Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Participation in Projects

Running Projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
MFBNA The many face(t)s of Bell nonlocality and their applications FCT 01-01-2025 2 year(s)
PTQCI Portuguese Quantum Communications Infrastructure - PTQCI EU 01-01-2023 3 year(s)
QSNP Quantum Secure Networks Partnership EU 01-03-2023 4 year(s)

Closed projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
AQuIP Architectures for Quantum Information Processing La Caixa Foundation 01-10-2020 3 year(s)
DP-PMI Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information: Foundations of Future Information Technologies (DP-PMI) FCT 01-01-2014 8 year(s)
HEPQC Quantum Computation in High Energy Physics FCT 01-09-2020 2 year(s)
LANDAUER LANDAUER - Operating ICT basic switches below the Landauer limit EC/FP7 01-09-2012 3 year(s)
NQuN NQuN – The Nature of Quantum Networks John Templeton Foundation 01-01-2017 3 year(s)
PAPETS PAPETS - Phonon-Assisted Processes for Energy Transfer and Sensing EC/FP7 01-09-2013 4 year(s)
PHEASANT Sondas neuronais fotónicas integradas para computação neuromórfica FCT/ CMU 01-11-2023 1 year(s)
PQW The Physics of Quantum Walks FCT, Slovak Academy of Sciences bilateral project 01-07-2011 3 year(s)
ProQuNet ProQuNet - Probing Quantum Networks with Quantum Walks FCT, Slovak Academy of Sciences bilateral project 01-01-2016 2 year(s)
QEntHEP Quantum Entanglement in High Energy Physics FCT 01-01-2022 2 year(s)
QIA QIA – Quantum Internet Alliance EU/H2020 01-10-2018 3 year(s)
QMiCS QMiCS – Quantum Microwave Communication and Sensing EU/H2020 01-10-2018 3 year(s)
QuantHEP Quantum Computing Solutions for High-Energy Physics EU/H2020, FCT 01-01-2020 3 year(s)
QuantSat-PT QuantSat-PT -- Portuguese Quantum Communications Cube-Satellite: Development of the Quantum Payload and Preliminary Design of the Space Segment FCT 01-12-2020 2 year(s)
QuantumLandauer QuantumLandauer – Beating Landauer’s Limit in the Quantum Regime EC/FP7 01-03-2014 2 year(s)
QuNet QuNet - Quantum Telecommunication Networks IT 01-11-2016 2 year(s)
QuNetMed Quantum Algorithms for Network Medicine FCT 01-01-2023 2 year(s)
QuSim QuSim – Integrated Photonics Quantum Simulations IT/LA 01-07-2014 2 year(s)
QUTE-EUROPE QUTE-EUROPE – Quantum Technologies for Europe EC/FP7 01-09-2014 2 year(s)
TheBlinQC TheBlinQC – Theory-Blind Quantum Control EU/H2020, FCT 01-02-2018 4 year(s)