Participation in Projects

Running Projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
CoMBINNe Compression of Multimodal Biomedical Images using Neural Networks FCT 12-03-2023 2 year(s)

Closed projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
3D-ConTourNet 3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks EC/FP7 01-05-2012 5 year(s)
3D-SERVICIS Scalable Error Resilient 3D Holoscopic Video Coding for Immersive Systems FCT 01-06-2014 2 year(s)
3DVAP 3D video adaptation based on perceptual metrics FCT/PTDC 01-03-2011 4 year(s)
3DVQM 3D Video Quality Monitor IT/LA 01-11-2011 4 year(s)
ACode180Video Real-Time Acquisition and Coding of Panoramic 180-Degree Video IT/LA 01-04-2017 2 year(s)
ARoundVision All aRound panoramic Vision for smart and secure environments FCT/POCI, PO Centro 19-06-2018 4 year(s)
CAPES Video coding with MMP FCT/CAPES 01-04-2009 4 year(s)
CIBME CIBME - Compressão de Imagens Biomédicas de Modalidades Emergentes IT/LA 01-05-2020 4 year(s)
COMUVI COMUVI - Compressao de Vïdeo Multi-Vista FCT/PTDC 01-01-2010 3 year(s)
Deep-PCR Deep learning-based Point Cloud Representation FCT 01-01-2022 3 year(s)
DermoPleno Dermo­Plenoptic imaging for skin lesion assessment IT/LA 01-04-2016 3 year(s)
DRAGON End-to-End Deep learning based image Compression IT 01-10-2021 2 year(s)
DVB-Probe DVB-Probe - Sistema de monitorização portá¡til para DVB-T e DVB-S2 PT Inovação 01-03-2009 1 year(s)
EPIC EPIC - Efficient Pattern-matching Image Compression on many-core systems FCT/PTDC 01-01-2012 3 year(s)
LETSREAD Automatic assessment of reading ability of children IT/LA 01-02-2014 3 year(s)
LFLS Light Field Laser Speckle in Medical Imaging (confidential) 01-04-2017 1 year(s)
LINPOSYS Low-cost Indoor Positioning System (Linposys) FCT 01-10-2014 1 year(s)
MEDICOMP Spatiotemporal compression of volumetric medical images IT/LA 01-09-2014 3 year(s)
MSAMD Multiple sensorial and actor applications for mobile devices 01-09-2014 1 year(s)
MuViDisCo Multiview Video Disparity Compensation using Geometric Transforms IT/LA 01-06-2011 4 year(s)
OPAC Optimization of pattern-matching compression algorithms for GPU’s IT/LA 01-09-2014 4 year(s)
P3DTV Performance Optimisation in 3D TV Broadcasting Services IPLeiria 01-11-2009 2 year(s)
PlenoISLA Plenoptic imaging for skin lesion assessment FCT/POCI, P2020 25-07-2018 4 year(s)
SCODE SCODE- Scanned COmpound Document Encoder FCT/PTDC 01-10-2007 4 year(s)
Sympath FCT Exploratory project FCT 01-01-2012 3 year(s)
UDICMI Ultra High Definition Image Communication for Medical Imaging QREN 01-01-2013 3 year(s)
VIEXPAND Vídeo Industrial para Visão Expandida em Operações à Distância P2020 01-10-2020 3 year(s)
VT Video transcoding between H.264 and MPEG-2 British Council, CCISP 01-04-2009 2 year(s)