on 29-06-2022
On June 29, 2022, at 12:30 pm, it will take place the In Memoriam session “An overview of the many contributions of José Manuel Bioucas-Dias to remote sensing”, presented by Mário Figueiredo (DEEC, IST-IT Lisbon)
This session takes place within the scope of the “Spatial Data Science Webinar series… think spatially about your data science problems” promoted by CERENA (Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente) in partnership with INESC-ID.
José Bioucas-Dias (1960-2020)
Graduated, PhD and aggregated in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico in 1985, 1995 and 2007, respectively. He has been a professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) since 1985. He was our member, belonging to the Image Analysis and Patterns group (IT Lisbon), where he developed research in image processing, optimization, and remote sensing. In 2019, he was among the most influential researchers in the world, for the second year running, as he was part of the top 1% of scientists whose work is most cited by other colleagues in their field, in this case in the Geosciences category. According to Clarivate Analytics, the list features the “most influential scientific minds in the world”, representing one of the most prestigious sources for assessing the impact of scientific publications, researchers and institutions.
Photo credits: IST
Further information: https://tecnico.ulisboa.pt/pt/eventos/ciclo-de-webinars-metodos-e-aplicacoes-da-ciencia-de-dados-espaciais/
The seminar takes place in person (in the room VO.15 - Civil Building), but can also be followed by zoom transmission at: