on 15-05-2024
Master of Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector (ManagiDiTH) is a four-year project launched in January 2023. It is a Master's program integrated into the project ManagiDiTH, which is coordinated in IT by our researcher Octavian Postolache.
The program will be developed in a transnational and intersectoral project during 2023–2026 led by ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon. The project consortium won the European Advanced Digital Skills competition of the Digital Europe program launched by the European Commission, managed by HADEA.
The project's objectives are developing training references for level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework in the digital health sector, creating a multidisciplinary learning ecosystem, and introducing a pedagogical model that prioritizes problem-oriented learning strategies supported by digital tools.
The consortium integrates the following partners: ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Aristothelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis, Gustave Eiffel University / ESIEE Paris, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Whymob, Lda., Clinipower Finland Ltd, Mundiserviços – Companhia Portuguesa de Serviços e Gestão, Lda. All of these consortium partners will participate in developing the program using their innovative pedagogical and technical skills.
In addition to the eight main partners, there are several associated partners in the project: Health Cluster Portugal, Thessaloniki Women Association with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”, Finnish Diabetes Association, European Network of Living Labs, The Union for Senior Services – Valli, Portuguese Red Cross, Adhd Hellas, Hovi Group Oy.
The application deadline is running until May 15th, 2024.
Further on this project: https://www.it.pt/Projects/Index/4854
Apply here: