Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

IEEE MTT-S Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC-2016)

on 05-05-2016

... WPT conference aims at stimulating and fostering innovation in the challenging, emerging and multidisciplinary area represented by wireless power transfer. More Information..

Quantum Spin Networks for Classical Information Processing

on 29-04-2016

... Sougato Bose, University College London

29/04/2016, 10:00
Room 3.10, Mathematics Building, IST

Atomic-scale logic and the minimization of heating (dissipation) are both very high on the agenda for future computation hardware. An approach to achieve these would be to replace networks of transistors directly by classical reversible logic gates built from the coherent dynamics of a few interacting atoms. Thus motivated, we show methods to realize the 3-bit Toffoli and Fredkin gates universal for classical reversible logic using a single time-independent 3-qubit Hamiltonian with realistic nearest neighbour two-body interactions. We also exemplify how these gates can be composed to make a larger circuit. We show that trapped ions may soon be scalable simulators for such architectures, and investigate the prospects with dopants in silicon.

Furthermore, we propose to use an array of large-spin quantum magnets for realizing a device which has two modes of operation: memory and data-bus. While the weakly interacting low-energy levels are used as memory to store classical information (bits), the high-energy levels strongly interact with neighboring magnets and mediate the spatial movement of information through quantum dynamics.

Quantum Computation and Information Seminar

Support: Phys-Info (IT), SQIG (IT) and CAMGSD, with support from FCT, FEDER and EU FP7, namely via the Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information (DP-PMI), and projects PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013, QuSim, and PAPETS (323901). More Information..