Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

5G and AI Driven Intelligent Information and Communication Systems

on 05-02-2024

... Developments in 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), and IoT technologies are leading towards what is being hyped as the era of intelligent connectivity. While this fusion of technologies has the potential to change the way we live and work, there are still uncertainties and challenges that need to be addressed before the benefits can be realized.

In this talk, 5G and AI-related technology will be given. B5G or 6G related topics on cloud-edge cooperation will be given. Some of the real system-level applications will be introduced as well.

The talk will take place in person and online. In-person in the facilities of the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Meeting Room of the Department of Electromechanics Engineering. To attend remotely, look for the Zoom link below.

Hongyang Chen is currently a Senior Research Expert at Zhejiang Lab, China. He has authored or coauthored 130+ refereed journal and conference papers in the IEEE TKDE, TMC, TSP, JSAC, TCOM, SIGMOD, KDD, IJCAI, AAAI, NeurIPS, and has been granted 20+ PCT patents. His research interests include data-driven intelligent systems, graph machine learning, big data mining, and LLM. He was the Editor of the IEEE Journals and a Symposium Chair or Special Session Organizer for some flagship conferences. He was a leading Guest Editor of the IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED TOPICS OF SIGNAL PROCESSING on tensor decomposition. Currently, he is an Associate Editor for the IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL. He has been selected as the Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communication Society from 2021 to 2023. He is an adjunct professor at Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Zhejiang University, China.

Find below the Zoom link:

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WONS 2024 - 19th Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services Conference - Extended CfP

on 29-01-2024

... Wireless on-demand network systems and services have become mainstream technologies that shape the networked world of the future. Different types of wireless LANs, both sub-6 GHz and in higher frequency bands, as well as such established technologies as Bluetooth LE, LTE-Direct, LTE ProSE, NR sidelink, NFC, and optical links are the cornerstone of networking paradigms including NextG cellular, mesh and sensor networks, cloud networks, vehicular networks, non-terrestrial networks, and in-body networks.

The challenges of this exciting research field are numerous. These include providing robust services in highly dynamic, mobile, and extreme environments, how to minimize energy demands or zero out battery usage in favor of renewable energy sources, how to smartly blend multiple wireless technologies available to a network node (including across radically different bands), and how to make wireless on-demand networks and services self-configurable, adaptive, self-organizing, and self-healing in a variety of different context, each exhibiting its own peculiar constraints.

IFIP WONS, now at its nineteenth edition, has established itself as a high-quality forum to address the above and related challenges. WONS 2024 aims to continue to provide a global platform for rich interactions between experts in their fields, discussing innovative contributions in a stimulating environment.

This announcement solicits original contributions of high-quality research providing novel insights on all aspects of wireless on-demand networks and systems. Topics of interest comprise but are not limited to:

5G and 6G networks
Cloud/edge/fog computing and networking
Cognitive radio networks
Cross-layer design
Data analytics and ML/AI-driven network systems
Heterogeneous wireless networks
Joint communications, networking, and sensing
Implementations and testbeds
Internet of Things
Intra-body and biomedical on-demand systems
Integrated Access and Backhaul technologies
Integration of different wireless technologies
Localization and mobility management
Mobile computing and services
Network and service management
Non-terrestrial (aerial, space, underwater, …) networks
Novel architectures, protocols, applications and services
Open-source software, open-source hardware and open data
Optical and visible light wireless networks
Performance evaluation through simulations, emulations and real-world experiments
Pervasive and ubiquitous computing
Quantum computing and networking
QoS and QoE aspects
Security, privacy, and trust
Social and economic aspects
Sustainable networks and distributed ML/AI services
Theoretical and data-driven modeling and optimization
Vehicular networks
Wireless technologies for NextG networks (millimeter-wave, terahertz, …)

We will have at least 3 reviews per paper, and we count on the TPC members to do the reviews themselves to ensure high-quality and comprehensive reviews.

The authors of selected papers from WONS 2024 edition will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to Elsevier Computer Communications for possible publication in a dedicated Virtual Special Issue (VSI). VSI-submitted papers should extend significantly the original work offering additional contribution and insight to the community.

Together with the honor, this year's Best Paper Award comes also with a monetary prize sponsored by IFIP.

Important dates:
Paper registration (new) deadline: Nov 20, 2023
Paper submission (new) deadline: Nov 20, 2023
Acceptance notification (new deadline): Dec 18, 2023

General Chair: Serge Fdida (Sorbonne University, France)

Technical Program Chairs:
Michele Polese (Northeastern University, United States)
Ana Aguiar (Instituto de Telecomunicações, University of Porto, Portugal)

Visit the Conference webpage for more information:
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