on 07-12-2005
ICT was first initiated by the Centre for Telecommunications Research, King's College London (UK) and is receiving the support of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE).
Based on the initial success of Dubai in 1994, ICT has been held annually in Bali (1995), Istanbul (1996), Melbourne (1997), Chalkidiki (1998), Jeju (1999), Acapulco (2000), Bucharest (2001), Beijing (2002), Papeete (2003), and Fortaleza (2004), Cape Town (2005).
Many scientists, engineers, students, professionals and technical staff, representing a variety of organizations such as universities, research institutes, telecommunication operators and equipment manufacturers have attended previous ICT events.
The 13th ICT will be held in Madeira Island, Portugal. ICT 2006 will offer tutorials and workshops, plenary sessions, poster sessions, panel sessions and exhibition opportunities.
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on 04-10-2005
10h:30 MobileMAN
Eng. Dany Santos, Eng. Rui Marcos - Planeamento de uma Rede sem Fios IEEE 802.16e no Concelho da Covilhã
Eng. Vitor Carvalho - Concepção e Planeamento de uma Rede Móvel WiMax para o apoio à Emergência Médica na Beira Interior
Dr. Ricardo Tomé - Uma Ferramenta de Planeamento para Wireless LANs
11h:30 CHCB
Dr. Tiago Lages - Comunicações sem fios WiFi no CHCB
11h:50 PT Inovação
Eng. Álvaro Gomes - A experiência da PT Inovação em WiMax
14h:00 PT Comunicações
Eng. Jorge Rodrigues - WiMax: Miragem ou Realidade?
15h:00 Instituto de Telecomunicações
Prof. Carlos Salema - Teoria da Informação: O Legado da Shannon
Universidade da Beira Interior, Dep. Eng. Electromecânica
Anfiteatro 8.1
4 de Outubro de 2005
Contactos: 275 329 919/53 email: it@e-projects.ubi.pt
Organização: MobileMAN, Um projecto do IT/LA
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