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Seminar - Bivalence and Many-valuedness: a glimpse on Suszko's thesis and its developments

on 04-07-2014

... Sanderson Molick, UFRN - Brasil

July 4, 2014, Friday, 16h15m.

Abstract: Many-valued logics received several criticism since its birth. Among the main opponents to its creation there is the Polish logician Roman Suszko. In the mid 70s, at a conferece held in Cracow, he called into question the nature of many-valuedness by claiming the existence of “only but two truth values”, a statement nowadays regarded as Suszko's Thesis, and stated that “after 50 years we still face an illogical paradise of many truths and falsehoods”. Suszko's motivation for his ideas lies in defending the existence of a double semantic role expressed by truth values. This duplicity is revealed by him in drawing the difference between algebraic and logical values. According to him, even though we can have more than two algebraic values, there are only two genuine logical ones. The philosophical content of his ideas finds support in a well know result called Suszko's reduction, a theorem that affirms every tarskian logic is two-valued. Several contributions emerged from Suszko's ideas. It is the purpose of the present talk to expose some of these main developments. At first, it will be shown some results that corroborates Suszko's ideas and present some limitations to them. Lastly, some discussions and comments regarding Suszko's thesis will be shown.

Room: 3.10, Mathematics

Support: SQIG/Instituto de Telecomunicações with support from FCT and FEDER namely by the FCT project PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013. More Information..

Escola de Verão VISUM - 3th and 10th of July 2014

on 03-07-2014

... visum (VISion Understanding and Machine intelligence) is an 8-day-school with lectures and practical sessions given by prominent international researchers. It is visum's objective to foster the communication of the most recent topics which will bridge the gap between the most fundamental concepts and its applications in the most various industrial fields. We have reserved time for the industry and poster sessions. In the former, industry speakers will promote junior researchers’ awareness of computer vision topics for real world scenarios, whereas in the latter MSc. students and Ph.D. candidates can discuss their current research works, possibly leading to significant breakthroughs in the development of their theses.

visum’s target audience are Ph.D. candidates, Post-Doctoral scholars and researchers from academia and industry with research interests in computational vision and machine intelligence. Aiming for excellence, applicants will be accepted upon a reviewing process based on their curriculum, background knowledge and research path.

In a nutshell visum's goals are:
- To promote the development of the most up-to-date themes on computer vision, fulfilling the existing gap in key concepts;
- To promote its applications in different industrial fields.
The second edition of visum will be held at School of Engineering at Universidade do Porto, Portugal during the period between the 3th and 10th of July 2014
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