Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference - IMOC 2019

on 10-11-2019


The radio and optical systems are ubiquitous in modern society, being key enabling technologies addressing several societal challenges. Researchers, engineers and end users interested in these fields are welcome to join us in Aveiro, Portugal for the 18th edition of the International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC) in November 2019.

The International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference was initiated in 1985, biennially, aiming at exchange and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledges. It is currently an event sponsored by the Brazilian Microwave and Optoelectronic Society (SBMO) and the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S). For the first time since its creation IMOC will leave the Brazilian territory and will be held in Portugal. The organization will be in charge of the Instituto de Telecomunicações / Universidade de Aveiro / Instituto Superior Técnico and the Federal University of Espírito Santo.

Participants are encouraged to submit an 3 page paper for presentation aiming at sharing knowledge, promote collaborations and foster partnerships among the participants from academia and industry. Oral and poster presentations will cover the latest research trends, new methods or technologies, advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques, as well as general survey papers indicating future directions, on both radio/microwave and photonic/optics fields. We will learn, with a broad emphasis, on about advances in applications of the optical and radio technologies.

The conference will address cutting-edge research in established areas related with the use of radio/microwave and photonic/optics as well as their adoption in support of a wide variety of new services, included (but not limited) in the following tracks, covering both theoretical and practical aspects:
• Circuits, Systems and Networks
• Fundamental Effects, Devices and Components
• Field trial and applications: 5G; Internet of Things / Cyber Physical Systems, Energy, Satellite

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