papers at ICIP 2014, based on reviewer scores and
L. S. Rosado,
Best INESC-ID PhD Student 2014,
Awarded with the "Best INESC-ID PhD Student 2014" based on the scientific productivity throughout his PhD.,
F. Prudêncio,
S.A. Matos,
C. R. Paiva,
The most general classes of Tellegen media reducible to simple reciprocal media: a geometrical approach,
''Best student paper award'', ''31st URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium'',
C. Conti,
L. D. Soares,
P. Nunes,
Best Poster Award COST Interaction 2014, Budapest,
Awarded at the Best Poster competition of COST training school on Rich 3D Content: Creation, Perception and Interaction for the poster entitled ''Display Scalable 3D Holoscopic Video Coding'', Budapest, Hungary,
P.L. Correia,
Best Reviewer Award,
Best reviewer of ICME 2014,
J. Vaz,
Excellent teacher,
Considered excellent teacher on "Electrónica 1" MSc course, 2nd term, 2013-2014., Instituto Superior Técnico.,
A. Zaric,
Catarina C. Cruz,
J.R. Costa,
C. A. Fernandes,
First Prize in 2014 IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest,
International student competition organized by IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society in which 2-5 student teams propose, design and build antennas and a communication system for a specific application scenario.,
R. P. Póvoa,
R. Lourenço Lourenço,
N. Lourenço,
A. Canelas,
R. M. Martins,
N. Horta,
Best Student Paper Award Runner-Up at IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),
LC-VCO Automatic Synthesis Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Techniques, Melbourne, Australia.,
C. Conti,
P. Nunes,
L. D. Soares,
Scientific Awards ISCTE-IUL 2014,
Awarded for the paper entitled ''Inter-Layer Prediction Scheme for Scalable 3-D Holoscopic Video Coding'', Lisbon, Portugal,
F. Prudêncio,
S.A. Matos,
C. R. Paiva,
The most general classes of Tellegen media reducible to simple reciprocal media: a geometrical approach,
''Young Scientist Award'', ''31st URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium'',
P.L. Correia,
Best Teacher Award - Instituto Superior Técnico,
Received an award for best teacher in IST, during the celebration of IST's 103rd anniversary, on May 23, 2014.,
H. Silva,
Most Innovative Product/Technology (1st place),
MIT Portugal - E3 Forum,
Cercas, F. Cercas,
E. Cercas Cercas,
P. Sebastião,
New acelerated simulation method to obtain the performance of concatenated codes,
Best Student Paper Award for this paper presented at Global Wireless Summit, Aalborg, Denmark.,
L. Bernardo,
B. B. Branco,
F. Ganhão,
L.I. Irio,
R. Dinis,
R. Oliveira,
P. Amaral,
P. Pinto,
SC-FDE Femtocell Energy Saving using IB-DFE Interference Cancellation Techniques,
Second Best Paper Award at International Conf. on Telecomunications (ICT’14), Lisboa, Portugal, May 4-7, 2014.,
C. Loss,
C. Lopes,
R. Gonçalves,
J T Tavares,
N. Barroca,
H S Saraiva,
F. J. Velez,
P. Pinho,
R. Salvado,
One of the ten best papers of young researchers on 5th STS Italia Conference – A Matter of Design: Making Society through Science and Technology, with the paper “Developing Sustainable Communication Interfaces Through Fashion Design”. Merit fellowship to participate on the conference, held in Milan (IT), May 2014.,
M. A. T. Figueiredo,
S. Wright,
R. Nowak,
2014 Walter R. G. Baker Award,
2014 Walter R. G. Baker Award, for the paper "Sparse Reconstruction by Separable Approximation", published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2009.,
J. Farinhas,
Q. Ferreira,
A. Charas,
J. Morgado,
Controlling the Morphologies on Solar Cells Based on Cross-linked Semiconducting Polymers at the Nanoscale,
Best Poster Award in the 1st Cluster Workshop in Materials and Nanotechnology on December 4 – 6, 2013,
H. Ramos,
IEEE Outstanding Reviewers of 2013,
IEEE Outstanding Reviewers of 2013
awarded by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
M. Ribeiro,
C. Duque,
Best Non-Student Paper Award,
Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom,
F. Prudêncio,
S.A. Matos,
C. R. Paiva,
Generalized Image Method for Radiation Problems Involving the Minkowskian Isotropic Medium,
"3rd place in the Student Paper Competition", "The 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics",
H. Silva,
A. P. Alves Alves,
A. Lourenço,
A. L. N. Fred,
I. Montalvão,
L. Alegre,
Best Paper Award at SouthCHI 2013,
Best Paper Award at SouthCHI 2013, with the work 'Towards the Detection of Deception in Interactive Multimedia Environments',
P. Vieira,
N. Cota,
A. Serrador Serrador,
A.B. Beire,
A. J. Rodrigues,
Best Student Paper Award WPMC 2013,
On the Use of Okumura-Hata Propagation Model on Railway Communications", 16th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'13), Atlantic City, New Jersey, EUA, Junho de 2013 (Best Student Paper Award).,
A. L. N. Fred,
H. Silva,
A. Lourenço,
1st Prize of contest INOVPORTUGAL,
1st Prize on the portuguese contest of innovation and entrepreneurship, INOVPORTUGAL, with the project VITALIDI,
C. Salema,
Doctorem Honoris Causa,
Doctor Honoris Causa Universidade da Beira Interior,
F. Passos,
E. Roca,
M. Fino,
Outstanding Paper Award,
Outstanding Paper Award in MIXDES 2013,
E.C. Pinheiro,
O. Postolache,
P.M. Girão,
Student Travel Award,
2013 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2013) covering registration fee and travel expenses to present the paper "Calibration and Validation of Homeostasis Parameters Estimates Produced by DSP Embedded Processing in a Wheelchair" at the conference.,
T. A. Morgado,
J. Marcos,
M. G. Silveirinha,
S. Maslovski,
CST University Publication Award 2012,
The CST University Publication Award is an annual grant to university institutes and researchers for their work in the application of 3D EM field simulation.
J. S. Silva,
Antenas compactas baseadas em lentes com feixe orientável para terminais de Terra na banda-Ka,
Menção honrosa no 6º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI,
R. M. Martins,
N. Lourenço,
S. R. Rodrigues,
J.G. Guilherme,
N. Horta,
Honourable Mention on “Design Automation Competition” at International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD),
“AIDA: Automated Analog IC Design Flow from Circuit Level to Layout”, in International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Seville, Spain, Sep. 2012.,
L. Bilro,
N. Alberto,
P. Antunes,
P.S André,
R.N. Nogueira,
Best poster award,
Best poster award in the Engineering Category at the Annual Research Day at University of Aveiro
"Optical Fiber Sensors and Applications by: Lúcia Bilro, Nélia Alberto, Paulo Antunes, Rogério Nogueira, Paulo André",
J. Vaz,
Docente Excelente,
Considerado docente excelente relativamente à disciplina de Electrónica 1 leccionada no 2º semestre do ano lectivo 2010/11 no Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores.,
S. Vinga,
A. M. Carvalho,
A. P. Francisco,
L. M. S. Russo,
J. S. Almeida,
Highly accessed article,
for the paper, Pattern matching through Chaos Game Representation: Bridging numerical and discrete data structures for biological sequence analysis, by BioMed Central,
M. A. T. Figueiredo,
S. Wright,
R. Nowak,
2011 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award,
2011 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award for the paper "Sparse Reconstruction by Separable Approximation", published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing in 2009.,
C. A. Fernandes,
2011 UTL/Santander Totta Award,
Prize, in the Electrotechnical Engineering area,
O. Postolache,
Certificate of Appreciation,
Certificate of Appreciation for organizing the special session on Ubiquitous Systems for HealthCare,
F. Pereira,
Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta 2011,
Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta na área da Engenharia Electrotécnica,
M. Lucas da Silva,
C. Simões,
H. Silva,
Prémio Engenheiro Jaime Filipe,
This award, promoted by the Portuguese Social Security Institute, distinguishes yearly the most innovative and autonomy enabling solution within the domain of rehabilitation engineering, and at a National level it currently stands as the highest recognition in this field.,
H. Silva,
A. Lourenço,
A. L. N. Fred,
JBF Filipe,
Best Paper Award at USAB 2011,
Best Paper Award at the USAB 2011 conference, with the work ''Clinical Data Privacy and Customization via Biometrics Based on ECG Signals'',
M. Carvalho,
P. Vieira,
Best Student Paper Award, 5.º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI,
Um Algoritmo Avançado de Controlo de Oscilação de Handover em Redes LTE Auto-Geridas
5.º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI - ''Detecção e medição de sinais rádio no futuro das Rádio-comunicações'', 11 de Novembro de 2011, Lisboa, Portugal (Best Student Paper Award).,
A. M. Carvalho,
A. L. Oliveira,
Highly accessed article,
for the paper GRISOTTO: A greedy approach to improve combinatorial algorithms for motif discovery with prior knowledge, by BioMed Central,
Catarina C. Cruz,
Prémio de Investigação URSI Portugal 2011,
"Antena híbrida UHF/UWB para Sistema RFID Passivo de Identificação e Localização em Ambientes Interiores.",
H. Marques,
B. Borges,
Best Poster Award,
Contactless Battery Charger with High Relative Separation Distance and Improved Efficiency atribuido na 33rd International Telecommunications Energy Conference – INTELEC, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
Q. Ferreira,
L. Alcácer,
J. Morgado,
Electrical transport in molecular wires of zinc octaethylporphyrins linked by bipyridines,
Conference Participation Grant - 11th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, Barcelona,
F. Ganhão,
L. Bernardo,
M. Pereira,
R. Dinis,
R. Oliveira,
P. Pinto,
Runner up for best paper award in IEEE ICCCN 2011,
Runner up for best paper award in IEEE ICCCN 2011 conference (http://icccn.org/icccn11/award.html),
A. T. P. Pereira,
Q. Ferreira,
E. Pecoraro,
C. S. R. F. Ferreira,
J. Morgado,
L. Alcácer,
Inkjet printing of organic field-effect transistors using biocellulose derivative materials,
Best poster in the XXII Encontro Nacional da SPQ,
C. A. Fernandes,
2010 UTL/Santander Totta Award,
Honorable mention, in the Electrotechnical Engineering area,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
"Prémio UTL/Santander-Totta, in the area of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science",
Prize awarded to the UTL researcher with the highest scientific impact, according to the ISI Science Citation Index, in the period 2005-2009,
J.R. Costa,
E.B. Lima,
C. A. Fernandes,
CST University Publication Award 2010,
The CST University Publication Award is an annual grant to university institutes and researchers for their work in the application of 3D EM field simulation.,
F. Pereira,
Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta 2010,
Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta na área da Engenharia Electrotécnica,
M. Lucas da Silva,
C. Simões,
H. Silva,
F. Botelho,
Exame Informática Software Award (Honorable Mention),
''The Best of Technological Portugal'' by Exame Informática is a conference aimed at the distinction of individuals and companies that stand out in Portugal, and in the world, in the field of new technologies.,
A. Marchetti,
N. Prasad,
A. J. Rodrigues,
R. Prasad,
Adaptive counting rule for cooperative spectrum sensing under correlated environments,
13th International Symposium on Wireless Multimedia Communications (WPMC'10) - Best Paper Award,
DG Guilherme,
J.G. Guilherme,
N. Horta,
Best Student Paper Award,
The International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design - SM2ACD 2010 - best student paper award for the paper entitled ''Automatic Topology Selection and Sizing of Class-D Loop-Filters for Minimizing Distortion'',
J. Reis,
J. Sanguino,
A. J. Rodrigues,
Influence of baseline length in single-frequency real-time vehicle heading determination,
13th International Symposium on Wireless Multimedia Communications (WPMC'10) - Best Paper Award,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
Excellence in Teaching,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IST.,
H. Gamboa,
H. Silva,
ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Life Sciences Award,
The ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Competition — launched by ISCTE-IUL in partnership with MIT School of Engineering, the Deshpande Center, and the MIT Sloan School of Management — aims to foster the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit in Portugal.,
C. R. Medeiros,
Prémio de Investigação URSI Portugal 2010,
''UHF RFID Reader Antennas for Self-confined Tag Detection'',
J.R. Costa,
Top-10 Reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation in 2010,
R.T. Trindade,
P.L. Correia,
M. S. Santos,
Best Paper Award,
''Multimedia Sharing over the Internet from a Mobile Phone'', in the 3rd International Workshop on ''Future Multimedia Networking'' (FMN'2010), Krakov, Poland,
H. Gamboa,
H. Silva,
Biggest Innovation Award,
Hit Barcelona is a unique global event with a format that integrates spaces dedicated to knowledge, revolutionary ideas and great business opportunities.,
A. Marchetti,
N. Prasad,
A. J. Rodrigues,
R. Prasad,
Capacity limits introduced by data fusion on cooperative spectrum sensing under correlated environments,
8th International Conference on Communications (COMM2010) - Best Student Paper Award,
C. R. Medeiros,
Menção Honrosa Jovens Investigadores UTL/CGD 2010,
D. Graça,
Prémio Jovens Investigadores UTL/Deloitte e UTL/Caixa Geral de Depósito 2010 (matemática),
Vencedor do "Prémio Jovens Investigadores UTL/Deloitte e UTL/Caixa Geral de Depósitos 2010", na categoria de "matemática",
H. Gamboa,
H. Silva,
Portugal Startup Award,
Ignite Portugal is a set of events open to the participation of all that spin around the topics of innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and technology.,
L. S. Rosado,
Professor Luís Vidigal 2008/2009,
Awarded with the Professor Luís Vidigal 2008/2009 award for the best thesis work in the field of Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering at IST in 2009.,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
"Prémio UTL/Santander-Totta, in the area of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science",
Honorable mention - Scientific UTL/Santander Awards - to distinguish researchers postdoctoral grantees that have published in the last five years in journals analysed in ISI Web of Science. Technical University of Lisbon/Santander Awards.,
F. Pereira,
Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta 2009,
Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta na área da Engenharia Electrotécnica,,
P. Vieira,
Prémio Inovação Jovem Engenheiro 2008 - 2nd place,
Maximização do Desempenho em Redes Macro-Celulares 4G Usando Técnicas de Multiplexagem Espacial Multi-Antena,
S.A. Matos,
C. R. Paiva,
A. Barbosa,
Honorable mention from the Student Paper Contest associated with the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,
A Spacetime
Algebra Approach to Moving Bi-Isotropic Media,
T. A. Morgado,
M. G. Silveirinha,
Guided Modes in a Metamaterial Slab Formed by Crossed Metallic Wires,
"Best Student Paper Award", 7th Conference on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, May 3-5 2009.,
C. Salema,
URSI - Prémio de Carreira,
Prémio atribuído pelo ICP-ANACOM em nome da URSI,
P.M. Girão,
Doctor Honoris Causa,
Doctor Honoris Causa, Technical University "GH. Asachi", Iasi,
A. Cartaxo,
Prémio UTL/Santander-Totta (area of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Informatics Engineering and Avionics Engineering),
Prize awarded to the UTL researcher with the highest scientific impact, according to the ISI Science Citation Index, in the period 2003-2007,
J. Guterman,
Listed in Who's Who in America,
F. Pereira,
IEEE Fellow,
For contributions to object-based digital video representation technologies and standards.,
M. A. T. Figueiredo,
Prémio UTL/Santander-Totta, in the area of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Prize awarded to the UTL researcher with the highest scientific impact, according to the ISI Science Citation Index, in the period 2002-2006.,
F. A. Monteiro,
Senior College Scholar,
awarded ''on the basis of first class work” by the Tutorial Committee of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, UK,
F. A. Monteiro,
Best Paper Award (Conference Prize) at the European Conference on Wireless Technology 2007,
Prize given by the European Microwave Association during the European Microwave Week 2007, Munich, Germany,
J. Dias,
J. Oliveira,
M. A. T. Figueiredo,
Blind estimation of motion-blur parameters for image deconvolutio,
Best paper award, Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis,
J. Guterman,
The Best Student Paper Prize awarded for the paper entitled “Back-to-back E-Shaped Patch: Integration of a Novel Dual-Band Quasi-Omnidirectional Antenna into Laptops” at the 6th Conference on Telecommunications - ConfTele 2007, Peniche, Portugal, 9-11 May.,
P.L. Correia,
IEEE T-CSVT Outstanding Associate Editor Award,
Paulo Lobato Correia received an IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology ''Outstanding Associate Editor Award'' during the 2007 meeting of the IEEE T-CSVT Editorial Board, held in New Orleans, on May 28, 2007.,
J. Bioucas-Dias,
J. Oliveira,
M. A. T. Figueiredo,
Blind estimation of motion blur parameters for image deconvolution,
Best paper award, Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis , 01-06-2007 .,
M. Rabbat,
M. A. T. Figueiredo,
R. Nowak,
Neural Information Processing Systems - NIPS'2006, Student Paper Honorable Mention.,
Neural Information Processing Systems - NIPS'2006, Student Paper Honorable Mention, for the paper Inferring Network Structure from Co-Occurrences.,
P.S André,
J. A. Tenedório,
Science on Stage 2 national event,
Team Selected to represent Portugal in the International Science on Stage event (Grenoble 2007).,
O. Postolache,
P.M. Girão,
Certificate of Appreciation,
For support, promotion and dissemination of technology from National Instruments,
A. L. N. Fred,
A. K. Jain,
Best Paper Award in Pattern Recognition and Basic Technologies,
Best Paper Award in Pattern Recognition and Basic Technologies presented to Ana Fred for the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition paper "Learning Pairwise Similarity for Data Clustering", issued by the International Association for Pattern Recognition,
J. L. S. Sobrinho,
An algebraic theory of dynamic network routing,
IEEE Communications Society William R. Bennett Prize in the Field of Communications Networking,
C. Ferreira,
H.R. Ribeiro,
“Gestão dinâmica de graves” , Dinamic bass management,
Orientation of the project that win the contest “Realizações em engenharia de áudio”, promoted by APEA, Audio Engineering Society.,
P. Vieira,
Prémio Inovação Jovem Engenheiro 2004 -1st place (ex-aequo),
Aumento de Capacidade em Redes Móveis de 3ª Geração Usando Tecnologia MIMO,
H. Silva,
Prémio Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Caixa Geral de Depósitos,
Award for recognized academic merit during the pursuit and completion of the Sc. B. degree.,
R. T. Henriques,
Estímulo à Excelência- FCT, Portugal,
Researchers with more than 100 publications and over 500 citations referred in the Science Citation Index of ISI Web of Knowledge were awarded in 2005 by FCT- Foundation for Sience and Technology, Portugal, according to rules published in 2004.,
F. A. Monteiro,
Best Student Paper Award (Young Engineer Prize) at the European Conference on Wireless Technology 2004,
Prize from the European Microwave Association (EuMA), delivered by it's president (Prof. R. Sorrentino) and by the conference chairman (Prof. R. Prasad) in Amsterdam, Netherlands, during the European Microwave Week,
F. Pereira,
IEEE Distinguished Lecture,
Elected IEEE Distinguished Lecture,
H. Silva,
Bolsa de Estudo por Mérito, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal,
Scholarship for academic merit,
A. Ferreira,
Inês Simas Best Student Paper,
Inês Simas Best Student Paper at ConfTele2003,
F. A. Monteiro,
Innovation Young Engineer Prize (3rd place),
Project title: ''Complexity Reduction of CPM Receivers on Wireless Communications Systems'', prize from Ordem dos Engenheiros (Portuguese Engineers Institution) sponcered by the Luso-American Fundation for Development (FLAD), Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Ministry for Science and Higher Education,
M. G. Silveirinha,
C. A. Fernandes,
“An Hybrid Method for the Calculation of the Band Structure of 2D Photonic Crystals,
3rd place in the Student Paper Contest held in
the APS/URSI Symposium, San Antonio, Texas , USA
June 2002,
N. Antunes,
A. Pacheco,
R. Rocha,
An Integrated Traffic Model for Multimedia Wireless Networks,
3M /TULisbon Prize for inovation in the area of EE engineering,
P. M. Ramos,
Nonlinear Switching with Solitons in Optical Fibers,
1st Prize Inovação Jovem Engenheiro da Ordem dos Engenheiros,
J. Costa Freire,
G.M. Marques,
W. Tam,
J. Vaz,
MMIC Lumped and Transversal Filter with LC Tuned Amplifiers,
Best Poster at GAAS'99 (,
F. Pereira,
ISO Award for Outstanding Technical Contribution,
For his technical contribution to the MPEG-4 Visual standard,
J.R. Costa,
F. M. Janeiro,
Transmissão de Solitões em Sistemas de Comunicação Óptica,
1º prémio do concurso Comunicações 97 do Instituto de Comunicações de Portugal.,