Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Participation in Projects

Running Projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
NewSpacePortugal New Space Portugal IAPMEI 01-10-2021 5 year(s)
TERRAMETA Terahertz Reconfigurable Metasurfaces for ultra-high rate wireless communications EU/Horizon Europe 01-01-2023 4 year(s)

Closed projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
ACE Antenna Centre of Excellence EU/FP6 30-01-2004 4 year(s)
ACTFIL Active filters IT/LA 01-01-2004 2 year(s)
ADAM_3D Additive Antenna Manufacturing FCT 01-06-2018 4 year(s)
AILAIA Smart Active Printed Antennas CRUP 01-01-2007 2 year(s)
AME Advanced Microelectronics Engineering ICEP 01-10-2002 2 year(s)
AROMA Advanced Resource management solutions for future all IP heterOgeneous Mobile rAdio environments EU 01-01-2006 2 year(s)
ART ART - Cooperation with AR Telecom in Propagation and Radio Communications AR Telecom 01-03-2007 2 year(s)
CHIRAL 2D and 3D Chiral and Omega Structures:Guidance,Leakage and Radiation Behaviour FCT/POSI 01-02-2002 4 year(s)
COMMET A COmplete analog front-end for 3G MultiMEdia Terminals ADI 01-11-2002 3 year(s)
COMPACT Compact Range for millimeter wave antenna measurements using dielectric lenses FCT/POCTI 02-01-2003 3 year(s)
CO-SITE Co-siting of Wind Turbine Generators and Communication Antennas ICP-ANACOM 01-01-2000 1 year(s)
COST 273 Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Communications EU/COST 01-05-2001 4 year(s)
COST 284 Innovative Antennas for Emerging Terrestrial and Space-Based Applications EU/COST 21-02-2002 5 year(s)
COST BM 0704 Emerging EMF Technologies and Health Risk Management EU/COST 01-05-2008 4 year(s)
COST CA17115 European network for advancing Electromagnetic hyperthermic medical technologies EU/COST 04-09-2019 3 year(s)
COST IC1004 Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments EU/COST 01-05-2011 5 year(s)
COST TD1301 Development of a European-based Collaborative Network to Accelerate Technological, Clinical and Commercialisation Progress in the Area of Medical Microwave Imaging EU/COST 01-11-2013 5 year(s)
COST2100 Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications EU/COST 01-11-2007 5 year(s)
DCFSS-PEV Development of Chipless RFID Systems with Frequency Selective Surfaces CAPES/CNPq 01-03-2014 2 year(s)
DielHorn Excitation of shielded dielectric horns FCT/PRAXIS 03-05-1999 3 year(s)
EARTH Energy Aware Radio and NeTwork TecHnologies EU/FP7 01-01-2010 3 year(s)
EMERALD ElectroMagnetic imaging for a novel genERation of medicAL Devices EU/H2020 16-05-2018 4 year(s)
FLOWS Flexible Convergence of Wireless Standards and Services EU 01-10-2001 4 year(s)
FS Fiber Solitons: Propagation, Amplification and Switching FCT/POSI 01-10-2000 5 year(s)
GALACTIC Innovative GaAs MMICs and Avanced LTCC packaging technologies for multicomponents Ka Band subsystems EU 01-01-2002 3 year(s)
HeadSAR Head SAR Measurement System Specification ICP-ANACOM 01-07-2002 1 year(s)
HelicalMETA Exotic Phenomena in Helical-Shaped Wire Metamaterials: from Imaging and Sensing to Topological Protection FCT 01-02-2020 3 year(s)
Huawei Huawei Huawei Technologies Sweden 04-05-2020 3 year(s)
ILASH Integrated Lens Antenna Shaping ESA-ESTEC 01-09-2003 5 year(s)
ILENA Integration of Lenses and Planar Antennas FCT/POSI 01-10-2000 4 year(s)
IMP IMP - Instituto Marítimo Portuário EID 03-04-2002 1 year(s)
Incentivo/EEI/LA0008/2013 Incentivo 2013 FCT 01-01-2013 1 year(s)
Incentivo/EEI/LA0008/2014 Incentivo 2014 FCT 01-01-2014 2 year(s)
INTELE Introduction to Telecommunications FCT 01-04-2012 2 year(s)
IRFDCMOS Integration of high-frequency dc-dc converters in RF CMOS SoC IT/LA 01-09-2005 3 year(s)
IRMIS Increased Resolution Microwave Imaging using Superlens FCT 01-01-2023 2 year(s)
ITEM Technical Information on Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications VODAFONE 01-11-2002 2 year(s)
KALens Compact Lens-Based Mechanically Steered Ka-Band user Terminal Antenna ESA-ESTEC 01-11-2013 5 year(s)
KALens 2 Compact Lens-Based Mechanically Steered Ka-Band user Terminal Antenna - Extension ESA-ESTEC 01-01-2019 1 year(s)
LDMOSCA Low Distortion RF MOS Circuits Advances FCT/POCTI 01-01-2001 2 year(s)
LENTILLES Benchmarking of Integrated Lens Antenna Design and Manufacturig FCT/PESSOA 01-01-2006 4 year(s)
MARES Satellite-based microwave remote sensing for marine litter mapping ESA-ESTEC 04-10-2021 3 year(s)
MEIOS ARTIFICIAIS Propagation and Radiation in Complex Media Using Planar Technology CRUP 01-01-2002 2 year(s)
META-ID Spatially confined RFID detection with a metamaterial grid IT/LA 01-06-2011 2 year(s)
Metex Metamaterial with extreme permittivity IT/LA 01-12-2008 2 year(s)
MICROCELLS Wideband mobile communications in microcells:propagation models and antenna design JNICT/STRADA 01-03-1992 4 year(s)
mm-SatCom Millimeter Wave Antennas for Next-Generation Satellite Mass Services FCT/PTDC 01-07-2013 3 year(s)
MMSUPER Metamaterial superabsorbers for harnessing wireless power IT, FCT 01-12-2016 2 year(s)
MOMENTUM Models and Simulations for Network Planning and Control of UMTS EU 01-08-2001 3 year(s)
MONIT Monitoring of Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications OPTIMUS, TMN, VODAFONE 01-05-2004 9 year(s)
MWI-MedScan Microwave medical imaging IT 01-09-2014 5 year(s)
NEWCOM Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications EU/FP6 01-03-2004 3 year(s)
NEWFOCUS New Fromtiers im mm/sub-mm waves integrated dielectric focusing systems ESF/PESC 01-06-2010 6 year(s)
NLRFCMOS Desenvolvimento de modelos não lineares de dispositivos para microondas e integração monolítica de circuitos não lineares em silício para telecomunicações CRUP 01-01-2003 2 year(s)
Non Linear and Chiroguides Microwave and optical devices for transmission and switching using linear and nonlinear media FCT/PRAXIS 15-05-1997 4 year(s)
Nonlocal Non-local Metamaterials and Applications FCT/PTDC 01-01-2010 3 year(s)
Pest-OE/EEI/LA0008/2011 IT Laboratório Associado FCT 01-01-2011 2 year(s)
Pest-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 IT Laboratório Associado FCT 01-01-2013 3 year(s)
Programa IST Programa IST ICCTI 01-02-2000 3 year(s)
QMETA Realising Quantum METAmaterials with Quantum Dot Arrays FCT 01-03-2022 1 year(s)
QuantSat-PT QuantSat-PT -- Portuguese Quantum Communications Cube-Satellite: Development of the Quantum Payload and Preliminary Design of the Space Segment FCT 01-12-2020 2 year(s)
RadioAire Estudo de Viabilidade do Centro de Radiocomunicações de Serra d'Aire ICP-ANACOM 01-10-1995 2 year(s)
RESCuE-TOOL Radio coverage for emergency communication systems to operate under critical wildfire environments TOOL FCT 31-12-2018 5 year(s)
RFID-Local Advanced Antennas for Radio Frequency Identification and Localization FCT/PTDC 01-01-2010 3 year(s)
RFID-Shelf RFID Smart Surfaces IT/LA, CreativeSystems, Vicaima 01-12-2006 5 year(s)
RFMLI Thermal Blanket with Low RF Reflectivity HPS-Portugal, ESA 01-11-2012 3 year(s)
R-META Reconfigurable Low-profile Antennas Using Metamaterials FCT/POSC 01-10-2005 3 year(s)
SAIL Scalable & Adaptive Internet soLutions EU/FP7 01-08-2010 3 year(s)
SiGeM Silicon Germanium MMICs for RF Front End Transceivers IT/LA 01-10-2005 3 year(s)
Simons Simons Collaboration Simons Foundation 01-09-2020 5 year(s)
SMART-CLOTHING Smart Clothing for Health Monitoring and Sport Applications iCentro 01-07-2007 2 year(s)
SWIPA Switching Mode Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications IT/LA 01-11-2008 2 year(s)
SymArtMat Future communications with higher-symmetric engineered artificial materials EU/COST 06-11-2019 4 year(s)
SymBreak Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Optics FCT 01-02-2020 2 year(s)
TopElect Nonreciprocal and topological electromagnetics IET: The Institution of Engineering and Technology 01-01-2019 5 year(s)
TopoSYSTEM Transporte de luz protegido por topologia e simetria em metamateriais espaço-temporais FCT 10-03-2023 2 year(s)
TRAP Trapping Light in Open Resonators IT/LA 01-04-2014 3 year(s)
UID/EEA/50008/2013 UID/EEA/50008/2013 FCT 01-04-2015 3 year(s)
VISTA COST IC1102 - Versatile, Integrated and Signal-aware Technologies for Antennas EU/COST 01-12-2011 5 year(s)
VTINT VTINT - Vias Físicas de Tráfego Internacionais e Nacionais ANACOM 01-06-2008 2 year(s)
Wi-mm Millimetre-wave wireless indoor link with automatic tracking antenna IT/LA 01-10-2008 2 year(s)
WIP An All-Wireless Mobile Network Architecture EU 01-01-2006 3 year(s)