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International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics 2013

on 04-04-2013

... The International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF) is organized by COST Action IC1106, "Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the Digital Age". It is an international forum devoted specifically to the development of synergies between the biometrics recognition and forensic science research areas. IWBF provides the meeting place for those concerned with the usage of biometric recognition systems in forensic science applications, attracting participants from industry, research, academia and users. More Information..

Talk - Satisfiability of exogenous temporal logics and its applications on planning

on 22-03-2013

... Manuel Biscaia, SQIG - Instituto de Telecomunicações

March 22, 2013, Friday, 16h15m.

Abstract: Dealing with uncertainty in the context of planning is a natural research subject in Artificial Intelligence. Many of the techniques used capitalize upon the existence of very efficient SAT-solvers for propositional logic. We propose a temporal extension of a probabilistic logic, which on one hand allows us to deal with quantities/probabilities, and on the other hand allows us to simplify the temporal aspect of planning. We present an algorithm for deciding the satisfiability problem for this logic, presenting also a complete Hilbert calculus for it. The algorithm is intended to profit from the fast advances occurring in LTL SAT-solvers. We will then check some of the limitations of our logic regarding specification of properties, discussing some important open problems in Markov chains.

Room: 3.10, Mathematics

Support: SQIG/Instituto de Telecomunicações with support from FCT and FEDER namely by the FCT project PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2011.
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