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Workshop - Quantum coherence and correlations in condensed-matter and cold-atom systems

on 11-10-2014


The workshop main aim is to generate a lively exchange of ideas between researchers working in the different but evertheless related fields of ultra-cold atoms, quantum information, superconductivity, and spintronics.

Quantum many-body systems show a variety of striking phenomena not observed in ensembles of classical particles. Quantum interference, quantum coherence, quantum entanglement and quantum statistics -
fermionic, bosonic or fractional - often conspire in producing
intricate many-particle states, including macroscopically coherent phases - Bose-Einstein condensation,
uperconductivity, charge- and spin-density waves, to name but a few. The spectacular effects seen in transport experiments, for instance in the Quantum Hall Effect, in
conductance quantization or in the Pauli blockade, also are related to the same quantum conspiracy. The aims of the workshop on "Quantum coherence and correlations in condensed-matter and cold-atom systems" will be both to elucidate the multiple facets of a very active field of research and to bridge the gaps between traditionally eparate topics.

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