Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications


  • R. Lameirinhas, C. P. C. V. B. P. Correia V. Bernardo, J. Torres, António Baptista Baptista, M. M. Martins, Prémio Investigação Científica em Ciências Militares (Scientific Research Award in Military Sciences), Award for the innovation and outstanding research presented on the article "Analysis of a plasmonic slit nanoantenna as a high sensitivity tilt sensor", 01-10-2024
  • R. Lameirinhas, J. de Melo Cunha, J. Torres, 2022 Best Paper Award - Energies, The article "A Photovoltaic Technology Review: History, Fundamentals and Applications" published in Energies was awarded due to its scientific soundness and metrics achieved, 01-05-2024
  • R. Lameirinhas, R. Moura, J. Torres, SIRESP Desafio Inovação (Innovation Challenge) - 3rd Place, Award for the research and innovation in Nanoantennas under the theme "Inclusion of Nanoantennas in Optical Communications"., 01-06-2023
  • J Brandão Faria, IEEE Life Fellow, (perpetuamente), 01-09-2020
  • J Brandão Faria, Elsevier Outstanding Reviewer, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 01-04-2018
  • J Brandão Faria, Prémio Científico 2016 Universidade de Lisboa/Santander Universidades, First Prize Electrical and Aerospace Engineering, 01-10-2016
  • J Brandão Faria, Prémio Científico UTL - Santander, Menção Honrosa, 01-12-2012