on 26-02-2024
Instituto de Telecomunicações will host the PTQCI Consortium workshop on February 26-27, 2024, at Aveiro.
The workshop aims to bring together key players in the field of quantum technologies to discuss and exchange ideas about implementing the future quantum communications network.
The presentations will be dedicated to the PTQCI project and other international quantum networks (Spain, Austria, and the USA), involving the government, corporate and industrial entities, and academic institutions.
PTQCI’s consortium's main objective is to develop and deploy quantum communications infrastructure in Portugal within the EuroQCI – European Quantum Communications Network – an initiative that will seek to deploy quantum secure communications over Europe in the next years.
The project consortium is comprised of Deimos (as the coordinator), Gabinete Nacional de Segurança (as the National Connectivity Competent Authority), IP TELECOM, AlticeLabs, Instituto de Telecommunicações, Adyta, Instituto Superior Técnico, the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., Warpcom, Omnidea, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, and the Instituto Português da Qualidade.
For more information, consult the following program: https://ptqci.pt/workshop.html
See also: