on 15-11-2010
No dia 15 de Novembro de 2010 (2ª feira), das 10:00 às 12:30, decorrerá no Anfiteatro do Complexo Interdisciplinar, no Instituto Superior Técnico, um seminário sobre ''Secure Biometrics'' (http://www.img.lx.it.pt/EURASIP_Seminar/).
O programa inclui uma palestra com o título ''Secure Identity Verification'', pelo Dr. Anthony Vetro, dos Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA (o abstract está abaixo).
Seguir-se-á um painel de discussão, em que participarão também a Prof. Ana Fred, do Instituto Superior Técnico, o Prof. Hugo Proença, da Universidade da Beira Interior, o Prof. Hugo Gamboa, da Plux e da FCT Universidade Nova de Lisboa e o Prof. Luís Ducla Soares, do ISCTE Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
Biometrics are an inherent link to our identity and useful for a number of applications including access control and online transactions. Keeping this information secure is a primary concern. However, biometric data is noisy and secure matching of this data poses new security challenges. This talk will examine two approaches for secure identity verification. The first scheme considers the application of distributed source coding techniques to cope with noisy biometric measurements. A Slepian-Wolf coding system is used to provide robust biometric verification for genuine users, while guarding against attacks from imposters. A formal quantification of the tradeoff between security and robustness is provided as a function of the Slepian-Wolf coding rate. The second approach addresses the same problem with privacy-preserving protocols for secure distance computations. These protocols exploit the properties of homomorphic encryption and are developed for a variety of functions including Hamming distance, L2-norm and L1-norm. The benefits and drawbacks of these two different approaches will also be discussed.
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on 03-11-2010
The Workshop on High Perfomance Computing (HPC), that takes place at the Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores of the Universidade de Coimbra, on November 3, 2010, is organized by the Coimbra Pole of the
Telecommunications Institute and intends to gather researchers and students interested on the HPC field and its application to various areas, such as
This event consists of three courses, presented by renowned specialists, on the Basics of Supercomputing, the Microsoft HPC architecture and on Grid Computing, and of five invited presentations, carried by researchers that have been successfully adopting the HPC paradigm to various areas of Science and Technology.
For further information, see http://www.ccc.ipt.pt/~hpc.
- Luís Cruz, DEEC-UC and Instituto de Telecomunicações;
- João Patrício, Inst. Polit. Tomar and Instituto de Telecomunicações.
- Luís Merca Fernandes, Inst. Polit. Tomar and Instituto de Telecomunicações;
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