Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Participation in Projects

Running Projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration

Closed projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
AtlantisBPnet AtlantisBPnet - Observatory of Information Society in the Atlantique Space INTERREG III-B 01-01-2005 3 year(s)
COILS Comparison of WiMAX and LTE on a Personal Cell Scenario for the Provision of Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Services IT/LA 01-12-2008 2 year(s)
DIPPAL Digital Predistortion for Power Amplifier Linearization IT/LA 01-01-2009 2 year(s)
GEN-CAN Generic Transport in Context-Aware Networks IT/LA 01-10-2008 2 year(s)
GRINFOREST A generic radio channel model for propagation in inhomogeneous forests at 40 GHz FCT/POSC 01-07-2005 3 year(s)
PROVEG Propagation Channel Modelling in Vegetation Media for Future Fixed and Mobile Radio Systems British Council, CCISP 01-04-2004 1 year(s)
TOMAR-PON Techniques Of Modulation And Remodulation for PON FCT/PTDC 01-01-2010 3 year(s)