on 18-11-2013
This is the first Workshop from CREaTION, an FCT project in research lines of excellence, a partnership between IT, IEETA (UA) and INESC-Porto. Innovative aspects from research on cognitive radio networks and demonstrate the experimental characterization of RF energy wearable harvesting devices applied to WBANs.
A five-stage Dickson voltage multiplier prototype with no match impedance has already been conceived and will be shown during the event, organized in the framework from Semana da Ciência e Tecnologia (Science and Technology Week) promoted by Ciência Viva. The innovative circuits for electromagnetic energy harvesting facilitate to achieve up to 4-5 Volts from the environment surrounding GSM 900/1800 MHz mobile phones.
Apart from one talk in the morning (in the Faculty of Engineering (Calçada Fonte do Lameiro, Covilhã), there will be five talks during the afternoon, in the Health Science Faculty from Universidade da Beira Interior, Av. Infante D. Henrique, Covilhã.
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