on 09-09-2024
The International Conference on Consumer Technology (ICCT-Europe 2024) will bring together top technical professionals from the consumer electronics and technology industry and academia to exchange information and results of recent work on systems, circuits, technologies, processes, and applications. ICCT 2024 follows the successful 12th IEEE ISCE held in Algarve, in 2008. It will provide a forum for researchers, system developers, and service providers to share ideas, designs, and experiences on the emerging technology.
All papers will be published at IEEE Explore. A selected set of papers from the ICCTEurope 2024 program will be invited for re-submission to special issues of peer-reviewed journals (IEEE CE Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics) based on the reviewer’s feedback and the quality of the conference presentation. The IEEE Consumer Electronics Society sponsors the best paper with a financial prize.
Paper contributions are sought in but are not limited to the following areas:
1. Advanced Wired and Wireless Communications
2. RF, Microwave and Millimetre Wave Electronics
3. High Gain and Compact Antennas
4. Audio/Video Coding/System Architectures
5. Image and Signal Processing
6. Multimedia and Networking
7. Integrated Circuits and Systems
8. Human-Machine Interaction and User Experience
9. Low-Power Consumer Devices and Technologies
10. Machine Learning, Deep Learning and AI
11. Quantum Technology
12. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Metaverse
13. Automotive Applications
14. Smartphone and Mobile Device Technologies
15. Entertainment and Gaming
16. Internet of Things, Internet of Everywhere, and Edge Computing
17. Security and Privacy of Hardware and Software Systems
Extended Abstract Submission due June 15, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: July 15, 2024
Final Papers due: August 15, 2024
Conference: September 09-11, 2024
Conference committee chair:
António Navarro (IT - UA)
For further information, please visit the conference webpage:
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on 09-09-2024
The Quantum Communications group is organizing the workshop "Quantum Communications in Free Space" as part of the PTQCI – Portuguese Quantum Communication Infrastructure project.
This workshop will address quantum communications in free space, including satellite-to-earth quantum communications, which are pivotal for developing a future global quantum network. It will cover new protocols and experimental work and will feature contributions from national and international experts, fostering knowledge exchange and a unified perspective on the subject. This event, the second edition organized under the PTQCI project, will showcase the latest advancements and research in quantum communications.
The workshop will be held on September 9-10 at Instituto de Telecomunicações (Amphitheatre Abreu Faro), located within Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon.
Researchers and experts in the field are invited to present their latest work. The call for posters and talks was postponed until August 22nd.
PTQCI is a consortium dedicated to developing and deploying quantum communications in Portugal, which is aligned with the EuroQCI – European Quantum Communications Network initiative. This initiative aims to establish quantum secure communications across Europe in the coming years. The consortium includes universities and research centers such as Instituto de Telecomunicações, ISEL, and IST, national bodies like GNS, IPQ, and FCCN, industrial entities such as Deimos, Adyta, Omnidea, and Warpcom, and telecommunications companies including IP Telecom and Altice Labs.
Participation in the workshop requires registration and a fee. For more information, visit:
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