Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

11th Conference on Telecommunications - ConfTele 2019

on 26-06-2019


The 11th Conference on Telecommunications - ConfTele 2019, organized by the Telecommunications Specialization (Colégio de Engenharia Eletrotécnica) of Ordem dos Engenheiros and Instituto de Telecomunicações, will be held in the Headquarters of Ordem dos Engenheiros, Lisbon, Portugal, on June 26, 27 and 28, 2019. The theme of this year’s conference is "Telecommunications Technologies Pursuing New Ways of Living and Travelling”.

The Conference includes plenary sessions with invited keynote speakers and talks, parallel thematic sessions (including regular oral and poster presentations), interactive sessions on the discussion of previously published papers, tutorials and exhibition.

All contributions must be electronically submitted by April 12, 2019, as 3/4-page full papers in PDF format according to the template provided at the Conference website. Please refer to the website for further submission details. At least one of the authors of accepted papers is required to be registered by June 5, 2019.

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