
  • M.P. Queluz, Best Reviewer Award, 11th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP´2023), 01-09-2023
  • A. Javaheri, C. Brites, F. Pereira, J. Ascenso, MMSP 2021 Best Paper Award Finalist, for the paper entitled "A Point-to-Distribution Joint Geometry and Color Metric for Point Cloud Quality Assessment", 01-10-2021
  • E. Félix, P. Morouço, P.L. Correia, H. Silva, Prémio Ciências do Desporto - Treino Desportivo, Comité Olímpico de Portugal, Vencedor do Prémio "Ciências do Desporto" na categoria de "Treino Desportivo". Prémio atribuído pelo Comité Olímpico de Portugal (COP) e pela Fundação Millennium bcp, com a parceria da revista Visão. Em 2019 reuniu mais de 60 trabalhos submetidos à análise do júri de especialistas. Trabalho: "Desenvolvimento de uma unidade de medida inercial de baixo custo para controlo e avaliação do treino de nadadores" Autores: Eduardo Félix, Pedro Morouço, Paulo Lobato Correia, Hugo Silva, 01-09-2020
  • J. Ascenso, Outstanding Area Chair Award, IEEE 21st International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 01-09-2019
  • E.L. Lopes, J. Ascenso, C. Brites, F. Pereira, ICME 2019 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, for the paper entitled "Adaptive Plane Projection for Video-Based Point Cloud Coding"., 01-07-2019
  • A. C. Jaime, I. Sousa, M.P. Queluz, A. J. Rodrigues, Best Paper Award, WPMC 2018 ('Planning a Smart City Sensor Network Based on LoRaWAN Technology'), 30-11-2018
  • A. Moghaddam, EURASIP Travel Grant Award, EURASIP travel grant for attending EUSIPCO2018, 01-09-2018
  • A. Javaheri, C. Brites, F. Pereira, J. Ascenso, Top 10% paper award, IEEE 19th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Luton, UK, 01-10-2017
  • C. Conti, IBM Scientific Prize 2016, Awarded for the work entitled "Efficient Solutions for Light Field Coding", Portugal, 01-09-2017
  • A. Moghaddam, IEEE SPS Travel Grant Award, IEEE SPS travel grant for attending IEEE ICIP2017, 01-09-2017
  • C. Conti, P. Nunes, L. D. Soares, Scientific Awards ISCTE-IUL 2016, Awarded for the paper entitled "HEVC-based 3D holoscopic video coding using self-similarity compensated prediction", Lisbon, Portugal, 01-06-2017
  • J. Ascenso, Outstanding Reviewer Award at IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing 2016 Conference, -, 01-11-2016
  • R. S. -, F. Pereira, E. Silva, Best Paper Award at Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT 2015), Best Paper Award at Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT 2015), held in Juiz de Fora, Brasil, with papero “Studying the compression performance of video descriptors” authored by Renam C. da Silva, Fernando Pereira, Eduardo A. B. da Silva., 01-09-2015
  • X. HoangVan, J. Ascenso, F. Pereira, Best Paper Award at Picture Coding Symposium’2015 ((Jun-2015)), Our paper ''Improving Enhancement Layer Merge Mode for HEVC Scalable Extension'' won the best paper award at the 31st Picture Coding Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 01-06-2015
  • P.L. Correia, Best Paper Award, Best paper award at the International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT), 2015, Taiwan for the paper: "A Tracking Scheme for Norway Lobster and Burrow Abundance Estimation in Underwater Video Sequences", by C.S. Tan, P.Y. Lau, P.L. Correia, P. Fonseca, A. Campos, 01-01-2015
  • P.L. Correia, A.R.M. Ribeiro, Prémio ANACOM-URSI Portugal 2014, The work “Automatic vehicle courting based on surveillance video streams”, by Abel Ribeiro and Paulo Lobato Correia, received (ex-aequo) the ANACOM-URSI 2014 award in Lisbon, Portugal, 01-11-2014
  • C. Conti, L. D. Soares, P. Nunes, Best Poster Award COST Interaction 2014, Budapest, Awarded at the Best Poster competition of COST training school on Rich 3D Content: Creation, Perception and Interaction for the poster entitled ''Display Scalable 3D Holoscopic Video Coding'', Budapest, Hungary, 01-07-2014
  • P.L. Correia, Best Reviewer Award, Best reviewer of ICME 2014, 01-07-2014
  • C. Conti, P. Nunes, L. D. Soares, Scientific Awards ISCTE-IUL 2014, Awarded for the paper entitled ''Inter-Layer Prediction Scheme for Scalable 3-D Holoscopic Video Coding'', Lisbon, Portugal, 01-06-2014
  • P.L. Correia, Best Teacher Award - Instituto Superior Técnico, Received an award for best teacher in IST, during the celebration of IST's 103rd anniversary, on May 23, 2014., 01-05-2014
  • F. Pereira, Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta 2011, Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta na área da Engenharia Electrotécnica, 01-12-2011
  • F. Pereira, Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta 2010, Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta na área da Engenharia Electrotécnica, 01-12-2010
  • R.T. Trindade, P.L. Correia, M. S. Santos, Best Paper Award, ''Multimedia Sharing over the Internet from a Mobile Phone'', in the 3rd International Workshop on ''Future Multimedia Networking'' (FMN'2010), Krakov, Poland, 01-06-2010
  • F. Pereira, Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta 2009, Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta na área da Engenharia Electrotécnica,, 01-12-2009
  • F. Pereira, IEEE Fellow, For contributions to object-based digital video representation technologies and standards., 01-01-2008
  • P.L. Correia, IEEE T-CSVT Outstanding Associate Editor Award, Paulo Lobato Correia received an IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology ''Outstanding Associate Editor Award'' during the 2007 meeting of the IEEE T-CSVT Editorial Board, held in New Orleans, on May 28, 2007., 01-05-2007
  • F. Pereira, IEEE Distinguished Lecture, Elected IEEE Distinguished Lecture, 01-10-2004
  • F. Pereira, ISO Award for Outstanding Technical Contribution, For his technical contribution to the MPEG-4 Visual standard, 01-10-1998