on 13-12-2016
Claude Shannon (1916-2001), with his 1948 seminal article "A mathematical Theory of Communication" setting the general rules of contemporary information theory, laid the mathematical foundations for a technical revolution that we are currently enjoying. With his further work he brought deep theoretical insights and contributions for the convergence of computing and communications. This joint initiative of Centro Internacional de Matemática and Instituto de Telecomunicações, in collaboration with Instituto Superior Técnico and other institutions, celebrates Shannon's legacy at the University of Lisbon on the occasion of his centenary.
Date and Place
Date: Tuesday 13 December 2016, at 16:00.
Place: Salão Nobre, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.
16:00 - Evoking Claude Shannon, José Francisco Rodrigues & Amílcar Sernadas
16:15 - The Shannon Machine, Daniel Graça
16:30 - Shannon and Digital Circuits, Arlindo Oliveira
16:45 - Telecommunications before and after Shannon, Carlos Salema
17:00 - Mathematics of Secrets and Quantum Cryptography, Yasser Omar
17:15 - Applications of Information Theory in Science and in Engineering, Mário Figueiredo
17:30 - Closure of the session.
Amílcar Sernadas (CMAF-CIO and IST, ULisboa), José Francisco Rodrigues (CIM, ACL and FC, ULisboa), Carlos Salema (IT, ACL and IST, ULisboa) and Yasser Omar (IT and IST, ULisboa).
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on 12-12-2016
Saverio Pascazio, University of Bari
12/12/2016, at 14:00 - Please note exceptional day
Room 3.10, Mathematics Building, IST
Two quantum emitters, embedded in a linear waveguide, can relax towards bound states for resonant values of the interatomic distance. The stability of such states is studied, and their relevance for entanglement generation is analyzed.
We shall also discuss the role of quantum simulators. They are more focused than quantum computers, and easier to build. They can solve fundamental problems that are untractable by classical hardware. Like quantum computers, simulators simultaneously perform a number of computations by exploiting the superposition principle and entanglement. This is known as quantum parallelism and can lead to an exponential speedup of performance.
We consider the example of a discrete Abelian gauge theory, towards the realization of a quantum simulator for QED in one dimension. We analyze the role of the finiteness of the gauge fields and the properties of physical states, satisfying Gausss law.
Quantum Computation and Information Seminar
Support: Phys-Info (IT), SQIG (IT) and CAMGSD, with support from FCT, FEDER and EU FP7, namely via the Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information (DP-PMI), and projects PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013, QuSim, and PAPETS (323901).
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