Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications


Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Borges
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Scope of activities

Power Electronics Group of it Lisbon develop research work in high frequency switching converters aiming to obtain high performance converters with high efficiency and high power density, mainly intended for telecommuni- cations. The various fields of research are:
• Power Quality and Active Power Filters.
• High Performance Single Stage Power Supplies.
• Resonant Converters and Contactless Energy Transfer.
• Monolithic Integration in CMOS Technology (SoC).
• Energy Storage Systems.
• High Performance Converters for Interface between Renewable Energy Sources and the Mains Electrical Grid.



 Contact Us IT – Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico - Torre Norte - Piso 10
1049 - 001 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 841 84 54
Fax: +351 21 841 84 72
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