Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Participation in Projects

Running Projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
DARING Deep compression: emerging pAradigm foR Image codiNG FCT 01-06-2021 4 year(s)
Deep-PCR Deep learning-based Point Cloud Representation FCT 01-01-2022 3 year(s)
EVASION EVent Aware Sensor CompresSION RayShaper 01-07-2023 3 year(s)
PORTRAIT Perceptual-aware geOmetRic sTructuRe Adaptation of wIde-angle phoTography VIVO 01-07-2024 2 year(s)

Closed projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
3D VIVANT Live Immerse Video-Audio Interactive Multimedia EU/FP7 01-03-2010 4 year(s)
3D-ConTourNet 3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks EC/FP7 01-05-2012 5 year(s)
3D-SERVICIS Scalable Error Resilient 3D Holoscopic Video Coding for Immersive Systems FCT 01-06-2014 2 year(s)
ACCOPI Access control and copyright protection for images EU/RACE 01-01-1995 1 year(s)
B-BONE Broadcasting and Multicasting Over Enhanced UMTS Mobile Broadband Networks EU 01-02-2004 3 year(s)
BIONSE Biometrics with Enhanced Security using Distributed Source Coding IT/LA 01-01-2009 2 year(s)
BioSec Secure Multimodal Biometric Recognition System using Distributed Source Coding FCT/PTDC 01-03-2010 3 year(s)
COST 211 COST 211 quad EU/COST 01-01-1996 9 year(s)
COST 292 Semantic Multimodal Analysis of Digital Media EU/COST 27-10-2004 5 year(s)
COST IC 1106 Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the Digital Age EU/COST 01-03-2012 5 year(s)
CrakIT-LF CrakIT-LF: Automatic detection and characterization of road distresses in images of flexible road pavements IT/LA 01-04-2016 3 year(s)
CSF Towards Super Multiview Video: Light Fields Coding CAPES/CNPq 01-01-2015 3 year(s)
CSV Codificação de sinais vídeo JNICT 01-01-1990 3 year(s)
DICEMAN Distributed Internet content exchange with MPEG-7 and agent negotiations EU/ACTS 01-05-1998 2 year(s)
DISCOVER Distributed coding for video services EU/FP6 01-09-2005 2 year(s)
DRAGON End-to-End Deep learning based image Compression IT 01-10-2021 2 year(s)
EmergIMG Emerging Image Modalities Representation and Compression FCT/PTDC 01-06-2016 5 year(s)
ENVISION QoE-Driven Adaptive 3D-Video Streaming for Wireless Networks IT 01-11-2016 3 year(s)
foRESTER foRESTER - Data fusion of sensor networks and fire spread modelling for decision support in forest fire suppression FCT 01-01-2019 3 year(s)
GOLD GOLD - Using Geo-Positioned Indicators for Self-Optimization of LTE Data Networks FCT 01-03-2014 2 year(s)
GreenEyes Networked energy-aware visual analysis EC/FP7 01-10-2012 3 year(s)
HICOPI HiCoPI - High Accuracy GNSS-based Coordinated Positioning IT/LA 01-12-2008 3 year(s)
LIMESA Light Field Processing for Immersive Media Streaming Applications FCT 01-03-2021 3 year(s)
MANADIX Motion analysis for advanced image communications systems EU/HCM 01-01-1993 4 year(s)
MAVT Mobile audiovisual terminal EU/RACE 01-01-1992 4 year(s)
MOG-QC on the GO MOG-QC on the GO - Desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado de controlo da qualidade de conteúdos audiovisuais FEDER/QREN 01-07-2013 2 year(s)
MOMUSYS Mobile multimedia systems EU/ACTS 01-09-1995 5 year(s)
MPEG ISO MPEG standardization IT/LA 01-07-1993 15 year(s)
MuViDisCo Multiview Video Disparity Compensation using Geometric Transforms IT/LA 01-06-2011 4 year(s)
MUVIS MUlti-view distributed coding for VIsual Sensor networks FCT/PTDC 01-03-2012 4 year(s)
NCI Normalização de comunicações de imagem JNICT/STRADA 01-01-1992 4 year(s)
NMARV Normalização de métodos avançados de representação de vídeo FCT/PRAXIS 01-01-1995 4 year(s)
PAIRUE Fusion of Palmprint and Iris Recognition in Uncontrolled Environments IT/LA 01-07-2011 3 year(s)
PCR Progressive Point Cloud Representation FCT 01-06-2016 3 year(s)
Prodígios Processamento digital de áudio e vídeo FCT/PRAXIS 01-01-1995 4 year(s)
PROVEN Optimizing 360o Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks IT 01-04-2020 2 year(s)
QUALINET European Network on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services EU/COST 01-11-2010 4 year(s)
QUIS-CAMPI QUIS-CAMPI: Biometric Recognition in Surveillance Environments IT/LA 01-03-2014 1 year(s)
RESOURCE Radio resource optimization in third generation mobile systems FCT/POSI 01-10-2000 4 year(s)
SAAS Remote Piloted Semi-Autonomous Aerial Surveillance System Using Terrestrial Wireless Networks IT/LA 01-03-2012 3 year(s)
SeLF-ICN Selectively Accessing Light Field Faces over Information Centric Networking IT 01-07-2016 2 year(s)
Talisman Tracing author’s rights by labeling image services and monitoring access network EU/FP7 01-09-1995 3 year(s)
VISNET Networked audiovisual media technologies EU 01-12-2003 2 year(s)
VISNET II Networked audiovisual media technologies II EU 01-07-2006 3 year(s)