on 15-12-2020
Within the scope of the P2020 project "MobiWise: from Mobile Sensing to Mobility Advising", this workshop will present the project's final results. It will be held on a virtual basis on December 15th, 2-5pm.
This workshop has a panel with the main operators and technology suppliers for 5G and future generations of communications: Altice, NOS, Wavecom, Siemens and Ericsson; and with a panel of international experts in the field of sensing, communications and mobility.
In between these panels there will be a demonstration session of the project's results.
MobiWise aims to enhance mobility in the cities, both for commuters and for tourists, through the development of a 5G platform that encompasses an access infrastructure filled with sensors, people and vehicles. The project will connect any sensor, person and vehicle, and will use all possible information to improve the user mobility, through a complete network and services platform for an Internet of Things real deployment in a smart city.
To register (free) for the virtual workshop, go to: https://forms.gle/6hbt4mhupdvoztHE9.
For further details, visit: http://mobiwise.av.it.pt/final_workshop/index.html.