
  • F. Silva, L. C. Correia, A. Christensen, Best Student Paper Award, Best Student Paper Award at 10th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, paper entitled “Online Hyper-Evolution of Controllers in Multirobot Systems”, 01-09-2016
  • F. Silva, L. C. Correia, A. Christensen, Best Paper Award, Best Paper Award (Evolutionary robotics track) at EvoStar 2016, paper entitled “Leveraging Online Racing and Population Cloning in Evolutionary Multirobot Systems”, 01-04-2016
  • A. Christensen, M. Duarte, V.C. Costa, T. R. Rodrigues, J. Gomes, F. Silva, S. Oliveira, AAAI Best Robot Video Award,, 01-02-2016
  • M. Duarte, S. Oliveira, A. Christensen, Paper of Excellence Award, For the paper "Hierarchical evolution of robotic controllers for complex tasks" at the IEEE ICDL EpiRob Conference, 01-08-2012