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Quantum sensing and imaging via tomography: Scene Reconstruction imaging with Entangled Photons

on 21-03-2012

... Masoud Mohseni, MIT and Raytheon BBN Technologies

21/03/2012, 11:30
Room P3.10, Mathematics Building
* * * Please note exceptional day and room. * * *

In this talk, I will discuss how quantum sensing and imaging tasks can be performed via quantum tomography schemes. Quantum state/process tomography usually refer to a complete set of experimental procedures, involving multi-shot measurements in the limit of infinite ensemble, in order to fully characterize the state/dynamics of an unknown quantum system. Here, we generalize tomographic techniques to encompass all quantum estimation strategies, including important classes of single-shot parameter estimation and adaptive few-shot quantum estimation. These protocols are of significant relevance when we wish to reliably obtain maximum information about a few parameters of interest and either have access to very limited physical resources, or when we wish to impose minimal damage to a target. In order to explore such possibilities, we consider a large class of quantum optical transmitters for scene reconstruction imaging, using photon number resolving (PNR) detectors at the receiver. To quantify the efficiency of these schemes, we compute the Photon Information Efficiency (PIE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and investigate the trade-off between these measures for various classical and quantum optical transmitters and PNR resolutions at the receivers for different prior distribution functions. More Information..

Harnessing the interplay between quantum coherence and decoherence

on 21-03-2012

... Masoud Mohseni, MIT and Raytheon BBN Technologies

21/03/2012, 11:30
Room P3.10, Mathematics Building

In this talk I will discuss different scenarios in natural and artificial systems in which decoherence -- as an intrinsic part of the dynamics -- can be exploited for enhancing quantum processes in the context of charge and energy transfer, as well as for information processing, in disordered and noisy media. More Information..