Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

TeamUp5G 3rd Training on Standardization and Workshop on Testbeds and Visible Light Communications

on 06-06-2022


The "3rd training on Standardization and Workshop on Testbeds and Visible Light Communications" is organized by TeamUp5G and will be held on June 6-8/2022, at the University of Aveiro and sponsored by the IEEE PT VTS Chapter and the IEEE PT ComSoc Chapter.

The Workshop aims at providing a forum where the Early Stage Researchers will bring together their recent research efforts and learn, by a practical approach, how to prepare original contributions to standardization bodies, through brainstorming and discussion with tutors and fellow researchers.

As the Innovative Training Network is approaching its final year, the outcomes already include prototypes, experimental platforms and testbeds. The Workshop will include a tutorial and demonstration of open Radio Access Networks, with application to real virtualized and open 4G and 5G networks, provided by IS-Wireless, and one morning dedicated to Visible Light Communications towards 6G (with a perspective from research on VLC at University of Oulu’s 6G Flagship and UC3M). The last day will also include talks and visits to the ORCIP (Optical Radio Convergence Infrastructure for Communications and Power Delivering) and the Aveiro STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) City initiative toward digital transformation.

The “New RAN TEchniques for 5G UltrA-dense Mobile networks” (TeamUp5G) is a leading European Training Network (ETN) in the frame of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (MSCA ITN) of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 framework, with project number 813391, whose research is focused on the evolution of the 5G wireless communications.

The attendance is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Registration is open until Sunday, May 29.

Contact: Sandra Corujo (

For more information, namely access to the Program, please follow the link below.
The registration is only considered concluded just after you fill out the form included on the Eventbrite event:

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